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Off-Line Signature Recognition Systems

H B Kekre, V A Bharadi
2010 International Journal of Computer Applications  
We discuss a system designed using cluster based global features which is a multi algorithmic offline signature recognition system.  ...  We review existing techniques, their performance and method for feature extraction.  ...  Abdullah and Shoshan [1] used Image invariant and dynamic features for On-Line signature recognition , they used the Fourier descriptors for invariance and writing speed was used as dynamic feature.  ... 
doi:10.5120/499-815 fatcat:4gjgolb3pzcanid6wor4k7aklq

Fingerprint image enhancement using Gabor filter

Hemlata Patil, D. K. Chitre, Mamta Kurvey
2010 Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology - ICWET '10  
Handwritten signatures are one of the oldest biometric traits for human authorization and authentication of documents. Majority of commercial application area deal with static form of signature.  ...  The proposed feature extraction mechanism is fast enough so that it can be applied for on-line signature verification also.  ...  INTRODUCTION A problem of personal verification and identification is an actively growing area of research. The methods are numerous, and are based on different personal characteristics.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1741906.1742144 dblp:conf/icwet/PatilCK10 fatcat:ppcojbw33jdlnkskjpa5cmibwe

Off-line signature recognition using morphological pixel variance analysis

H. B. Kekre, V. A. Bharadi, S. Gupta, A. A. Ambardekar, V. B. Kulkarni
2010 Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology - ICWET '10  
Handwritten signatures are one of the oldest biometric traits for human authorization and authentication of documents. Majority of commercial application area deal with static form of signature.  ...  The proposed feature extraction mechanism is fast enough so that it can be applied for on-line signature verification also.  ...  INTRODUCTION A problem of personal verification and identification is an actively growing area of research. The methods are numerous, and are based on different personal characteristics.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1741906.1741908 dblp:conf/icwet/KekreBGAK10 fatcat:6k7wh54k7ffmlmfcybbfapu2ly

Modeling and simulation of power cable insulation

Kesharsing Patil, Anita Bhole, Wamanrao Gandhare
2010 Proceedings of the International Conference and Workshop on Emerging Trends in Technology - ICWET '10  
Handwritten signatures are one of the oldest biometric traits for human authorization and authentication of documents. Majority of commercial application area deal with static form of signature.  ...  The proposed feature extraction mechanism is fast enough so that it can be applied for on-line signature verification also.  ...  INTRODUCTION A problem of personal verification and identification is an actively growing area of research. The methods are numerous, and are based on different personal characteristics.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1741906.1742218 dblp:conf/icwet/PatilBG10a fatcat:meno5f6wnzdvbknmlscg2vrp54

Table of contents

2020 IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security  
Lim, and H.-H. Choi 1423 Physical Layer Identification Based on Spatial-Temporal Beam Features for Millimeter-Wave Wireless Networks ... ......................................... S.  ...  Schomaker 3013 Encoding Pathlet and SIFT Features With Bagged VLAD for Historical Writer Identification ........................... .....................................................................  ... 
doi:10.1109/tifs.2019.2940363 fatcat:hnt75fw6nbduzh2c4x4wxdsey4

Indic Handwritten Script Identification using Offline-Online Multimodal Deep Network [article]

Ayan Kumar Bhunia, Subham Mukherjee, Aneeshan Sain, Ankan Kumar Bhunia, Partha Pratim Roy, Umapada Pal
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Our proposed framework clearly outperforms different frameworks based on traditional classifiers along with handcrafted features and deep learning based methods with a clear margin.  ...  need for designing two separate script identification modules for individual modality.  ...  Most of the previous methods for handwritten script identification are based on this traditional classifiers and handcrafted features.  ... 
arXiv:1802.08568v3 fatcat:tycp3xjjfjcsncyorib42l3vxm

Off-line Uyghur signature recognition based on modified grid information features

Kurban Ubul, Andy Adler, Gulirana Abliz, Maimaitijiang Yasheng, Askar Hamdulla
2012 2012 11th International Conference on Information Science, Signal Processing and their Applications (ISSPA)  
Then multi-dimensional modified grid information features were extracted according to the character of Uyghur signature and its writing style.  ...  In this paper, we propose methods for off-line signature recognition for Uyghur handwriting first time. The signature images were pre-processed based on the nature of Uyghur signature.  ...  [3] presented Radon Transform and Fractal Dimension (FD) based offline signature recognition system.  ... 
doi:10.1109/isspa.2012.6310446 dblp:conf/isspa/UbulAAYH12 fatcat:dadz3fyxnbac5cmmus3p46bd6e

A shape which represents an eternity of riddles: fractals and scale in the work of Wilson Harris

