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Solution to Resolve Cognitive Ambiguity in Interactive Customization of Product Shape

Dong Zeng, Zhuan Zhou, Maoen He, Chaogang Tang
2020 International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems  
However, the ambiguity effect or cognitive ambiguity of users during the product customization process will affect the effects of the final customized product.  ...  A B S T R A C T Interactive genetic algorithms have been used in a wide variety of applications and extensively developed to facilitate the personalization and customization of products for users.  ...  CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare there are no conflict of interest. AUTHORS' CONTRIBUTIONS  ... 
doi:10.2991/ijcis.d.200511.001 fatcat:msqsdj3tcvbznhwlsgtkv7trlq

The Use of Context-free Grammar and Gamification to Reduce User Story Ambiguity and Raise Ambiguity Awareness: A Proposal

Anis R. Amna
2021 Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality  
To do so, we aim to investigate the role of cognitive elements to enhance user story clarity.  ...  User story ambiguity has been identified as a serious challenge in Requirements Engineering (RE) due to various linguistic and contextual constraints.  ...  Finally, a gamification concept will be introduced in the shape of points and levels to observe the adequacy of the solution to improve user awareness for mitigating ambiguity while writing user stories  ... 
dblp:conf/refsq/Amna21 fatcat:e3pbm4c4ajam7adh26ggugvc5e

Communicative misalignment in Autism Spectrum Disorder

Harshali Wadge, Rebecca Brewer, Geoffrey Bird, Ivan Toni, Arjen Stolk
2019 Cortex  
This communicative misalignment explains why autistic individuals are vulnerable in everyday interactions, which entail fleeting ambiguities, but succeed in social cognition tests involving stereotyped  ...  These findings illustrate the cognitive and clinical importance of considering social interaction as a communicative alignment challenge, and how ineffective human communication is without this key interactional  ...  We are grateful to the study participants and Loes Bijl for helping with the classification of behaviors.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2019.01.003 pmid:30738998 fatcat:4zutkh2gqvcapo3x53gqu777je

Framing Contests: Strategy Making Under Uncertainty

Sarah Kaplan
2008 Organization science (Providence, R.I.)  
outcomes can be shaped by purposeful action and interaction to make meaning.  ...  Actors each had cognitive frames about the direction the market was taking and about what kinds of solutions would be appropriate.  ...  And, as a result, firm response to change is a product of the interactions among them.  ... 
doi:10.1287/orsc.1070.0340 fatcat:ijo36v3uwjg6jcmiu3knj5z2tm

Thinking About Technology: Applying a Cognitive Lens to Technical Change

Sarah Kaplan, Mary Tripsas
2008 Social Science Research Network  
We also show that interactions of producers, users and institutions shape the development of collective frames around the meaning of new technologies.  ...  We apply a cognitive lens to understanding technology trajectories across the life cycle by developing a coevolutionary model of technological frames and technology.  ...  In particular, under conditions of ambiguity and uncertainty, advertising influences how users make sense of what product analogies to draw, how to use new products, what features to value, how to judge  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.1008908 fatcat:vptcqetkj5fl5e7fuzcrrwnnde

Thinking about technology: Applying a cognitive lens to technical change

Sarah Kaplan, Mary Tripsas
2008 Research Policy  
We also show that interactions of producers, users and institutions shape the development of collective frames around the meaning of new technologies.  ...  We apply a cognitive lens to understanding technology trajectories across the life cycle by developing a coevolutionary model of technological frames and technology.  ...  In particular, under conditions of ambiguity and uncertainty, advertising influences how users make sense of what product analogies to draw, how to use new products, what features to value, how to judge  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.respol.2008.02.002 fatcat:fhbi7bin2zceblz6txbhf3h2re

Help-Seeking and Help-Giving as an Organizational Routine: Continual Engagement in Innovative Work

Stine Grodal, Andrew J. Nelson, Rosanne M. Siino
2015 Academy of Management Journal  
In contrast to the existing literature, an organizational routines perspective also reveals that helping need not be limited to dyads and that the helping routine is shaped by the work context in which  ...  More specifically, we move beyond the initial point of consent to recast help-seeking and help-giving as an interdependent process in which both the help-seeker and the help-giver use cognitive and emotional  ...  propose a solution. Each cognitive-engagement move served to create a social expectation that the other person(s) in the interaction would respond.  ... 
doi:10.5465/amj.2012.0552 fatcat:6rnfhamuerdpljmkqubggkje4m

The curvilinear and conditional effects of product line breadth on salesperson performance, role stress, and job satisfaction

Jeff S. Johnson, Ravipreet S. Sohi
2013 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science  
The impact of how product line breadth affects a salesperson is unclear in the existing literature.  ...  While numerous product lines can provide certain benefits to the salesperson, they may also have a dark side.  ...  and defensible solutions to resolve incompatible requests across product lines, complex products make this more difficult.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11747-013-0339-4 fatcat:dqfoxqiexnbxbi7oqmz7f7jt3i

