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5,918 Hits in 3.7 sec

On the Compressed Measurements over Finite Fields: Sparse or Dense Sampling [article]

Jin-Taek Seong, Heung-No Lee
2012 arXiv   pre-print
One of interesting conclusions includes that unless the signal is "ultra" sparse, the sensing matrices do not have to be dense.  ...  We consider compressed sampling over finite fields and investigate the number of compressed measurements needed for successful L0 recovery.  ...  Draper and Malekpour [3] reported on the error exponents for recovery of sparse signals using uniform random sensing matrices over finite fields. Tan et al. have extended the works of  ... 
arXiv:1211.5207v1 fatcat:7c6cipsm6bca5pf7beix3f5nl4

Sparse Signal Recovery and Acquisition with Graphical Models

Volkan Cevher, Piotr Indyk, Lawrence Carin, Richard Baraniuk
2010 IEEE Signal Processing Magazine  
as the sparse signal recovery.  ...  An application du jour of the sparse signal recovery problem is compressive sensing (CS), which integrates the sparse representations with two other key aspects of the linear dimensionality reduction:  ...  camera (bo cluster spatially on a Markov random field.  ... 
doi:10.1109/msp.2010.938029 fatcat:6bopdzqr4bda3dzpaof2tqnqlq

From variable density sampling to continuous sampling using Markov chains [article]

Nicolas Chauffert, Philippe Ciuciu, Fabrice Gamboa (UMR CNRS 5219)
2013 arXiv   pre-print
To this end, we propose random walk continuous sampling based on Markov chains and we compare the reconstruction quality of this scheme to the state- of-the art.  ...  ., random radial or spiral sampling to achieve smoothness k-space trajectory).  ...  The authors have shown that for a given s-sparse signal, the number of measurements needed to ensure its perfect recovery is O(s log(n)).  ... 
arXiv:1307.6960v1 fatcat:krmncafwjzgzdcqmjv6b2qvjwe

From Variable Density Sampling To Continuous Sampling Using Markov Chains

Nicolas Chauffert, Philippe Ciuciu, Fabrice Gamboa, Pierre Weiss
2013 Zenodo  
The authors have shown that for a given s-sparse signal, the number of measurements needed to ensure its perfect recovery is O(s log(n)).  ...  We will show that this criterion makes it possible to obtain theoritical guarantees on the number of measurements necessary to reconstruct s sparse signals, using variable density sampling or markovian  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.54378 fatcat:pyolb5osifggvnyj7nnrv7jpq4

Compressive Sensing [chapter]

Aswin C. Sankaranarayanan, Richard G. Baraniuk
2020 Computer Vision  
Another idea is in the use of non-sparse models such as Markov random fields [18] for CSwith the eventual goal of using the Ising model for sensing images and background subtracted silhouettes.  ...  The guarantees on the recovery of signals extend to the case when s is not exactly sparse but compressible.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-03243-2_647-1 fatcat:g6yiupnxpve7zgvzy2fnglaaxu

Brain Tumor Segmentation from Multispectral MRIs Using Sparse Representation Classification and Markov Random Field Regularization

Tianming Zhan, Shenghua Gu, Can Feng, Yongzhao Zhan, Jin Wang
2015 International Journal of Signal Processing, Image Processing and Pattern Recognition  
At last, the Markov random field (MRF) regularization introduces spatial constraints to the SRC to take into account the pair-wise homogeneity in terms of classification labels and multispectral voxel  ...  Then, the sparse representation classification (SRC) is applied to classify the brain tumor and normal brain tissue in the whole image.  ...  Acknowledgements This paper is a revised and expanded version of a paper entitled "Brain Tumor Segmentation from multispectral MRIs Using Sparse Representation Classification and Markov Random Field Regularization  ... 
doi:10.14257/ijsip.2015.8.9.24 fatcat:mf6ri6hy5rhqjb4w4tdsqblrl4

Underwater acoustic channel estimation based on sparse recovery algorithms

C. Qi, X. Wang, L. Wu
2011 IET Signal Processing  
The authors then propose two enhancements to the sparse recovery-based UWA channel estimator by exploiting the UWA channel temporal correlations, including the use of a first-order Gauss -Markov model  ...  The authors consider underwater acoustic (UWA) channel estimation based on sparse recovery using the recently developed homotopy algorithm.  ...  sparse recovery algorithms.  ... 
doi:10.1049/iet-spr.2010.0347 fatcat:7k2ozikdgffydffmuxl7fbcwge

Distributed least mean squares strategies for sparsity-aware estimation over Gaussian Markov random fields

