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Image Restoration for Remote Sensing: Overview and Toolbox [article]

Benhood Rasti, Yi Chang, Emanuele Dalsasso, Loïc Denis, Pedram Ghamisi
2021 arXiv   pre-print
This review paper brings together the advances of image restoration techniques with particular focuses on synthetic aperture radar and hyperspectral images as the most active sub-fields of image restoration  ...  ., RADAR and LiDAR) or passive (e.g., multispectral and hyperspectral) modes.  ...  [150] introduced the Huber-Markov variational model with spatially local adaptive edge-preserving ability for HSIs deblurring. From the spectral viewpoint, Cao et al. [151] and Lim et al.  ... 
arXiv:2107.00557v2 fatcat:adn5fpdza5h4tbsycg7yw6rqzu

Weighted Low-rank Tensor Recovery for Hyperspectral Image Restoration [article]

Yi Chang, Luxin Yan, Houzhang Fang, Sheng Zhong, Zhijun Zhang
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Hyperspectral imaging, providing abundant spatial and spectral information simultaneously, has attracted a lot of interest in recent years.  ...  To overcome these limitations, in this work, we propose a unified low-rank tensor recovery model for comprehensive HSI restoration tasks, in which non-local similarity between spectral-spatial cubic and  ...  HSI Super-resolution HSI super-resolution refers to the fusion of a hyperspectral image (low spatial but high spectral resolution) with a panchromatic/multispectral image (high spatial but low spectral  ... 
arXiv:1709.00192v1 fatcat:ueremc3lzvhlna42pgngpgb3ka

Column-Spatial Correction Network for Remote Sensing Image Destriping

Jia Li, Dan Zeng, Junjie Zhang, Jungong Han, Tao Mei
2022 Remote Sensing  
Therefore, to effectively leverage both CNNs and the structural characteristics of stripe noise, we propose a multi-scaled column-spatial correction network (CSCNet) for remote sensing image destriping  ...  In recent years, convolutional neural network (CNN)-based models have been introduced to destriping tasks, and have achieved advanced results, relying on their powerful representation ability.  ...  [36] , in which the Huber-Markov-based variation model is used as the prior likelihood probability density function.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs14143376 fatcat:uiuywcbj7fazfcqhjnndarj66y

Stripe noise removal of remote sensing images by total variation regularization and group sparsity constraint

Yong Chen, Ting-Zhu Huang, Xi-Le Zhao, Liang-Jian Deng, Jie Huang
2017 Remote Sensing  
In [32] , the authors proposed the graph-regularizer low-rank representation (LRR) for destriping of hyperspectral images.  ...  In [24], Shen and Zhang proposed a maximum a posterior framework based on Huber-Markov regularization for both destriping and inpainting problems.  ...  Acknowledgments: The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and the Editor for their constructive comments which helped to improve the quality of the paper.  ... 
doi:10.3390/rs9060559 fatcat:2qyckfhadfabzhjbkqye3lcrl4

Stripe Noise Separation and Removal in Remote Sensing Images by Consideration of the Global Sparsity and Local Variational Properties

Xinxin Liu, Xiliang Lu, Huanfeng Shen, Qiangqiang Yuan, Yuling Jiao, Liangpei Zhang
2016 IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing  
Index Terms-Alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM), destriping, optimization-based model, remote sensing image, sparsity.  ...  Remote sensing images are often contaminated by varying degrees of stripes, which severely affects the visual quality and subsequent application of the data.  ...  More recently, low-rank matrix recovery has been used to remove stripes in hyperspectral images [20] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/tgrs.2015.2510418 fatcat:e42reswzujdldbgahulk4uj4hm

Missing Information Reconstruction of Remote Sensing Data: A Technical Review

Huanfeng Shen, Xinghua Li, Qing Cheng, Chao Zeng, Gang Yang, Huifang Li, Liangpei Zhang
2015 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Magazine  
In the past decades, missing information reconstruction of remote sensing data has become an active research field, and a large number of algorithms have been developed.  ...  Because of sensor malfunction and poor atmospheric conditions, there is usually a great deal of missing information in optical remote sensing data, which reduces the usage rate and hinders the follow-up  ...  In these methods, the spatial coherence is en-sured via a global optimization of the Markov random field (MRF) energy function over the entire image.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mgrs.2015.2441912 fatcat:vrhsm6zggjeedhtivusqshphum