Customer query handling in sales interactions

Sunil Singh, Detelina Marinova, Jagdip Singh, Kenneth R. Evans
2017 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science  
We draw from compensation effects in social cognition theory to propose that customers' perceptions of a salesperson's effectiveness are prone to trade-offs between competence (resolving behaviors) and  ...  Using a novel approach with video-recordings of sales interactions, this study focuses on a dynamic analysis of salesperson effectiveness in handling customer queries.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors thank Paige Anderson, Ashley Cole, Sabina Shrestha, and Kathryn Plummer for their help with coding of verbal and nonverbal cues.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11747-017-0569-y fatcat:uylakc4tebelvdmh3aao2fbluu

Drivers of sales performance: a contemporary meta-analysis. Have salespeople become knowledge brokers?

Willem Verbeke, Bart Dietz, Ernst Verwaal
2010 Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science  
The results seem to back this supposition and indicate how it might inspire future research in the field of personal selling.  ...  adaptiveness (β=.27), role ambiguity (β=−.25), cognitive aptitude (β=.23) and work engagement (β=.23). (2) These sub-categories are moderated by measurement method, research context, and salestype variables  ...  Acknowledgments The authors express their appreciation to Gert Goris, Librarian of Erasmus University, for his assistance in acquiring the necessary studies, and ISAM for financial sponsoring.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11747-010-0211-8 fatcat:i7qxl6riyram5igrinue3htlie

When Truces Collapse: A Longitudinal Study of Price-Adjustment Routines

Mark J. Zbaracki, Mark Bergen
2010 Organization science (Providence, R.I.)  
W e analyze the microfoundations of the routine in a study of price-adjustment processes at a manufacturing firm.  ...  Existing theory says that truces balance cognitive and motivational differences across functions, but there is scant evidence on how truces work. We show both stability and change in routines.  ...  The authors are grateful to the anonymous members of the firm for the generous gift of their time and to Mark Ritson, Daniel Levy, and Shantanu Dutta for their help in data gathering and interpretation  ... 
doi:10.1287/orsc.1090.0513 fatcat:vqaeg2elfbbjloett5ggnd4ngu

Developing IS Enabled Capabilities for a BPO Vendor: A Case Study

Mark O. Lewis, Lars Mathiassen, Arun Rai
2009 Americas Conference on Information Systems  
can be sufficiently customized to meet the unique demands of individual customers.  ...  This in-depth case study leverages an organizational sensemaking framework to explore IS enabled capability development in one of the largest business process outsourcing (BPO) vendors in the world.  ...  It just doesn't happen to the degree that it needs to because there's so many solutions, so many customers, so many different ways we have to produce something; to be productive.  ... 
dblp:conf/amcis/LewisMR09 fatcat:dc5ddd67mffuveuqhj6lpyvthq

Ambiguity of Intolerance and Employee Performance in Nigerian Breweries.pdf

Ekpenyong Bassey Obo
2024 figshare.com  
Thus, it is crucial for industries to display greater concern for the role of their managers' emotional/cognitive behaviour during ambiguous situations in an attempt to improve performance.  ...  Thus, it is crucial for Nigerian Breweries to display greater concern for the role of their managers' emotional/cognitive behaviour during ambiguous situations in an attempt to improve their performance  ...  Examples of ambiguous situations at work include expanded roles, interacting with people from different educational and cultural backgrounds, and problems that have no definite solutions.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.25212518.v1 fatcat:3j4asqpo5vgnzkiidiu6mrcbv4


2010 Journal of Enterprising Culture  
This paper evaluates the contribution of creativity to entrepreneurship theory and practice in terms of building an holistic and transdisciplinary understanding of its impact.  ...  These factors are embedded in a critical evaluation of how creativity contributes to successful entrepreneurship practice.  ...  The product is shaped by the tangible outcomes of creativity but it is also influenced by the creative process and creative ability of those involved in its production (Magyari-Beck 1990) .  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0218495810000501 fatcat:33qg3fzewrbkhpsow27jvy3oby

New market creation through transformation

Saras D. Sarasvathy, Nicholas Dew
2005 Journal of evolutionary economics  
The dynamic model was induced from two empirical investigations, a cognitive science-based investigation of entrepreneurial expertise, and a real time history of the RFID industry.  ...  Or is it the outcome of a process of transformation of extant realities into new possibilities? In this article we consider new market creation as a process involving a new network of stakeholders.  ...  Again, assuming E has the money to make the modification, there are 3 possible solutions to this problem: Solution 1: Using the exploration paradigm, E goes in search of other possible customers D first  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00191-005-0264-x fatcat:s2ooepwv3vfqvcjrtnyyiipjle
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