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172,738 Hits in 5.0 sec

Space Efficient Secret Sharing [article]

Abhishek Parakh, Subhash Kak
2009 arXiv   pre-print
This note proposes a method of space efficient secret sharing in which k secrets are mapped into n shares (n>=k) of the same size.  ...  Since, n can be chosen to be equal to k, the method is space efficient. This method may be compared with conventional secret sharing schemes that divide a single secret into n shares.  ...  Conclusions We have presented a space efficient secret sharing scheme.  ... 
arXiv:0901.4798v2 fatcat:gz4mmzk3ibef7eoy7f2lyikav4

Space-Efficient Verifiable Secret Sharing Using Polynomial Interpolation

Massimo Cafaro, Piergiuseppe Pelle
2018 IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing  
We present new verification algorithms providing arbitrary secret sharing schemes with cheater detection capabilities, and prove their space efficiency with regard to other schemes appeared in the literature  ...  Verifiable Secret Sharing schemes solve this problem by allowing shareholders verifying the others' shares.  ...  SPACE-EFFICIENT VERIFIABILITY In this Section, we introduce our construction of a new verification method for threshold secret sharing.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcc.2015.2396072 fatcat:viya4uykkredfeyvifz577ilam

Space Efficient Secret Sharing: A Recursive Approach [article]

Abhishek Parakh, Subhash Kak
2009 arXiv   pre-print
Since n/(k-1) is near the optimal factor of n/k, and can be chosen to be close to 1, the proposed technique is space efficient.  ...  This paper presents a recursive secret sharing technique that distributes k-1 secrets of length b each into n shares such that each share is effectively of length (n/(k-1))*b and any k pieces suffice for  ...  Space efficient secret sharing Below, we define the terms used in this paper for a (k, n) secret sharing scheme, where any k out of n shares suffice to reconstruct the secret.  ... 
arXiv:0901.4814v1 fatcat:kapxnm6xtzc4vmkprbpipoepsa

Space efficient secret sharing for implicit data security

Abhishek Parakh, Subhash Kak
2011 Information Sciences  
This bound is close to the space optimal bound of jSj k if the secret is to be recovered from k shares.  ...  This paper presents a k-threshold computational secret sharing technique that distributes a secret S into shares of size jSj kÀ1 , where jSj denotes the secret size.  ...  In order to achieve this we propose a new space efficient secret sharing scheme.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ins.2010.09.013 fatcat:y5k4pmslgvhrraqjdgq57pyshm

Space Efficient Computational Multi-Secret Sharing and Its Applications [article]

Aggelos Kiayias, Murat Osmanoglu, Alexander Russell, Qiang Tang
2018 IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive  
Finally, we describe an application of our space efficient (1, 2, . . . , n − 1)-MSSS to a special tool called gradual verifiable secret sharing which is the fundamental building block for general multiparty  ...  A fundamental efficiency concern for secret sharing schemes is the size of the share that must be distributed to each participant.  ...  Concretely, our contributions are as follows: Construction of space efficient computational multi-secret sharing.  ... 
dblp:journals/iacr/KiayiasORT18 fatcat:lyn6c35zzngmtkxnutdw6dtequ

A New Space Efficient Secret Sharing Scheme without a Secure Channel

Yan-Hong LIU, Fu-Tai ZHANG
2012 Chinese Journal of Computers  
doi:10.3724/sp.j.1016.2012.01816 fatcat:6lv7ln2xv5cirnram2taoyp5na

Consequence of Space Efficient Secret Sharing for Secure Multi-Path Data Delivery in WSN

N. Vijayarani, A. Senthilkumar
2017 Indian Journal of Science and Technology  
Methods/Analysis: In this paper, Space Efficient Secret Sharing (SESS) scheme is proposed for secured data delivery in the WSN.  ...  The SESS scheme primarily uses recursive polynomial interpolation and its secret size is optimized as k zz -1 .  ...  We enforce the Space Efficient Secret Sharing scheme to encode the secret into shares of size k zz -1 .  ... 
doi:10.17485/ijst/2017/v10i10/86080 fatcat:c275cz7fo5gbdbqgadbp3nikau


G Sasikala, K Anbumathi, M Scholar
2016 Scope International Journal of Science, Humanities, Management and Technology   unpublished
We present new verification algorithms provided that arbitrary secret sharing schemes with cheater detection capabilities and prove their space efficiency with regard to other schemes appeared in the literature  ...  A desirable feature of Secret Sharing schemes is swindler detection.  ...  In this paper [3] "Efficient publicly verifiable secret sharing with correctness, soundness and ZK privacy" A PVSS is a secret sharing scheme with public verification of share validity.  ... 

