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Stability and Hopf bifurcation in a prey-predator model with memory-based diffusion

Shu Li, Zhenzhen Li, Binxiang Dai
2022 Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. Series B  
<p style='text-indent:20px;'>In this paper, we consider a predator-prey model with memory-based diffusion. We first analyze the stability of all steady states in detail.  ...  Moreover, from the central manifold theorem and the normal form theory, we give the direction and stability of Hopf bifurcation.  ...  We sincerely thank the anonymous referees for the careful reading and valuable comments which led to improvements of our original manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2022025 fatcat:yf37eguybbd7dnfv6jqpon4dtm

Chemotactic Signaling, Microglia, and Alzheimer's Disease Senile Plaques: Is There a Connection?

M Luca
2003 Bulletin of Mathematical Biology  
We develop a model for chemotaxis in response to a combination of chemoattractant and chemorepellent signaling chemicals.  ...  Linear stability analysis and numerical simulations of the model predict that periodic patterns in cell and chemical distributions can evolve under local attraction, longranged repulsion, and other constraints  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ML, LEK, and ACR were supported by the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) under the Networks of Centers of Excellence program (Canada), and by a NSERC (  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0092-8240(03)00030-2 pmid:12875339 fatcat:xiq77sjbibfajm5cm45763jmbq

Dynamics of a memory-based diffusion model with spatial heterogeneity and nonlinear boundary condition [article]

Quanli Ji, Ranchao Wu, Tonghua Zhang
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Therefore, the memory delay will lead to a single stability switch of such memory-based diffusive model and consequently the Hopf bifurcation will happen in the model.  ...  In this work, we study the dynamics of a spatially heterogeneous single population model with the memory effect and nonlinear boundary condition.  ...  [12] investigated the memory-based diffusion model (1) with nonlocal effect in reaction term, which showed that the emergence of Turing-Hopf and double Hopf bifurcations could be induced by the joint  ... 
arXiv:2403.14969v1 fatcat:adbosktburdjzp3kytphntbh4y

Spatiotemporal mutualistic model of mistletoes and birds

Chuncheng Wang, Rongsong Liu, Junping Shi, Carlos Martinez del Rio
2013 Journal of Mathematical Biology  
Fickian diffusion and chemotaxis are used to model the random movement of birds and the aggregation of birds due to the attraction of mistletoes, respectively.  ...  A mathematical model which incorporates the spatial dispersal and interaction dynamics of mistletoes and birds is derived and studied to gain insights of the spatial heterogeneity in abundance of mistletoes  ...  Acknowledgments We are grateful to the anonymous referees for their constructive and helpful comments to improve this work. We thank Professors Mark Lewis and Yuan Lou for some helpful suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00285-013-0664-8 pmid:23604589 fatcat:4h4q37asqrcfdedxooq6xw5a7y

Analysis of a spatial memory model with nonlocal maturation delay and hostile boundary condition

Qi An, ,School of Mathematics, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, China, Chuncheng Wang, Hao Wang, ,School of Mathematics and Statistics, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210044, China, ,Department of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences, University of Alberta, Edmonton, T6G 2G1, Canada
2020 Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems. Series A  
In this paper, we propose and investigate a memory-based reactiondiffusion equation with nonlocal maturation delay and homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition.  ...  The bifurcation analysis reveals that the diffusion with memory effect could induce spatiotemporal patterns which were never possessed by an equation without memory-based diffusion.  ...  In fact, the models with nonlocal reaction terms are more realistic than those with local ones.  ... 
doi:10.3934/dcds.2020249 fatcat:uof6k2yjsrh5bkcnes7osooj5y

Interaction between water and plants: Rich dynamics in a simple model

Guohong Zhang, Junping Shi, Xiaoli Wang
2017 Discrete and continuous dynamical systems. Series B  
Hopf bifurcations, bubble loop of limit cycles, homoclinic bifurcation and Bogdanov-Takens bifurcation.  ...  An ordinary differential equation model describing interaction of water and plants in ecosystem is proposed.  ...  The authors wish to express their grateful thanks to the anonymous referees for their careful reading and some valuable comments and suggestions which greatly improved this work.  ... 
doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2017159 fatcat:6a6hfcusifhongbqenf4zp4dau

Open problems in PDE models for knowledge-based animal movement via nonlocal perception and cognitive mapping [article]

Hao Wang, Yurij Salmaniw
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Most generally, these models take the form of nonlocal reaction-diffusion-advection equations, where the nonlocality may appear in the spatial domain, the temporal domain, or both.  ...  Mathematical rules of thumb are provided to judge the model rationality, to aid in model development or interpretation, and to streamline an understanding of the range of difficulty in possible model conceptions  ...  on reaction-advection-diffusion equations.  ... 
arXiv:2201.09150v3 fatcat:waqrecymnfemroogog6gwqkslu

