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Shadows in dyonic Kerr-Sen black holes [article]

Soumya Jana, Sayan Kar
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Further, shadows cast by the rotating dyonic Kerr-Sen black holes are also studied and compared graphically with their Kerr-Newman and Kerr-Sen counterparts.  ...  We consider static as well as rotating (namely the dyonic Kerr-Sen) black holes.  ...  DYONIC KERR-SEN BLACK HOLES Dyonic Kerr-Sen black holes are the rotating versions of the static black holes.  ... 
arXiv:2303.14513v2 fatcat:szqliyg3u5ddrl6l7iudpe4day

Materialized View Replacement using Markovs Analysis [article]

Partha Ghosh, Soumya Sen
2014 arXiv   pre-print
Materialized view is used in large data centric applications to expedite query processing. The efficiency of materialized view depends on degree of result found against the queries over the existing materialized views. Materialized views are constructed following different methodologies. Thus the efficacy of the materialized views depends on the methodology based on which these are formed. Construction of materialized views are often time consuming and moreover after a certain time the
more » ... ce of the materialized views degrade when the nature of queries change. In this situation either new materialized views could be constructed from scratch or the existing views could be upgraded. Fresh construction of materialized views has higher time complexity hence the modification of the existing views is a better solution.Modification process of materialized view is classified under materialized view maintenance scheme. Materialized view maintenance is a continuous process and the system could be tuned to ensure a constant rate of performance. If a materialized view construction process is not supported by materialized view maintenance scheme that system would suffer from performance degradation. In this paper a new materialized view maintenance scheme is proposed using markovs analysis to ensure consistent performance. Markovs analysis is chosen here to predict steady state probability over initial probability.
arXiv:1402.2487v1 fatcat:uh5gsx72vzdr7pwpjdo4xtlcuu


Sangtae Ha, Soumya Sen, Carlee Joe-Wong, Youngbin Im, Mung Chiang
2012 Computer communication review  
Sen et al. [20] provides a detailed overview of these various pricing proposals and their realization in current data plans.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2377677.2377723 fatcat:543ahmum7jhufgfgpipublv4ri


Ranak Ghosh Soumya Sen
2019 Zenodo  
Data Warehouse is one of the most common ways for analyzing large data for decision based system. These data are often sourced from online transactional system. The transactional data are represented in different formats. XML is one of the worldwide standards to represent data in web based system. Numbers of organizations use XML for e-commerce and internet based applications. Integration of XML and data warehouse for the innovation of business logic and to enhance decision making has therefore
more » ... emerged as a demanding area of research interest. This paper focuses on integrating XML data based on multiple related XML schemas, to an equivalent data warehouse schemas based on relational online analytical processing (ROLAP). This work bears a high relevance towards standardizing of the ETL phase (Extraction, Transformation, and Loading) of the OLAP projects. The novelty of the work is that more than one data warehouse schemas could be identified from a single related XML schema and each of them could be categorized as star schema or snowflake schema. Moreover if the individual schemas are found to be related according to the analysis, fact constellation could be identified. A new data structure, Schema Graph has been proposed in the process. KEYWORDS XML, Data Warehouse, Fact Constellation Schema, Star Schema, Snowflake Schema, Schema Graph
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2599184 fatcat:m4zp4blugbd2lmfka73imvn4s4

Recommendation of Influenced Products Using Association Rule Mining: Neo4j as a Case Study

Sudipta Sen, Akash Mehta, Runa Ganguli, Soumya Sen
2021 SN Computer Science  
Recommendation systems are now inherent for many business applications to take important business decisions. These systems are built based on the historical data that may be the sales data or customer feedback etc. Customer feedback is very important for any organization as it reflects the view, sentiment of the customers. Online systems allow customers to purchase products at a glance from any e-commerce website. Generally, the potential buyers check the review of the products to take informed
more » ... decision of purchase. In this work, we attempt to build a recommendation model to find out the influence of a product on another product so that if a user purchases the influential product then the recommender system can recommend the influenced products to the users. In this paper, the recommendation system has been built based on association rule mining. We proposed a new association rule mining technique for quick decision-making and it gives better performance over Apriori algorithm which is one of the most popular approaches for association rule mining. The entire framework has been developed in Neo4j graph data model for doing the data modelling from raw text file and also to perform the analysis. We used real-life customer feedback data of amazon for experimental purpose. Publisher's Note Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.
doi:10.1007/s42979-021-00460-8 fatcat:b3xlexwk25fcdfagi5y5abrb2i

