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Modeling Resiliency and Its Essential Components for Cyberphysical Systems

Janusz Zalewski, Steven Drager, William McKeever, Andrew J. Kornecki, Bogdan Czejdo
2015 Position Papers of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems  
This paper presents an initial approach related to modeling resiliency for cyberphysical systems.  ...  Through analogies with feedback control and fault tolerance, the Design for Resilience is addressed, where the design of the controller component of a cyberphysical system needs to account for potential  ...  The rest of the paper is structured as follows.  ... 
doi:10.15439/2015f414 dblp:conf/fedcsis/ZalewskiDMKC15 fatcat:ghhffcjetndtjhghnrcuihfmhy

Game-Theoretic Methods for Robustness, Security, and Resilience of Cyberphysical Control Systems: Games-in-Games Principle for Optimal Cross-Layer Resilient Control Systems

2015 IEEE Control Systems  
A game-theoretic * CL c Optimal attenuation level under closed-loop control strategies 48 IEEE CONTROL SYSTEMS MAGAZINE » FEBRUARY 2015 be considered for post-event resilience.  ...  Studying these tradeoffs requires extending the control system design problem to include the cyberlayers of the system and understand the cross-layer issues in cyberphysical systems.  ...  Solutions to this game structure define the tradeoff between robust and resilient control of cyberphysical control systems.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcs.2014.2364710 fatcat:yzprnuddgrhbxdgxbxxv7ailjm

Scanning the Issue*

2019 IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control  
The authors construct a robust stealthy attack that compromises uncertain cyberphysical systems having unstable zeros.  ...  A cyberattacker in a cyberphysical system could remotely affect control performance by tampering with sensor measurements delivered to the controller.  ...  Scanning the Issue * Relaxing Integrity Requirements for Attack-Resilient Cyberphysical Systems (17-2070) Ilija Jovanov and Miroslav Pajic A cyberattacker in a cyberphysical system could remotely affect  ... 
doi:10.1109/tac.2019.2952442 fatcat:wnfzvd3zdfcaho65j2agb662fi

Cyberphysical Security Through Resiliency: A Systems-Centric Approach

Cody H Fleming, Carl Elks, Georgios Bakirtzis, Stephen Adams, Bryan Carter, Peter Beling, Barry Horowitz
2021 Computer  
Cyberphysical systems require resiliency techniques for defense, and multicriteria resiliency problems need an approach that evaluates systems for current threats and potential design solutions.  ...  A systemsoriented view of cyberphysical security, termed Mission Aware, is proposed based on a holistic understanding of mission goals, system dynamics, and risk.  ...  We present a systems-oriented view of cyberphysical security, termed Mission Aware, that is based on a holistic understanding of mission goals, system dynamics, and risk.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2020.3039491 fatcat:ruxoyahdffhpjdwmbzamnjt254

Cyberphysical Security Through Resiliency: A Systems-centric Approach [article]

Cody Fleming, Carl Elks, Georgios Bakirtzis, Stephen C. Adams, Bryan Carter, Peter A. Beling, Barry Horowitz
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Multi-criteria resiliency problems require a system-oriented approach that evaluates systems in the presence of threats as well as potential design solutions once vulnerabilities have been identified.  ...  We present a systems-oriented view of cyber-physical security, termed Mission Aware, that is based on a holistic understanding of mission goals, system dynamics, and risk.  ...  If the voting mechanisms do not agree on an output, it is likely that an attack, or some other fault, has occurred. Verifiable voting allows for the system to remain in use when under attack.  ... 
arXiv:2011.14469v2 fatcat:trxetlh3nbg7lbbghuasro6fo4

Control-Theoretic Methods for Cyberphysical Security: Geometric Principles for Optimal Cross-Layer Resilient Control Systems

2015 IEEE Control Systems  
Examples of cyberphysical systems include sensor networks, industrial automation systems, and critical infrastructures such as transportation networks, power generation and distribution networks, water  ...  Cyberphysical systems have permeated modern society, becoming prevalent in many domains, including energy production, health care, and telecommunications.  ...  He received the Laurea degree "summa cum laude" in electrical engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, in 1994, and the Ph.D. degree in control and dynamical systems from the California Institute  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcs.2014.2364725 fatcat:vwbdx4hnmnbl7ite6bwnauh3ly

Resilience to Denial-of-Service and Integrity Attacks: A Structured Systems Approach [article]

Bhaskar Ramasubramanian, M. A. Rajan, M. Girish Chandra, Rance Cleaveland, Steven I. Marcus
2021 arXiv   pre-print
This is termed an integrity attack. We establish conditions under which a system that is structurally resilient to a DoS attack will also be resilient to a certain class of integrity attacks.  ...  The resilience of cyberphysical systems to denial-of-service (DoS) and integrity attacks is studied in this paper.  ...  of the system under attack. 2.  ... 
arXiv:2109.01224v1 fatcat:smamxj2gofe7lnjsckkp7x35qe

Resilience is paramount for managing socio-technological systems during and post Covid-19

