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Software model checking for distributed systems with selector-based, non-blocking communication

Cyrille Artho, Masami Hagiya, Richard Potter, Yoshinori Tanabe, Franz Weitl, Mitsuharu Yamamoto
2013 2013 28th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE)  
Index Terms-software model checking; caching; software verification; distributed systems; non-blocking input/output; selectorbased input/output 978-1-4799-0215-6/13  ...  Earlier work in cache-based software model checking handles implementations using socket-based TCP/IP networking, with one thread per client connection using blocking input/output.  ...  Thanks also go to Shouichi Kamiya for the continuation of that work, to Watcharin Leungwattanakit for his help in maintaining net-iocache, and to Eric Platon for his helpful feedback.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ase.2013.6693077 dblp:conf/kbse/ArthoHPTWY13 fatcat:kaojz5ozhbbghcmliaohu3rgfa


Elliot Barlas, Tevfik Bultan
2007 Proceedings of the twenty-second IEEE/ACM international conference on Automated software engineering - ASE '07  
Our framework is based on a set of stub classes that replace native methods used in network communication and enables verification of distributed Java applications by isolating their behavior from the  ...  Integration verification checks multiple interacting distributed application components by running them in a single JVM and simulating the behavior of the network within the same JVM via stub classes.  ...  In this paper, we focus on the problem of capturing the state space of a distributed Java application for software model checking.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1321631.1321638 dblp:conf/kbse/BarlasB07 fatcat:khoijjmjprf2jnwfekv2a4jhty

The state of the art in concurrent, distributed configuration management [chapter]

Stephen A. MacKay
1995 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
I would also like to thank the many readers of the early drafts of this paper and of the CM survey for their helpful suggestions and references to additional CM systems.  ...  Acknowledgments Thanks are due to the entire DaSC team for their efforts in this research project: Morven Gentleman, Charles Gauthier, Darlene Stewart, Marceli Wein and Anatol Kark.  ...  distributed teams, working semi-autonomously, but sharing a common software base.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-60578-9_17 fatcat:hidtva5rofbpxjnubchwkkseke

Towards Choreographic-Based Monitoring [chapter]

Adrian Francalanza, Claudio Antares Mezzina, Emilio Tuosto
2020 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In particular, the recent approaches to distributed software based on (micro-) services, where different services are developed independently by disparate teams, exacerbate the problem.  ...  To show the efficacy of our model, we give an instance of it by introducing reversible choreographies to express the normal forward behaviour of the system and the condition under which adaptation has  ...  For instance, network communications in languages such as Java require to extensively cast code in try-catch blocks in order to deal with possible exceptions due to communications.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47361-7_6 fatcat:u744o2iva5ajnjhdoxdlj6jglq

Associating composition of Petri net specifications with application designs in GRADE

Z. Tsiatsoulis, G. Dozsa, J.Y. Cotronis, P. Kacsuk
1999 Proceedings of the Seventh Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing. PDP'99  
The paper describes the extension of GRADE with formal method support based on Petri nets composition. .  ...  To provide high-level graphical support for developing message passing programs, an integrated programming environment (GRADE) is being developed.  ...  GRADE is able to generate code for those MP systems.  ... 
doi:10.1109/empdp.1999.746670 dblp:conf/pdp/TsiatsoulisDCK99 fatcat:zxutqp6ueza47poun7yi2l7juy

An Area-Optimized Chip of Ant Colony Algorithm Design in Hardware Platform Using the Address-Based Method

E. Shafigh Fard, K. Monfaredi, M. H. Nadimi
2014 International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE)  
method, so that the comparison of synthesis operations with the similar works shows significant improvements as much as 1/3 times greater than the other similar hardware methods.  ...  The ant colony algorithm is a nature-inspired algorithm highly used for solving many complex problems and finding optimal solutions; however, the algorithm has a major flaw and that is the vast amount  ...  The results of all software on the desktop processor have been compared with the modeling results of the address-oriented architecture based on the programmable system-on-chip.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijece.v4i6.6923 fatcat:um65e3b5urdgvfeyjp53er5ava

Parallel multi-layer selector S-Box based on lorenz chaotic system with FPGA implementation

Mohamed Saber, Esam Hagras
2020 Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science  
<p><span>The substitution box (S-Box) is the main block in the encryption system, which replaces the non-encrypted data by dynamic secure and hidden data.  ...  In this paper, we present a high-speed FPGA implementation of Parallel Multi-Layer Selector Substitution Boxes based on the Lorenz Chaotic System (PMLS S-Box).  ...  J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752  Parallel multi-layer selector S-Box based on lorenz chaotic system with FPGA...  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijeecs.v19.i2.pp784-792 fatcat:uackvolqrvh4fgb3uz54kpnkg4

Coordination Mechanisms in Complex Software Systems [chapter]

Richard Mordinyi, Eva Kühn
2011 Studies in Computational Intelligence  
Software developers have to deal with software systems which are usually composed of distributed, heterogeneous and interacting application components representing higher-level business goals.  ...  systems.  ...  The work is funded by the Austrian Government under the program FIT-IT (Forschung, Innovation und Technologie für Informationstechnologien), project 825750 Secure Space -A Secure Space for Collaborative  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-20344-2_1 fatcat:wrvecfzd7rdndfobxvdqeqlvlm