Pat Noxolo
2016 Cultural Geographies  
Acknowledgements I would like to warmly acknowledge the helpful and supportive comments of the two anonymous reviewers. Notes  ...  This tentative and contested geographical understanding of natural features of the environment as in this way not static but "in constant motion and unfinished" can therefore form the beginning of an understanding  ...  This paper has spent some time looking at the ways in which notions of scalar abstraction based on fractals can be deployed in the study of Wilson Harris's work.  ... 
doi:10.1177/1474474015593389 fatcat:syi44akua5gitpowotv7oaxfja

An integrated approach on verification of signatures using multiple classifiers (SVM and Decision Tree): A multi-classification approach

Jindal et al., Department of CSE, SRM University, Delhi-NCR, Sonipat, Haryana, India
2022 International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences  
The signature essentially displays a variety of dynamics and the static characteristics differ with time and place.  ...  More precision was obtained from the feature.  ...  In the IEEE for identity verification based on the analysis of a handwritten International Conference on Information and Automation, dynamic signature.  ... 
doi:10.21833/ijaas.2022.01.012 fatcat:oizlmi4g5rhlxbvfaef6myv5ny

Shingle 2.0: generalising self-consistent and automated domain discretisation for multi-scale geophysical models

Adam S. Candy, Julie D. Pietrzak
2018 Geoscientific Model Development  
This is particularly acute for simulation models that are flexible in their use of multi-scale, anisotropic, fully unstructured meshes where a relatively large number of heterogeneous parameters are required  ...  This additionally provides a method to accurately record these constraints, using high-level natural language based abstractions that enable full accounts of provenance, sharing, and distribution.  ...  We also acknowledge support from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, grant number 858.14.061), and also thank Gerben de Boer for discussions on OPeNDAP and its adoption within the  ... 
doi:10.5194/gmd-11-213-2018 fatcat:jl4gj7ueynfqrlv6c457l6b7om

Shingle 2.0: generalising self-consistent and automated domain discretisation for multi-scale geophysical models

Adam Candy, Julie Pietrzak
2017 Geoscientific Model Development Discussions  
This is particularly acute for simulation models that are flexible in their use of multi-scale, anisotropic, fully unstructured meshes where a relatively large number of heterogeneous parameters are required  ...  The approaches taken to describe and develop spatial discretisations of the domains required for geophysical simulation models are commonly ad hoc, model or application specific and under-documented.  ...  We also acknowledge support from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO, grant number 858.14.061), and also thank Gerben de Boer for discussions on OPeNDAP and its adoption within the  ... 
doi:10.5194/gmd-2017-47 fatcat:5xsw2zwgobdrrh52xkainigini

Literature survey [chapter]

Cong Lu, Jerry Ying Hsi Fuh, Yoke San Wong
2011 Collaborative Product Assembly Design and Assembly Planning  
Abdullah and Shoshan [147] used image invariant and dynamic features for On-Line signature recognition, they used the Fourier descriptors for invariance and writing speed was used as dynamic feature.  ...  Therefore, fingerprint matching / identification based only on local structural features is less reliable.  ... 
doi:10.1533/9780857093882.9 fatcat:xw6alngzynh3tdy6axlo2i2pva

Discrete fractional cosine transform based online handwritten signature verification

Mohit Arora, Kulbir Singh, Guneet Mander
2014 2014 Recent Advances in Engineering and Computational Sciences (RAECS)  
This can be overcome by embedding dynamic features of signature along with the static features within the documentation.  ...  Accuracy of the hand written signature verification system depends on how these dynamic features are extracted.  ...  According to an expert forensic approach, Graphometric-based parameters have also been considered, including static features (caliber, proportionality, etc.) and pseudo-dynamic features (apparent pressure  ... 
doi:10.1109/raecs.2014.6799647 fatcat:p3fkoapw55bp7gbcpuchje5ony

A Review of Mathematical and Computational Methods in Cancer Dynamics [article]

Abicumaran Uthamacumaran, Hector Zenil
2022 arXiv   pre-print
, and multi-cellular networks.  ...  To conclude, the perspective cultivates an intuition for computational systems oncology in terms of nonlinear dynamics, information theory, inverse problems and complexity.  ...  Jacek Majewski of McGill University, for the knowledge he granted on glioma epigenetics and computational epigenetic modelling.  ... 
arXiv:2201.02055v5 fatcat:hxhvnvagcbdeldwsb3zet3wavu

Four types of emergence: a typology of complexity and its implications for a science of management

Benyamin B. Lichtenstein, Bill McKelvey
2011 International Journal of Complexity in Leadership and Management  
We generate propositions addressing the value of emergence and complexity for integrating theory and practise in the field.  ...  Self-organisation and emergence offer methods for integrating a variety of management frameworks, allowing researchers to draw together some of the disparate threads of management theory and practise.  ...  Math fractals Fractals are a central feature in popularisations of 'new science'; the colourful images of fractals are prominent in the introductions by Gleick (1987) and Wheatley (1992) , and an intriguing  ... 
doi:10.1504/ijclm.2011.046439 fatcat:lyqgmubpbjethhaq2mrlzarzx4
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