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Hamiltonian and phase-space representation of spatial solitons

Hanhong Gao, Lei Tian, George Barbastathis
2014 Optics Communications  
We use Hamiltonian ray tracing and phase-space representation to describe the propagation of a single spatial soliton and soliton collisions in a Kerr nonlinear medium.  ...  Hamiltonian ray tracing is applied using the iterative nonlinear beam propagation method, which allows taking both wave effects and Kerr nonlinearity into consideration.  ...  In a Kerr nonlinear medium, the refractive index changes proportional to the intensity distribution; thus the index profile for the spatial soliton is n(x, z) = n 0 + n 2 A 2 0 sech 2 (x/w 0 ), (3) where  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.optcom.2013.12.034 fatcat:sis75usydjb3hpeudzjnj4lkaa

Optical Spatial Solitons and Their Interactions: Universality and Diversity

G. I. Stegeman
1999 Science  
The first spatial solitons were suggested in nonlinear optical Kerr media in the 1960s (7) .  ...  Collisions in saturable nonlinear media are more diverse and interesting than those found in Kerr media, because saturable nonlinear media can support (2 ϩ 1)D solitons, allowing collisions in full 3D  ... 
doi:10.1126/science.286.5444.1518 pmid:10567250 fatcat:oraukuoeijaeldcw5awjtbu4q4

Interaction of noncollinear spatial solitons in a nonlinear optical medium

Ramaz Khomeriki, Lasha Tkeshelashvili
2004 Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics  
This justifies the use of geometrical optics approach for description of elastic and almost-elastic collision processes both in Kerr and saturable nonlinear media.  ...  The effects caused by nonresonant nonlinear interaction between noncollinear self-focusing beams are considered in 2D optical samples using multi-scale analysis.  ...  of the refraction index due to the nonlinear reaction of the medium (Kerr effect).  ... 
doi:10.1364/josab.21.002175 fatcat:o7yc6mgdzzfwtpsxabt2hzqoma

Stable spatial and spatiotemporal optical soliton in the core of an optical vortex [article]

S. K. Adhikari
2015 arXiv   pre-print
Two such solitons moving along the vortex core can undergo a quasi-elastic collision at medium velocities.  ...  We demonstrate a robust, stable, mobile, two-dimensional (2D) spatial and three-dimensional (3D) spatiotemporal optical soliton in the core of an optical vortex, while all nonlinearities are of the cubic  ...  A 2D spatial vortex in an infinite repulsive Kerr medium has been experimentally observed [14] and theoretically studied [15] .  ... 
arXiv:1510.03663v3 fatcat:mkwpgj6jjvex7beqikask6bpga

Stable spatial and spatiotemporal optical soliton in the core of an optical vortex

S. K. Adhikari
2015 Physical Review E  
Two such solitons moving along the vortex core can undergo a quasi-elastic collision at medium velocities.  ...  We demonstrate a robust, stable, mobile, two-dimensional (2D) spatial and three-dimensional (3D) spatiotemporal optical soliton in the core of an optical vortex, while all nonlinearities are of the cubic  ...  A 2D spatial vortex in an infinite repulsive Kerr medium has been experimentally observed [14] and theoretically studied [15] .  ... 
doi:10.1103/physreve.92.042926 pmid:26565323 fatcat:cbqhdmkyyjbrtojdar4dko3e5e

Bright spatial solitons in non-Kerr media: stationary beams and dynamical evolution

Allan W. Snyder, Yuri S. Kivshar
1997 Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics  
., for pulse propagation in fibers) even for stationary spatial solitons of a bulk medium.  ...  To be stable in a bulk medium, such beams should propagate in a non-Kerr medium.  ...  exist in analogy with those of a Kerr medium.  ... 
doi:10.1364/josab.14.003025 fatcat:2jqbehthsrfxhnup7lm5zgauei

Asymmetric partially coherent solitons in saturable nonlinear media

Natalia M. Litchinitser, Wiesław Królikowski, Nail N. Akhmediev, Govind P. Agrawal
1999 Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics  
We investigate theoretically properties of partially coherent solitons in optical nonlinear media with slow saturable nonlinearity.  ...  We have found numerically that such a medium can support spatial solitons which are asymmetric in shape and are composed of only a finite number of modes associated with the self-induced waveguide.  ...  It has been shown, in this limit, that solitons of arbitrary shape may exist for nonlinearities other than Kerr-like.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physreve.60.2377 pmid:11970034 fatcat:obculbw4pvdqpj7ze7dyyjchwu

Information transfer via cascaded collisions of vector solitons

Charalambos Anastassiou, Jason W. Fleischer, Tal Carmon, Mordechai Segev, Ken Steiglitz
2001 Optics Letters  
We demonstrate experimentally the transport of information from one vector (Manakov-like) spatial soliton to another via collisions with a third, intermediate soliton.  ...  Vector solitons consist of two (or more) field components that mutually self-trap in a nonlinear medium.  ...  . 5 One could, of course, employ collisions of solitons in nonintegrable systems, such as spatial solitons in saturable nonlinearities, 3 in which case the number of solitons is not always conserved  ... 
doi:10.1364/ol.26.001498 pmid:18049647 fatcat:rmxbg5ph7bcqlhd4y4sybs2ktu

