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Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Clouds for Social Computing

Surya Nepal, Athman Bouguettaya, Cecile Paris
2014 IEEE Transactions on Services Computing  
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The guest editors wish to thank all reviewers for their timely reviews of the articles; to acknowledge and thank contributing authors; and to offer special appreciation to IEEE TSC Editor-in-chief  ...  ACM Transactions on Internet Technology on Semantic Web services, a special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Services Computing on Service Query Models, and a special issue of the IEEE Internet Computing  ...  Together with Surya Nepal and Athman Bouguettaya, she recently edited a special issue of the Springer WWW Journal on "Trusting Social Web." and C.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsc.2014.2313414 fatcat:y4uavuzrqnb6phfzova7iuefh4

Editorial: Security and Dependability of Cloud Systems and Services

Stefano Russo, Marco Vieira
2017 IEEE Transactions on Services Computing  
The first part of the special issue focuses on security and trustworthiness aspects, including six papers that address relevant research issues from the perspective of both providers and users.  ...  We organized this Special Issue on Security and Dependability of Cloud Systems and Services to solicit novel results in these important and closely related research areas.  ...  The first part of the special issue focuses on security and trustworthiness aspects, including six papers that address relevant research issues from the perspective of both providers and users.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsc.2017.2735778 fatcat:xfymhphlzrezlewf3a62twnzti

Editorial: Special Issue in Privacy, Security and Trust for Mobile Systems

Kewei Sha, Zhengping Wu
2013 Wireless personal communications  
Integrating the latest cloud computing technology, these mobile devices are playing a more and more important role in computing and communication systems.  ...  On the other hand, operating systems running on these devices are not as powerful and reliable as those on traditional computers.  ...  This special issue of Privacy, Security and Trust for Mobile Systems includes eight selected papers exploring several privacy-security-trust-related techniques, including privacypreserving protocols, privacy  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11277-013-1417-0 fatcat:zq3gib6lzfgalbrgmyxwahnljm

Issues in collaboration services

Hong-Linh Truong, Schahram Dustdar, Massimo Mecella
2009 Service Oriented Computing and Applications  
This paper introduces the special issue on collaboration services and protocols for distributed collaboration in networked enterprises and e-science.  ...  Time and effort spent by editors in this special issue are partially funded by EU projects COIN (www.coin-ip.eu), inContext (www.in-context.eu) and WORKPAD (www.workpad-project.eu).  ...  Acknowledgments We thank reviewers for their time and effort that help us to select high qualified papers for this issue.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11761-009-0041-z fatcat:5dz46grvlrg2hmcge7olkmr3zq

Message from the ATC 2019 Workshop Chairs

2019 2019 IEEE SmartWorld, Ubiquitous Intelligence & Computing, Advanced & Trusted Computing, Scalable Computing & Communications, Cloud & Big Data Computing, Internet of People and Smart City Innovation (SmartWorld/SCALCOM/UIC/ATC/CBDCom/IOP/SCI)  
Welcome to the workshop, symposium and special session held in conjunction with the 16th IEEE Advanced and Trusted Computing (ATC2019), This year's program includes one special session, one symposium and  ...  one workshop which comprises a total of 17 papers that cover a wide range of hot research topics addressing issues at the frontiers of advanced and trusted computing technology research:  ...  SMCN 2019 focuses on the security measurements of cyber networks, while RTDPCC 2019 provides a forum to discuss fundamental issues on research and development of real-time data processing for cloud computing  ... 
doi:10.1109/smartworld-uic-atc-scalcom-iop-sci.2019.00026 fatcat:3pd6zdybkfgifcgstxtr25o2ty

Special issue on protocols and applications for wireless and mobile peer-to-peer networks

Kshirasagar Naik
2012 Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications  
Due to advances in wireless communication technologies, campus and enterprise-wide availability of wireless networks are already a reality.  ...  In addition, ubiquity of wireless handheld devices, namely, smartphones and tablet computers, has added a new dimension to the challenges facing the designers of P2P systems.  ...  He was a co-guest editor of two special issues of IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications published in June 2005 and January 2007.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s12083-011-0119-1 fatcat:cadj4lzmhnayjhf7gq7nuzkgwa


Zheng Yan, Jun Liu, Robert H. Deng, Francisco Herrera
2016 ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (TOMCCAP)  
Trust management for multimedia big data becomes a key issue that impacts the success of multimedia computing, communications, and applications.  ...  We hope this special issue can motivate additional efforts for overcoming major challenges in trust management for multimedia big data.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2978431 fatcat:p5ze4cxhlnfirolzixmofhek2u