Efficient Local Secret Sharing for Distributed Blockchain Systems

G. Latha
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
Recently, distributed storage blockchain (DSB) systems have been proposed to improve storage efficiency by incorporating secret sharing, private key encryption, and information dispersal algorithms.  ...  In this project, we propose a new DSB approach based on a local secret sharing (LSS) scheme with a hierarchical secret structure of one global secret node and several local secret nodes.  ...  LSS efficiently incorporates local secrets and global secrets into a hierarchical secret sharing scheme Networks for this purpose.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.35445 fatcat:u2v6byw7zrgjne5a5vimdplg2e

Thumbnail Secret Image Sharing in Cloud Storage

Yongqiang Yu, Xuehu Yan, Shudong Wang, Xianhui Wang, Huan Lu
2022 Mathematics  
Compared with SIS with different meaningful shadows, our scheme will greatly improve the sharing efficiency and reduce the consumption of computing resources.  ...  In order to realize the management and loss tolerance of images, this paper proposes a thumbnail secret image sharing method.  ...  Conclusions Aiming at resolving the problem of secret image management and loss in cloud space, this paper proposes a thumbnail secret sharing scheme based on thumbnail encryption and secret sharing, which  ... 
doi:10.3390/math10173076 fatcat:ehaqzdsl45h3jbz76y7lrjletm

Ideal Secret Sharing Schemes for Useful Multipartite Access Structures [chapter]

Oriol Farràs, Carles Padró
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
This paper is a survey of the main results and open problems in a line of work that was initiated shortly after secret sharing was introduced.  ...  This line of work has received an impulse from a recently discovered connection between ideal multipartite secret sharing schemes and integer polymatroids.  ...  Like Shamir's threshold scheme, vector space secret sharing schemes are linear. Because of that, the algorithms to compute the shares and to recover the secret value are very efficient.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20901-7_6 fatcat:ogbvgnqpnfcj5gn6s67o6eq6ca

Secret Sharing and Statistical Zero Knowledge [chapter]

Vinod Vaikuntanathan, Prashant Nalini Vasudevan
2015 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Conversely, we show that such secret-sharing schemes can only exist for languages in SZK. • Constructions: We show new constructions of secret-sharing schemes with both efficient sharing and efficient  ...  an efficient sharing algorithm (but not necessarily efficient reconstruction).  ...  systems [29] where the verifier and simulator run in log-space, have semi-efficient secret-sharing schemes.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-48797-6_27 fatcat:lgkdjly44befllm7pwjcaedzmi

Cloud Computing Security in Multi-Clouds using Shamir's Secret Sharing Scheme

Naveena R., Nikhita Salian
2016 International Journal of Computer Applications  
In this paper, multimedia is protected using the Shamir's Secret Sharing in Multi-cloud Databases.  ...  Data Integrity and Confidentiality can be protected by using secret sharing schemes. To prevent service availability failure, multi-cloud data storage system can be implemented.  ...  The Rabin's IDA is the strongest scheme in terms of space efficiency as the share size is less than the actual file size. This leads to optimal efficiency in data overhead.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2016912051 fatcat:vlp5lpynxzapzah2h546723kpa

Text image secret sharing with hiding based on color feature

Nuha J. Ibrahim, Yossra H. Ali, Alyaa Al-barrak, Tarik Ahmed Rashid
2022 Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN)  
The Secret Sharing is a scheme for sharing data into n pieces using (k, n) threshold method. Secret Sharing becomes an efficient method to ensure secure data transmission.  ...  This study present a secret sharing method with hiding based on YCbCr color space. The proposed method is based on hiding the secret text file or image into a number of the cover image.  ...  scheme is efficient in ensuring security.  ... 
doi:10.21533/pen.v10i2.2858 fatcat:vaggw56scva2xckp77rotj4iyy

An efficient construction of perfect secret sharing schemes for graph-based structures

Hung-Min Sun, Shiuh-Pyng Shieh
1996 Computers and Mathematics with Applications  
In this paper, we propose an efficient construction of perfect secret sharing schemes for graph-based access structures where a vertex denotes a participant and an edge does a qualified pair of participants  ...  The secret sharing scheme is based on the assumptions that the pairs of participants corresponding to edges in the graph can compute the master key but the pairs of participants corresponding to nonedges  ...  Let ]C be the master key space and $ be the share space. The information rate for the secret sharing scheme is defined to be log 2 I1~]/log 2 ]S[ (see [3] ).  ... 
doi:10.1016/0898-1221(96)00022-3 fatcat:leb4eedvqjdehgiwoyj3u6h43e
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