Functionality-rich versus minimalist platforms

Soumya Sen, Roch Guerin, Kartik Hosanagar
2011 Computer communication review  
Should a new "platform" target a functionality-rich but complex and expensive design or instead opt for a bare-bone but cheaper one? This is a fundamental question with profound implications for the eventual success of any platform. A general answer is, however, elusive as it involves a complex trade-off between benefits and costs. The intent of this paper is to introduce an approach based on standard tools from the field of economics, which can offer some insight into this difficult question.
more » ... e demonstrate its applicability by developing and solving a generic model that incorporates key interactions between platform stakeholders. The solution confirms that the "optimal" number of features a platform should offer strongly depends on variations in cost factors. More interestingly, it reveals a high sensitivity to small relative changes in those costs. The paper's contribution and motivation are in establishing the potential of such a cross-disciplinary approach for providing qualitative and quantitative insights into the complex question of platform design. 1 We use the terms features and functionality interchangeably throughout the paper. 2 The paper assumes a monopoly platform setting.
doi:10.1145/2043165.2043171 fatcat:4zqkv5exbnfcjmrg6vdp74pbne

Why Watching Movie Tweets Won't Tell the Whole Story? [article]

Felix Ming Fai Wong, Soumya Sen, Mung Chiang
2012 arXiv   pre-print
Data from Online Social Networks (OSNs) are providing analysts with an unprecedented access to public opinion on elections, news, movies etc. However, caution must be taken to determine whether and how much of the opinion extracted from OSN user data is indeed reflective of the opinion of the larger online population. In this work we study this issue in the context of movie reviews on Twitter and compare the opinion of Twitter users with that of the online population of IMDb and Rotten
more » ... We introduce new metrics to show that the Twitter users can be characteristically different from general users, both in their rating and their relative preference for Oscar-nominated and non-nominated movies. Additionally, we investigate whether such data can truly predict a movie's box-office success.
arXiv:1203.4642v1 fatcat:nkoaurduhvcvbjghqek6l74rly

Smart data pricing

Soumya Sen, Carlee Joe-Wong, Sangtae Ha, Mung Chiang
2015 Communications of the ACM  
Although researchers have been exploring the interplay between networks and economics for years 5, 8, 15 (for a detailed survey of various pricing proposals, see Sen et al. 21 ), the need for designing  ...  Sen et al. 18 introduced a model to study the dynamics of competition between two generic network technologies with cross-network externalities in the presence of network gateways or converters.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2756543 fatcat:sespuy5wxfgdpbegtbt5bexhxm

A New Scale for Attribute Dependency in Large Database Systems [article]

Soumya Sen, Anjan Dutta, Agostino Cortesi, Nabendu Chaki
2012 arXiv   pre-print
Large, data centric applications are characterized by its different attributes. In modern day, a huge majority of the large data centric applications are based on relational model. The databases are collection of tables and every table consists of numbers of attributes. The data is accessed typically through SQL queries. The queries that are being executed could be analyzed for different types of optimizations. Analysis based on different attributes used in a set of query would guide the
more » ... e administrators to enhance the speed of query execution. A better model in this context would help in predicting the nature of upcoming query set. An effective prediction model would guide in different applications of database, data warehouse, data mining etc. In this paper, a numeric scale has been proposed to enumerate the strength of associations between independent data attributes. The proposed scale is built based on some probabilistic analysis of the usage of the attributes in different queries. Thus this methodology aims to predict future usage of attributes based on the current usage.
arXiv:1206.6322v1 fatcat:kxapif7zurhw3fvkoighcxgndq

Materialized View Construction Based on Clustering Technique [chapter]

Santanu Roy, Ranak Ghosh, Soumya Sen
2014 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Materialized view is important to any data intensive system where answering queries at runtime is subject of interest. Users are not aware about the presence of materialized views in the system but the presence of these results in fast access to data and therefore optimized execution of queries. Many techniques have evolved over the period to construct materialized views. However the survey work reveals a few attempts to construct materialized views based on attribute similarity measure by
more » ... stical similarity function and thereafter applying the clustering techniques. In this paper we have proposed materialized view construction methodology at first by analyzing the attribute similarity based on Jaccard Index then clustering methodology is applied using similarity based weighted connected graph. Further the clusters are validated to check the correctness of the materialized views.
doi:10.1007/978-3-662-45237-0_25 fatcat:cfko4caisngfpo3xdke5piatui