Special issue: Development of service-based and agent-based computing systems

Michael N. Huhns, Ryszard Kowlczyk, Zakaria Maamar, Rainer Unland, Michael N. Huhns, Ryszard Kowlczyk, Zakaria Maamar, Rainer Unland
2012 Multiagent and Grid Systems  
. / Special issue on the development of service-based and agent-based computing systems Synopsis of selected papers in this special issue Six papers, three from each workshop, have been selected for this  ...  special issue.  ...  Overview of workshop themes This special issue presents the best papers from the workshops on Service-Oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics and Engineering (SOCASE 2010) The goal of the workshops was  ... 
doi:10.3233/mgs-2012-0181 fatcat:ynloniqlj5gujf6re6s6nutkrq

Editorial: special issue on "social computing and e-business"

Dongsong Zhang, Wenji Mao, Justin Zhan, Daniel Zeng
2010 Information Systems and E-Business Management  
This ISeB special issue on social computing and e-business consists of a selected set of best papers presented in the  ...  Social computing can be broadly stated as taking a computational approach to the study and modeling of social interactions and communications as well as developing information and communication technologies  ...  The papers in this special issue provide diverse views of the rapidly growing research in the Information Systems community.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10257-010-0132-6 fatcat:53khwebp5nc4nnzi7g2waedqb4

Editorial: special issue on advances in security and privacy for future mobile communications

Georgios Kambourakis, Gregorio Martínez, Felix Gómez Mármol
2019 Electronic Commerce Research  
His research interests include security and management of distributed communication networks. He received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from the University of Murcia.  ...  Bezalel Gavish for Gregorio Martínez is Associate Professor in the Department of Information and Communications Engineering of the University of Murcia.  ...  Papers in this special issue The first manuscript, "A Survey on Anonymous Voice over IP Communication: Attacks and Defenses" by Ge Zhang and Simone Fischer-Hübner, provides an up-to-date comprehensive  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10660-019-09365-4 fatcat:eos36xbv4zgtrcmo4n2xooyw5a

Guest Editorial Special Issue on Toward Securing Internet of Connected Vehicles (IoV) From Virtual Vehicle Hijacking

Yue Cao, Omprakash Kaiwartya, Sinem Coleri Ergen, Houbing Song, Jaime Lloret, Naveed Ahmad
2019 IEEE Internet of Things Journal  
We hope you will enjoy this special issue!  ...  articles covering the scope of this special issue.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jiot.2019.2926608 fatcat:mzgme6fr75ebfjmg56lsxwribe

Introduction to special issue on information privacy and trust in social media

Heng Xu, Chuan-Hoo Tan
2011 EAI Endorsed Transactions on Security and Safety  
Overall, this special issue illustrates the major challenges in examining the interplay between social and technological issues associated with security, privacy, and trust in the platform of social computing  ...  The goal of this special issue is to report frontier research addressing the need for a paradigm shift in understanding and addressing users' privacy and trust issues in social media.  ... 
doi:10.4108/trans.sesa.2011.e2 fatcat:b5i4p22tzrct7dmg4lswxgho7u

IEEE Access Special Section Editorial: Trust Management in Pervasive Social Networking (TruPSN)

Zheng Yan, Honggang Wang, Laurence T. Yang, Valtteri Niemi
2018 IEEE Access  
Editor for IEEE Communication Magazine, and a Guest Editor for the IEEE IoT Journal special issue on IoT for Smart and Connected Health.  ...  In the article ''Secure pervasive social communications based on trust in a distributed way'', Huang et al. proposed two schemes to secure communication data in PSN purely based on local trust evaluated  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2018.2817858 fatcat:ib2iqtxfcnaipbdacmldhupbxu

Advances in security and multimodality for pervasive computing environments

Jong Hyuk Park, Ching-Hsien Hsu, Naveen Chilamkurti, Mieso Denko
2011 Telecommunications Systems  
Due to the uncertainty and mobility of pervasive computing environments, trust modelling has been regarded as an important problem.  ...  Pervasive computing or ubiquitous computing calls for the deployment of a wide variety of smart devices throughout our working and living spaces.  ...  The second paper in this special issue is on HiTrust: Building Cross-organizational Trust Relationship based on a Hybrid Negotiation Tree, by Jianxin Li, Bo Li, Lu Liu, Dazhi Sun, Xudong Liu.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11235-011-9646-6 fatcat:2bls7y64enfktpcabe3fpxwhxy

Security, Privacy, and Trust on Internet of Things

Constantinos Kolias, Weizhi Meng, Georgios Kambourakis, Jiageng Chen
2019 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
Also, they wish to thank the authors for Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 3 submitting their work as well as the tireless reviewers who have constructively evaluated the papers within the shortstipulated  ...  Finally, they sincerely hope the reader will share their view and find this special issue very useful. Constantinos Kolias Weizhi Meng Georgios Kambourakis Jiageng Chen  ...  for IoT, (f) trust management for IoT, and (g) virtualization solutions to IoT security Submissions This special issue presents high-quality articles describing security and privacy issues, attacks  ... 
doi:10.1155/2019/6452157 fatcat:3xgkmdggfrggjh4uwt65r336y4
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