Numerical libraries and the grid

Antoine Petitet, Susan Blackford, Jack Dongarra, Brett Ellis, Graham Fagg, Kenneth Roche, Sathish Vadhiyar
2001 Proceedings of the 2001 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing (CDROM) - Supercomputing '01  
Base software technologies, such as scheduling, resource discovery, and communication, to support development and execution of performance-efficient Grid applications; 3.  ...  This paper describes an overall framework for the design of numerical libraries on a computational Grid of processors where the processors may be geographically distributed and under the control of a Grid-based  ...  As mentioned, the GrADS linear system solver is built with ScaLAPACK embedded in grid-based software.  ... 
doi:10.1145/582034.582048 dblp:conf/sc/PetitetBDEFRV01 fatcat:bkbx4vak3vapblucnoe2m4wxhu

Numerical Libraries and the Grid

Antoine Petitet, Susan Blackford, Jack Dongarra, Brett Ellis, Graham Fagg, Kenneth Roche, Sathish Vadhiyar
2001 The international journal of high performance computing applications  
Base software technologies, such as scheduling, resource discovery, and communication, to support development and execution of performance-efficient Grid applications; 3.  ...  This paper describes an overall framework for the design of numerical libraries on a computational Grid of processors where the processors may be geographically distributed and under the control of a Grid-based  ...  As mentioned, the GrADS linear system solver is built with ScaLAPACK embedded in grid-based software.  ... 
doi:10.1177/109434200101500403 fatcat:h2vkawf7j5d3xg3muuj76ibrne


Javier Parra-Arnau, Jagdish Prasad Achara, Claude Castelluccia
2017 ACM Transactions on the Web  
With around 200 million people regularly using these tools, the economic model of the Web -in which users get content free in return for allowing advertisers to show them ads-is at serious peril.  ...  The problem with these technologies, however, is that they are extremely limited and radical in their approach: users can only choose either to block or allow all ads.  ...  With this purpose, for each ad classified as interest-based and non-interest-based, we analyzed the minimum-uniqueness values of the ad selector serving it.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2996466 fatcat:ub6ei7wacnckdo3imejr5sjvci

MyAdChoices: Bringing Transparency and Control to Online Advertising [article]

Javier Parra-Arnau, Jagdish Prasad Achara, Claude Castelluccia
2016 arXiv   pre-print
With around 200 million people regularly using these tools, the economic model of the Web ---in which users get content free in return for allowing advertisers to show them ads--- is at serious peril.  ...  The problem with these technologies, however, is that they are extremely limited and radical in their approach: users can only choose either to block or allow all ads.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like to thank Paul Barford, Aaron Cahn and Qiang Ma for helping improve our ad-identification algorithm, Lukasz Olejnik for his helpful comments, and Mathilde Vernet for  ... 
arXiv:1602.02046v1 fatcat:lc3p5jd76na7lfg3poutd7kdpe

Tracing interrupts in embedded software

Giovani Gracioli, Sebastian Fischmeister
2009 Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGPLAN/SIGBED conference on Languages, compilers, and tools for embedded systems - LCTES '09  
Debugging is a complex activity, especially in real-time embedded systems because such systems interact with the physical world and make heavy use of interrupts for timing and driving I/O devices.  ...  The presented heuristic and mechanisms show surprisingly good results-up to an 800 percent speedup on the selector function and a 300 percent reduction on duplicates for non-optimal selector functions-considering  ...  But, round-robin hashing can compensate for non-optimal selector functions.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1542452.1542471 dblp:conf/lctrts/GracioliF09 fatcat:6gixbc3wjrazpfq46m3r6fxddi

Towards Verifying Safety Properties of Real-Time Probabilistic Systems

Fenglin Han, Jan Olaf Blech, Peter Herrmann, Heinz Schmidt
2014 Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science  
We address this area by our model-driven engineering method for reactive systems SPACE and its tool-set Reactive Blocks that provide an extension to support the modeling and verification of real-time behaviors  ...  Using probabilities in the formal-methods-based development of safety-critical software has quickened interests in academia and industry.  ...  Acknowledgments We like to express our thanks to Song Zheng Song from the National University of Singapore (NUS) for the useful discussion during the research work.  ... 
doi:10.4204/eptcs.147.1 fatcat:xtzma7nxlfdhnn2sshdnv4ulrq

Introducing the concept of customizable structured spaces for agent coordination in the production automation domain

eva Kühn, Richard Mordinyi, László Keszthelyi, Christian Schreiber
2009 International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents & Multiagent Systems  
However, some of those concepts, like the Programmable Matching Engine, were primarily concentrating on retrieving tuples from the space with improved query techniques.  ...  Tuple spaces are a common platform for the coordination of agents. In the past years there have been several approaches of improving the concept of coordination via the shared space.  ...  The system consists of several different software agents each being responsible for the machine representing.  ... 
dblp:conf/atal/KuhnMKS09 fatcat:d7m6u27w2rbhlluilsgvwci4ve
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