Paolo Di Lorenzo, Sergio Barbarossa
2014 2014 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP)  
The measurements collected at different nodes are assumed to be spatially correlated and distributed according to a Gaussian Markov random field (GMRF) model.  ...  Simulation results show the potential advantages of the proposed strategies for online recovery of sparse vectors.  ...  GAUSSIAN MARKOV RANDOM FIELDS A Markov random field is represented through an undirected graph [15] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/icassp.2014.6854649 dblp:conf/icassp/LorenzoB14 fatcat:jhvvydt3obashox3ozzixxkhke

2019 Index IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging Vol. 5

2019 IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging  
., +, TCI March 2019 17-26 Manifold Recovery Using Kernel Low-Rank Regularization: Application to Dynamic Imaging.  ...  ., +, TCI June 2019 317-332 Manifold Recovery Using Kernel Low-Rank Regularization: Application to Dynamic Imaging.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tci.2019.2959176 fatcat:g7nuyesverg2xbjwbzuyp6ovyy

Variance State Propagation for Structured Sparse Bayesian Learning [article]

Mingchen Zhang, Xiaojun Yuan, Zhen-Qing He
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Markov random field (MRF) is introduced to characterize the state of the variances of the Gaussian priors.  ...  Simulation results demonstrate that the VSP algorithm is able to handle a variety of block-sparse signal recovery tasks and presents a significant advantage over the existing methods.  ...  a Markov random field (MRF) prior to describe the block-sparse structure of v.  ... 
arXiv:1910.07352v1 fatcat:eclye3fptjeszjmkfpn62jdo5e

Functional MRI Analysis with Sparse Models [chapter]

Irina Rish
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, we summarize our recent work on sparse models, including both sparse regression and sparse Gaussian Markov Random Fields (GMRF), in neuroimaging applications, such as functional MRI data  ...  Sparse models embed variable selection into model learning (e.g., by using l1-norm regularizer).  ...  Furthermore, we investigate structural differences of sparse Gaussian Markov Random Fields, or GMRFs, constructed from fMRI data via l 1 -regularized maximum likelihood (inverse covariance estimation).  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-40994-3_43 fatcat:ndhgvryfljhjrn5ajp6ut3fvlq

Adaptive structured recovery of compressive sensing via piecewise autoregressive modeling

Xiaolin Wu, Xiangjun Zhang
2010 2010 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing  
to adapt to changing second order statistics of a signal in CS recovery.  ...  Given the nonstationarity of many natural signals such as images, the sparse space varies in time/spatial domain.  ...  Since an image is a random Markov field (RMF) of a modest order, each row vector a n is sparse, i.e., only a very small portion of the elements of a n are nonzero.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icassp.2010.5495811 dblp:conf/icassp/WuZ10 fatcat:u5zryxxefvb3pg6fs66xkovpv4

Speech Compressive Sampling Using Approximate Message Passing and a Markov Chain Prior

Xiaoli Jia, Peilin Liu, Sumxin Jiang
2020 Sensors  
However, recovering a speech signal from its CS samples is a challenging problem, as it is not sparse enough on any existing canonical basis.  ...  By means of compressive sampling (CS), a sparse signal can be efficiently recovered from its far fewer samples than that required by the Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem.  ...  In fact, the block sparse structure in the support matrix is captured by the Markov random field. The nonzero coefficients of recovered speech appeared in clusters.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s20164609 pmid:32824410 fatcat:xozerg6zhfee3kbumyil2r2efe

Low-Dimensional Models for Dimensionality Reduction and Signal Recovery: A Geometric Perspective

Richard G Baraniuk, Volkan Cevher, Michael B Wakin
2010 Proceedings of the IEEE  
We consider sparse and compressible signal models for deterministic and random signals, structured sparse and compressible signal models, point clouds, and manifold signal models.  ...  As a bonus, we point out a common misconception related to probabilistic compressible signal models, namely, by showing that the oft-used generalized Gaussian and Laplacian models do not support stable  ...  The classical Ising Markov random field model capturing how the significant image pixels cluster together has been applied to background subtracted image recovery [51] . D.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jproc.2009.2038076 fatcat:boqfqi4b2vb6dn7kuqc6e7rb4a

Wavelet Compressive Sampling Signal Reconstruction Using Upside-Down Tree Structure

Yijiu Zhao, Xiaoyan Zhuang, Zhijian Dai, Houjun Wang
2011 Mathematical Problems in Engineering  
Compared with conventional greedy pursuit algorithms: orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) and tree-based orthogonal matching pursuit (TOMP), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) using UDT-OMP is significantly improved  ...  The proposed algorithm reconstructs compressive sampling signal by exploiting the upside-down tree structure of the wavelet coefficients of signal besides its sparsity in wavelet basis.  ...  CS exploits the sparse structure in signal, and it enables signal reconstruction from a small number of random samples.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2011/606974 fatcat:fdtvyonpfvgmxf45q6olu2hcuq
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