Joe Amadi-Echendu, George Thopil
2020 IEEE Engineering Management Review  
This article describes a framework and resiliency model for socio-technological systems plus an application of the lens of vulnerability and resilience to a case study energy systems enterprise.  ...  The discourse complements existing body of literature on energy systems and society by emphasizing that the principles of vulnerability and resilience are paramount for sustainable management of socio-technological  ...  structure of the energy enterprise.  ... 
doi:10.1109/emr.2020.3013712 fatcat:y3x6b2mdsbabxkm37pyk4vpxvq

On the definition of cyber-physical resilience in power systems

Reza Arghandeh, Alexandra von Meier, Laura Mehrmanesh, Lamine Mili
2016 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews  
This paper focuses on the definition of resilience for the electric grid and reviews key concepts related to system resilience.  ...  Resilience is a multidimensional property of the electric grid; it requires managing disturbances originating from physical component failures, cyber component malfunctions, and human attacks.  ...  These cyberphysical control and communication systems must be resilient against extreme disturbing events while maintaining acceptable grid performance under any circumstances.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.rser.2015.12.193 fatcat:zoxus6id3jcr7os4c442y7b36u

Implementing a real-time cyber-physical system test bed in RTDS and OPNET

Bo Chen, Karen L. Butler-Purry, Ana Goulart, Deepa Kundur
2014 2014 North American Power Symposium (NAPS)  
The setup of the test bed is introduced. Results of a case study simulated in the test bed to study the impact of cyber attacks on system transient stability are presented.  ...  The increasing coupling between a physical power system and its communication network requires a smart grid simulator to run in a cyberphysical environment for cyber security research.  ...  These software cannot provide a realistic cyberphysical environment to study the characteristics of cyberphysical system.  ... 
doi:10.1109/naps.2014.6965381 fatcat:tuf5y43o6zb3boq2kf2gn5xubm

A Security Architecture in Cyber-Physical Systems: Security Theories, Analysis, Simulation and Application Fields

Tianbo Lu, Jiaxi Lin, Lingling Zhao, Yang Li, Yong Peng
2015 International Journal of Security and Its Applications  
However, the development of cyberphysical systems is constrained by security factors.  ...  Cyberphysical systems not only have become an important direction in academic research at home and abroad, but also is an advance field in industry.  ...  In these conditions, cyberphysical systems came into being, which attract a great attention of governments, companies, universities and research institutes.  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijsia.2015.9.7.01 fatcat:rbt2aq542fdmtjtnribbn4vluq

Resilient Cyberphysical Systems and their Application Drivers: A Technology Roadmap [article]

Somali Chaterji, Parinaz Naghizadeh, Muhammad Ashraful Alam, Saurabh Bagchi, Mung Chiang, David Corman, Brian Henz, Suman Jana, Na Li, Shaoshuai Mou, Meeko Oishi, Chunyi Peng (+5 others)
2019 arXiv   pre-print
An optimally designed system is resilient to both unique attacks and recurrent attacks, the latter with a lower overhead.  ...  Overall, the notion of resilience can be thought of in the light of three main sources of lack of resilience, as follows: exogenous factors, such as natural variations and attack scenarios; mismatch between  ...  Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.  ... 
arXiv:2001.00090v1 fatcat:zaybw5wyfbayhcu34q2douctme

Technical Committee on Networks and Communication Systems [Technical Activities]

2021 IEEE Control Systems  
There recently has been increasing interest in analyzing the impact of malicious attacks against cyberphysical systems as well as designing more resilient systems with graceful performance degradation  ...  the system), packets dropping (denial of service attack), or an undesired disclosure of information (eavesdropping attack).  ...  design, and interventions under partial information.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcs.2021.3107759 fatcat:os6u7irhnreotgujkgbpstklmy

Critical components identification for cyber-physical power systems considering time-varying operational states

Yigu Liu, Ioannis Semertzis, Alexandria Stefanov, Peter Palensky
2021 Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Modeling and Simulation of Cyber-Physical Energy Systems  
While efforts have been made to study the vulnerability features of power systems under the occurrence of a single, discrete disturbance or failure at a specific time instant, this paper focuses on identifying  ...  Vulnerability assessment emerges as an effective method to identify the critical components and thus increase the system resilience.  ...  [4] propose an interaction model and analyses the system performance under both intentional attacks and random failures. Dong et al.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3470481.3472702 fatcat:pxwcajfzvbgblcdw52jvwb5jb4

Homeostatic approach to assessing digital manufacturing security

Evgeny Pavlenko, Dmitry Zegzhda, A. Sarygulov, V. Sergeev, L. Ungvári, W. Semmler
2018 SHS Web of Conferences  
This study suggests a new digital manufacturing security paradigm based on the bio-inspired homeostasis concept to provide structural and functional cyber resilience of digital manufacturing to external  ...  The developed homeostatic approach lays the groundwork for building a proactive security strategy due to development of predictive methods of processing the system status monitoring results. a The work  ...  The publication [5] introduces the concept of stability for determining reliability of cyberphysical systems.  ... 
doi:10.1051/shsconf/20184400066 fatcat:cyawqmpayfga7mwde6hfolci7u
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