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Spam Image Clustering for Identifying Common Sources of Unsolicited Emails

Chengcui Zhang, Xin Chen, Wei-Bang Chen, Lin Yang, Gary Warner
2009 International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics  
Spamming is a problem that affects people all over the world. Spam is an unsolicited email which has been sent to many people.  ...  Spam images are sent for two reasons: 1) for advertisement purposes; 2) to hide the textual contents of an email from spam filters.  ...  However, filters can only differentiate spam emails from nonspam emails but cannot tell the origins of spam.  ... 
doi:10.4018/jdcf.2009070101 fatcat:edrhfqfqkjfkhomxzzz4f76qui

Clustering Spam Campaigns with Fuzzy Hashing

Jianxing Chen, Romain Fontugne, Akira Kato, Kensuke Fukuda
2014 Proceedings of the AINTEC 2014 on Asian Internet Engineering Conference - AINTEC '14  
Simple methods looking for common identifiers in emails, such as URL or email addresses, are inefficient due to the emergence of obfuscation techniques like URL shortening.  ...  In this paper we propose a new method based on fuzzy hashing to cluster spam with common goals into the same spam campaign.  ...  as the corresponding spam emails contain common identifiers (e.g.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2684793.2684803 dblp:conf/aintec/ChenFKF14 fatcat:xoxtlslgobfmle24tsrqquky3a

A Multimodal Data Mining Framework for Revealing Common Sources of Spam Images

Chengcui Zhang, Wei-Bang Chen, Xin Chen, Richa Tiwari, Lin Yang, Gary Warner
2009 Journal of Multimedia  
By identifying the common sources of spam images, we can provide evidence in tracking spam gangs. For this purpose, text recognition and visual feature extraction are performed.  ...  This paper proposes a multimodal framework that clusters spam images so that ones from the same spam source/cluster are grouped together.  ...  In this study, we go one step further to track down the common sources of the spam distributors based on spam image clustering.  ... 
doi:10.4304/jmm.4.5.313-320 fatcat:szbuvmrbqfeqjdgzqjpqwbktra

A Novel Approach towards Image Spam Classification

M. Soranamageswari, C. Meena
2011 Journal of clean energy technologies  
The gradient values are valuated for each pixel of an image. These obtained features are then normalized for efficient spam classification.  ...  This unsolicited mails termed as spam occupy large storage space and bandwidth. Therefore designing an efficient spam filter is a challenging issue ahead for the future generation.  ...  A multi-modal framework was put forth by Zhang et al. in [21] for revealing common sources of spam images.  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijcte.2011.v3.287 fatcat:vv4edrgpare67ds7emlyk5e2g4

Automated Spam Filtering through Data Mining Approach

Deepika Mallampati, Amitesh Madhur, Gundari Abhinay, Gopalam Tanuja
2017 Sreyas International Journal of Scientists and Technocrats  
It is the need of the hour that these bulk unsolicited e-mails be effectively filtered. Increasing volume of these mails emphasizes on the requirement and design of dependable anti-spam filters.  ...  For preventing the spam delivery, an automatic system based spam filter tool is employed. The objectives of spam filters and spam are contradicted diametrically.  ...  Types of spam Based upon the source spam has different definitions. •Unsolicited bulk e-mail (UBE)-unsolicited e-mail, sent in large quantities.  ... 
doi:10.24951/sreyasijst.org/2017021004 fatcat:cfv33n7vhvejnh7anw733r22q4


Saini Jacob Soman, S. Murugappan
2014 Journal of Computer Science  
Therefore, this study attempts to review various spam detection frameworks which deals about the detection and elimination of spams in various sources.  ...  The growing popularity of social networking sites has made them prime targets for spammers.  ...  Also, he proposed a "Shingling Algorithm" which verifies the collected spam profile for content duplication like URL, image, comments and to accurately cluster spam and non-spam profile based on the features  ... 
doi:10.3844/jcssp.2014.2135.2140 fatcat:56u4f2hs75gdbl2w5yjyoagfym

A Study of Spam Detection Algorithm on Social Media Networks [chapter]

Jacob Soman Saini
2013 Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing  
Therefore, this study attempts to review various spam detection frameworks which deals about the detection and elimination of spams in various sources.  ...  The growing popularity of social networking sites has made them prime targets for spammers.  ...  Also, he proposed a "Shingling Algorithm" which verifies the collected spam profile for content duplication like URL, image, comments and to accurately cluster spam and non-spam profile based on the features  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-81-322-1680-3_22 fatcat:zbmffnwkufabrp3d6a5dd444ei

Email Spam Classification using Hybridized Technique with Feature Selection

Gurwinder Kaur, Rupinder Kaur Gurm
2016 IJARCCE  
Email has becomes the major source of communication these days. Majority of people are using this mode of communication for their personal or professional use.  ...  So, it is very important to distinguish ham emails from spam emails, many methods have been proposed for classification of email as spam or ham emails.  ...  They use Enron corpus dataset of text as well as image for experiment purpose. They uses Google's open source library called, Tasseract to extract words from images.  ... 
doi:10.17148/ijarcce.2016.51259 fatcat:yzbeg47d5fhypejukxnwpexqei