Materialized view replacement using Markov's analysis

Partha Ghosh, Soumya Sen
2014 2014 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT)  
Materialized view is used in large data centric applications to expedite query processing. The efficiency of materialized view depends on degree of result found against the queries over the existing materialized views. Materialized views are constructed following different methodologies. Thus the efficacy of the materialized views depends on the methodology based on which these are formed. Construction of materialized views are often time consuming and moreover after a certain time the
more » ... ce of the materialized views degrade when the nature of queries change. In this situation either new materialized views could be constructed from scratch or the existing views could be upgraded. Fresh construction of materialized views has higher time complexity hence the modification of the existing views is a better solution. Modification process of materialized view is classified under materialized view maintenance scheme. Materialized view maintenance is a continuous process and the system could be tuned to ensure a constant rate of performance. If a materialized view construction process is not supported by materialized view maintenance scheme that system would suffer from performance degradation. In this paper a new materialized view maintenance scheme is proposed using markov's analysis to ensure consistent performance. Markov's analysis is chosen here to predict steady state probability over initial probability.
doi:10.1109/icit.2014.6894917 fatcat:6idfwdyw65gxrf3oehcrzjyb6e

An Analytical Approach to the Adoption of Asymmetric Bidirectional Firewalls: Need for Regulation? [article]

M.H.R. Khouzani, Soumya Sen, Ness B. Shroff
2012 arXiv   pre-print
Sen is with EE department of Princeton University, Princeton, NJ. email: Soumya TABLE I MAIN I NOTATIONS IN THE MODEL parameter definition N number of ISPs x(t) fraction of the ISPs at time t  ...  MHR soumyas@princeton.edu. • The optimum regulation on the amount of protection on the outgoing traffic in the decentralized scenario is (rather counter-intuitively) providing no protection at all.  ... 
arXiv:1203.1687v1 fatcat:fotmaja6nfcwpp3yeqtmfud6vi

Time-dependent electricity pricing using variable announcement horizons

Philipp Artur Kienscherf, John Collins, Carlee Joe-Wong, Wolfgang Ketter, Soumya Sen
2020 Energy Informatics  
Sen et. al. provide a detailed survey of various time-independent and dynamic pricing schemes in the existing literature (Sen et al. 2013; .  ...  A series of field experiments in operational networks has demonstrated the benefits of time-dependent pricing for mobile data Sen et al. 2019) .  ... 
doi:10.1186/s42162-020-00117-5 fatcat:unqgnpqvnrhqfgvayu56wbv3xq

Trends in Pediatric Hospitalizations for Coronavirus Disease 2019

Zachary Levin, Kimberly Choyke, Archelle Georgiou, Soumya Sen, Pinar Karaca-Mandic
2021 JAMA pediatrics  
C Great Lakes IN OH WI Zachary Levin, BA Kimberly Choyke, MS Archelle Georgiou, MD Soumya Sen, PhD Pinar Karaca-Mandic, PhD hospitalizations, % Discrimination of viral from bacterial infections remains  ...  Statistical analysis: Levin, Choyke, Sen, Karaca-Mandic. Obtained funding: Karaca-Mandic. Administrative, technical, or material support: Choyke, Sen. Supervision: Georgiou, Karaca-Mandic.  ... 
doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2020.5535 pmid:33427850 pmcid:PMC7802004 fatcat:xmtsuvlvvjbyfdxdqx4ypp3wxq

Assessment of COVID-19 Hospitalizations by Race/Ethnicity in 12 States

Pinar Karaca-Mandic, Archelle Georgiou, Soumya Sen
2020 JAMA Internal Medicine  
Pinar Karaca-Mandic, PhD Archelle Georgiou, MD Soumya Sen, PhD 1 . 1 Hedegaard H, Miniño AM, Warner M.  ... 
doi:10.1001/jamainternmed.2020.3857 pmid:32804192 pmcid:PMC7432276 fatcat:pmbjia6n6zf3xfbujtmb7uwdta
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