Optical spatial solitons: historical perspectives

G.I.A. Stegeman, D.N. Christodoulides, M. Segev
2000 IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics  
Optical spatial solitons are self-trapped optical beams that exist by virtue of the balance between diffraction and nonlinearity.  ...  Solitons, in general, manifest themselves in a large variety of wave/particle systems in nature: practically in any system that possesses both dispersion (in time or space) and nonlinearity.  ...  This soliton requires a self-defocusing environment, that is, in a Kerr medium.  ... 
doi:10.1109/2944.902197 fatcat:6jtzpe7drvbnhcplv2rjar2a2u

Solitons in nonlocal nonlinear media: Exact solutions

Wiesław Królikowski, Ole Bang
2000 Physical review. E, Statistical physics, plasmas, fluids, and related interdisciplinary topics  
We investigate the propagation of one-dimensional bright and dark spatial solitons in a nonlocal Kerr-like media, in which the nonlocality is of general form.  ...  We find an exact analytical solution to the nonlinear propagation equation in the case of weak nonlocality. We study the properties of these solitons and show their stability.  ...  Propagation and collision of identical dark solitons with 0 ϭ10 1 ϭ1 in a weakly nonlocal medium with ␥ϭ0.1. ͑3͒ describes the local Kerr nonlinearity.  ... 
doi:10.1103/physreve.63.016610 pmid:11304381 fatcat:lmr4zj2mwbhzrn65q6rkyrifke

Phase-dependent collisions of (2+1) -dimensional spatial solitons

A. V. Mamaev, M. Saffman, A. A. Zozulya
1998 Journal of the Optical Society of America. B, Optical physics  
Coherent collisions of (2 ϩ 1)-dimensional spatial solitons in photorefractive media are studied. Phasedependent switching of the spatial location of the output beams is demonstrated.  ...  The experimental results are in close agreement with a three-dimensional numerical calculation.  ...  A cubic Kerr nonlinearity in one-transverse dimension is an integrable model, within which soliton collisions are purely elastic. 19 Here we work with a nonintegrable system in which inelastic scattering  ... 
doi:10.1364/josab.15.002079 fatcat:uejig6fnwzfdxazhwzcylpzfrq

Spatial Discrete Soliton in Homogeneous Two Dimensional Waveguide Arrays with Kerr Medium

Dyako Dyako, Mostafavi Mostafavi, Ali Yadollahpour, Keivan M. Aghdami
2014 Biosciences Biotechnology Research Asia  
Behaviors of discrete spatial solitons in nonlinear mediums have recently received a plenty of research interest.  ...  In this study, for the first time, the effects of diagonal neighbors on spatial discrete solitons in a two dimensional waveguide with Kerr medium are investigated.  ...  Behaviors of discrete spatial solitons in nonlinear mediums have recently received a plenty of research interest.  ... 
doi:10.13005/bbra/1370 fatcat:uztdtaes5ffadllxo2tur5qgjq

Interaction of spatial photorefractive solitons

Wieslaw Królikowski, Cornelia Denz, Andreas Stepken, Mark Saffman, Barry Luther-Davies
1998 Quantum and semiclassical optics (Print)  
In the case of mutually incoherent solitons, we show that the photorefractive nonlinearity leads to an anomalous interaction between solitons.  ...  We show that the collision of coherent solitons may result in energy exchange, fusion of the interacting solitons, the birth of a new solitary beam or the complete annihilation of some of them, depending  ...  Contributers from Darmstadt University of Technology acknowledge support from Sonderforschungsbereich 185 'Nonlinear Dynamics' and would like to thank Professor T Tschudi as well as Professor F Kaiser  ... 
doi:10.1088/1355-5111/10/6/014 fatcat:3sxde7joqrfgljimpxsolqa3ua

Optical spatial solitons: historical overview and recent advances

Zhigang Chen, Mordechai Segev, Demetrios N Christodoulides
2012 Reports on progress in physics (Print)  
be the exact solutions of the cubic nonlinear Schrödinger equation as established for ideal Kerr nonlinear media.  ...  In particular, the study of incoherent solitons and discrete spatial solitons in optical periodic media not only led to advances in our understanding of fundamental processes in nonlinear optics and photonics  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the US National Science Foundation and Air Force Office of Scientific Research. ZC and DC thank Arje Nachman at AFOSR for his continued support.  ... 
doi:10.1088/0034-4885/75/8/086401 pmid:22836010 fatcat:wgsll5v3zrgl7a7e3dgesdowbm

Energy-Exchange Interactions between Colliding Vector Solitons

Charalambos Anastassiou, Mordechai Segev, Ken Steiglitz, J. A. Giordmaine, Matthew Mitchell, Ming-feng Shih, Song Lan, John Martin
1999 Physical Review Letters  
. 2 Vector solitons consist of two (or more) components that mutually self-trap in a nonlinear medium.  ...  In contrast to the Kerr nonlinearity, the photorefractive nonlinearity is saturable, but coincides with the Kerr nonlinearity in the limit of very low intensities [7].  ...  To avoid the strong transverse instability (which occurs for 1+1 D Kerr solitons in a bulk medium, and is suppressed in saturable nonlinearities if the total intensity is > 1 [9] ), we work at intensities  ... 
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.83.2332 fatcat:ombjv5a5i5dippsobql7bfe7be
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