Regularity, Asymptotic Solutions and Travelling Waves Analysis in a Porous Medium System to Model the Interaction between Invasive and Invaded Species

José Luis Díaz Palencia, Julián Roa González, Saeed Ur Rahman, Antonio Naranjo Redondo
2022 Mathematics  
a TW trajectory governed by the invaded species runaway (in the direction of the advection) and the diffusion (acting in a finite speed front or support).  ...  The finding of an exponential decaying rate (related with the advection and diffusion parameters) in the invaded species TW is not trivial in the nonlinear diffusion case and reflects the existence of  ...  Similar stability and bifurcation methods have been used in [9] for a predator-prey model subject to the Allee effect with a discrete-time Holling type-IV functional response.  ... 
doi:10.3390/math10071186 fatcat:sxujegja65hqbph5lxctohruhu

Nonlocal Models in Biology and Life Sciences: Sources, Developments, and Applications [article]

Swadesh Pal, Roderick Melnik
2024 arXiv   pre-print
Additionally, we have reviewed a nonlocal theory of peridynamics, which deals with continuous and discrete media and applies to model the relationship between fracture and healing in cortical bone, tissue  ...  In addition, we have discussed nonlocal modelling approaches for cancer stem cells and tumor cells that are widely applied in the cell migration processes, growth, and avascular tumors in any organ.  ...  accreditation SEV-2017-0718 and the Basque Government fund AI in BCAM EXP. 2019/00432.  ... 
arXiv:2401.14651v1 fatcat:dxm4ky6xgzeuvhm6x7nfvd5ciy

Pattern formation in a nonlocal mathematical model for the multiple roles of the TGF- β pathway in tumour dynamics

Raluca Eftimie, Matthieu Perez, Pietro-Luciano Buono
2017 Mathematical Biosciences  
by reaction-diffusion equations, and the growth 47 and movement of the tumour was described by a particle-based model).  ...  We then couple 65 this system with a local reaction-diffusion equation for the dynamics of TGF-β 66 molecules.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.mbs.2017.05.003 pmid:28511959 fatcat:utrbxozx3rhfvgph54g55gylna

Existence, Stability, and Dynamics of Ring and Near-Ring Solutions to the Saturated Gierer--Meinhardt Model in the Semistrong Regime

Iain R. Moyles, Michael J. Ward
2017 SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems  
We analyze a singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion system in the semi-strong diffusion regime in two spatial dimensions where an activator species is localized to a closed curve, while the inhibitor  ...  A detailed analysis of the existence, stability, and dynamics of ring and near-ring solutions for the GMS model is given, whereby the activator concentrates on a thin ring concentric within a circular  ...  In (1.1), τ is an effective time scale delay between the activator and inhibitor, while D and 2 , with 1, are the inhibitor and activator diffusivities respectively.  ... 
doi:10.1137/16m1060327 fatcat:hxoqtzsb6nbm3h4ecqqgnaczde

Existence, Stability and Slow Dynamics of Spikes in a 1D Minimal Keller–Segel Model with Logistic Growth [article]

Fanze Kong, Michael Ward, Juncheng Wei
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We analyze the existence, linear stability, and slow dynamics of localized 1D spike patterns for a Keller–Segel model of chemotaxis that includes the effect of logistic growth of the cellular population  ...  if the cellular diffusion rate d_1 exceeds a threshold, or from a Hopf bifurcation if a relaxation time constant τ is too large.  ...  Kolokolnikov for useful discussions and many critical suggestions. The research of M.J. Ward and J. Wei is partially supported by NSERC of Canada.  ... 
arXiv:2307.15896v1 fatcat:7msgki43yzfbzc7lb3a7gxnk2u

Page 710 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue Index [page]

Mathematical Reviews  
A., 97b:92024 Busenberg, Stavros (with Huang, Wenzhang) Stability and Hopf bifurcation for a population delay model with diffusion effects. 97b:35179 Busoni, Giorgio (with Matucci, S.)  ...  Stability and bifurcation in delay diffusion models. (English summary) 97g:92012 Choudhury, Sudipto Roy (with Fosser,C.) Turing bifurcation in nonlinear competition models with delay.  ... 

Page 889 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue Subject Index [page]

Mathematical Reviews  
, 2001a:92040 and Smith, Hal L., 2001¢:35239 Zhou, Li' (with Fu, Yiping) Stability and Hopf bifurcation of stationary solution of a delay equation.  ...  (with Zhao, Xiao-Qiang) Global asymptotic stability of traveling waves in delayed reaction-diffusion equations.  ... 

Page 944 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue Subject Index [page]

Mathematical Reviews  
in diffusive ecological models with nonlocal delay effects.  ...  (English, French and Arabic summaries 2002k:35162 Amraoui, Saida (with Lalaoui Rhali, Soumia) Hopf bifurcation for a diffusion model with several delays.  ... 
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