SMS spam filtering: Methods and data

Sarah Jane Delany, Mark Buckley, Derek Greene
2012 Expert systems with applications  
The paper also discusses the issues with data collection and availability for furthering research in this area, analyses a large corpus of SMS spam, and provides some initial benchmark results.  ...  SMS spam filtering is a relatively new task which inherits many issues and solutions from email spam filtering. However it poses its own specific challenges.  ...  When we compare these clusters to the types of spam identified by the GSMA (GSMA, 2011b), we find a close correspondence to the three main types which are described as, (i) SMS spam, where unsolicited  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.eswa.2012.02.053 fatcat:onkgyhoe45h3pi2bthtwlnc7ya

Digital Waste Sorting: A Goal-Based, Self-Learning Approach to Label Spam Email Campaigns [chapter]

Mina Sheikhalishahi, Andrea Saracino, Mohamed Mejri, Nadia Tawbi, Fabio Martinelli
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
The main advantage of the proposed framework is that it can be used on large spam emails datasets, for which no prior knowledge is provided.  ...  Fast analysis of correlated spam emails may be vital in the effort of finding and prosecuting spammers performing cybercrimes such as phishing and online frauds.  ...  Unfortunately, emails are also the main vector for sending unsolicited bulks of messages, generally for commercial purpose, commonly known as spam.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-24858-5_1 fatcat:s7x4flly45dttkp2z5sqe6j34y

Machine Learning Framework to Analyze Against Spear Phishing

We implemented different email classification algorithms on the datasets based on spam and ham emails where spear phishing methods are identified and implemented different classification and regression  ...  threat the latest threat is intruded using the emails and major intrusion is done through spam emails.  ...  Image spams are the kind of emails, the content or body of the message is displayed as a GIF or JPEG image.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.l3802.1081219 fatcat:v65cevq4ebhlxja5dfdx2tnysu

Overlapping Communities for Identifying Misbehavior in Network Communications [chapter]

Farnaz Moradi, Tomas Olovsson, Philippas Tsigas
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We show that mining the structural and temporal properties of email networks generated from Internet backbone traffic can be used to identify unsolicited email from the mixture of email traffic.  ...  We also show that a link based community detection algorithm can separate legitimate and unsolicited email into distinct communities.  ...  One of the applications which has been considered in this thesis is identifying the source of unsolicited email.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-06608-0_33 fatcat:rpxzuu3gwnfj5bqyyxb5jo4pla

Suspended accounts in retrospect

Kurt Thomas, Chris Grier, Dawn Song, Vern Paxson
2011 Proceedings of the 2011 ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement conference - IMC '11  
To perform our analysis, we identify over 1.1 million accounts suspended by Twitter for disruptive activities over the course of seven months.  ...  Our results show that 77% of spam accounts identified by Twitter are suspended within on day of their first tweet.  ...  We manually verify a sample of suspended accounts and find the vast majority were suspended for spamming, providing us with a rich source of ground truth for measuring spam.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2068816.2068840 dblp:conf/imc/ThomasGSP11 fatcat:pmmxrexyyfgdfnoymkelpqzjzu

Investigating the relationship between consumers' style of thinking and online victimization in scamming

Francesco Sofo, Michelle Berzins, Salvatore Ammirato, Antonio P. Volpentesta
2010 International Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications  
The rationale is to establish a foundation for the use of content analysis of unsolicited emails to offer insight into the possible relationship between a consumer's style of thinking and online victimization  ...  This paper uses content analysis to identify the most frequent psychological tricks used in scamming and the most frequent flags which alert consumers to the illegitimate and unsolicited nature of the  ...  Another study monitored the clustering behaviour of spammers in an effort to identify some anti-spam strategies (Li & Hsieh, 2006) .  ... 
doi:10.4156/jdcta.vol4.issue7.4 fatcat:mx24h3j55jerdhikgus6viw55y

Characterizing Spam traffic and Spammers [article]

Cynthia Dhinakaran, Dhinaharan Nagamalai, Jae Kwang Lee
2010 arXiv   pre-print
Spammers use common techniques to spam end users regardless of corporate server and public mail server. So we believe that our spam collection is a sample of world wide spam traffic.  ...  We collected 400 thousand spam mails from a spam trap set up in a corporate mail server for a period of 14 months form January 2006 to February 2007.  ...  In [4] presented a comprehensive study of clustering behavior of spammers and group based anti spam strategies. Their study exposed that the spammers has demonstrated clustering structures.  ... 
arXiv:1011.1050v1 fatcat:6ehy5afbj5a2lju5gva6fumkai
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