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Social Catalysts: Characterizing People Who Spark Conversations Among Others [article]

Martin Saveski, Farshad Kooti, Sylvia Morelli Vitousek, Carlos Diuk, Bryce Bartlett, Lada Adamic
2021 arXiv   pre-print
other people more frequently.  ...  These individuals bring people together and act as social catalysts. In this paper, we test for the presence of social catalysts on the online social network Facebook.  ...  In this paper, we define the role of a social catalyst through the behavior of posting content that sparks conversations among others.  ... 
arXiv:2107.04936v1 fatcat:htlxq7dblvgqrhq3h3vckasf7i

Interest and Self-Sustained Learning as Catalysts of Development: A Learning Ecology Perspective

Brigid Barron
2006 Human Development  
This framework highlights the need to better understand how learning outside school relates to learning within schools or other formal organizations, and how learning in school can lead to learning activities  ...  I would also like to thank all of the teachers and students in Bermuda and in California who have contributed to Human Development 2006;49:193-224  ...  Ideational resources might come in the form of the ongoing activities of other people, conversations, books, computer programs, projects, or assignments.  ... 
doi:10.1159/000094368 fatcat:hqwuu653qjfzhartpg4gi5scee

Social Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: Sparking Social Transformation

Gayle Broad, Jude Ortiz
2020 Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research  
For over five years, Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship (SEE), a community partnership in Northern Ontario, has been developing a supportive ecosystem for social enterprise, entrepreneurship, and innovation  ...  partnership's strong emphasis on community engagement and empowerment, and the cyclical nature of the community-based research methodology has enhanced the sustainability of the ecosystem and leads to systemic social  ...  The people and organizations engaged in this project assured its success.  ... 
doi:10.29173/cjnser.2020v11n1a321 fatcat:35bbw5qfqjendboi4oakygubzu

A smile between strangers: Enhancing social interaction in urban spaces

Francis Ken Nakagawa, Giulia Mazza, Shin Sano, Sarah Rosenbach
2019 Zenodo  
What if there was a way to spark positivity among strangers in public spaces?  ...  There is evidence that engaging with strangers can have a positive effect on our mood; yet we tend to avoid each other, and feel alone in the crowd.  ...  What if there was a way to spark positivity among strangers in public spaces?  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2631248 fatcat:rctig5f4tjafrkzwpvrotnmthe

Co-design for social innovation and organisational change:Developing horizontal relationships in a social enterprise through walking

Mirian Calvo, Madeleine Sclater
2020 Discern  
These demands require significant research to better understand how the practice of co-design can be a catalyst for social change and social innovation.  ...  The analysis suggests that the co-design process empowered the social enterprise and its members, enabling them to co-develop responsive and empathetic attitudes among themselves.  ...  Like the catalysis workshop, the walk sparked small groups who walked together, having conversations between themselves, asking questions and sharing their ideas about the spatial assets.  ... 
doaj:2b09b55f479641c8bbc55f2d73d9e0fb fatcat:a6er7rpkgjdupckgljp3tvyqty

Empreendedorismo Social como agente na intermediação da Inovação Social em empresas

Nathan Pedroni de Oliveira, Paola Schmitt Figueiró, Ana Clara Aparecida Alves de Souza
2021 Contextus  
Foi realizado um estudo de caso em um empreendimento social localizado na cidade de Porto Alegre/RS, que desenvolve projetos de impacto social para outras organizações.  ...  Assim, o objetivo foi analisar de que maneira um empreendimento social pode atuar como um agente intermediário ao desenvolver projetos para empresas convencionais que desejam promover a inovação social  ...  Empreendedorismo social e negócios sociais: Um estudo bibliométrico da produção nacional e internacional.  ... 
doi:10.19094/contextus.2021.70798 fatcat:o4iagmzilzczjluj5vqwghg3ma

Young refugees and locals living under the same roof: intercultural communal living as a catalyst for refugees' integration in European urban communities?

Rilke Mahieu, Rut Van Caudenberg
2020 Comparative Migration Studies  
We draw on interviews and observations collected among locals and refugees living together to gain insights into both groups of participants' experiences with collective living and the actual social dynamics  ...  independence and social inclusion of the young refugees.  ...  The intercultural policy paradigm aims to foster communication and relations among people with different backgroundsincluding nationals.  ... 
doi:10.1186/s40878-019-0168-9 fatcat:boppyubc6zbvbkylmilslwkq5i

The Science Underground

Patricia Kaishian, Hasmik Djoulakian
2020 Catalyst Feminism Theory Technoscience  
This article explores the science of mycology through a queer theory framework with the intention of situating the state of the field in a historical and social context.  ...  Our scientific understanding of mushrooms and other fungi have been shaped and indeed impeded by mycophobia, a condition of fear and revulsion that we compare here to queerphobia.  ...  Among people who forage for mushrooms they will later sell, however, exist more complicated social, cultural, and economic relationships with mushrooms.  ... 
doi:10.28968/cftt.v6i2.33523 fatcat:7vytqzpgvfcwjmxp6okjvcv35y

Science & Justice: The Trouble and the Promise

Jenny Reardon, Jacob Metcalf, Martha Kenney, Karen Barad
2015 Catalyst Feminism Theory Technoscience  
Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 1(1) 31  ...  This exchange helps illustrate how an object can serve as a spark to ignite conversation.  ...  Conversely, it also draws attention to how the people gathered reshape their object in the course of their discussion.  ... 
doi:10.28968/cftt.v1i1.28817 fatcat:wp3ms2yphfhkvhmqwabs24n5aq

Being Together in Place as a Catalyst for Scientific Advance [article]

Eamon Duede, Misha Teplitskiy, Karim Lakhani, James Evans
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Universities worldwide constitute places where people doing very different work engage in sustained interactions through departments, committees, seminars, and communities.  ...  The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated social distancing at every level of society, including universities and research institutes, raising essential questions concerning the continuing importance of physical  ...  Being Together in Place as a Catalyst for Scientific Advance Abstract: The COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated social distancing at every level of society, including universities and research institutes  ... 
arXiv:2107.04165v4 fatcat:bds5p6l3obdkrbjtty45qaic4a

Social Networking and Social Media in the United States, South Korea, and China

J.P. Shim, Sasha Dekleva, Aaron M. French, Chengqi Guo
2013 Communications of the Association for Information Systems  
of wireless mobile devices (WMD) among users.  ...  The panelists discussed the current status of social networking and social media in the aforementioned countries.  ...  EPA, KIA Motors, and others. Sasha  ... 
doi:10.17705/1cais.03328 fatcat:oiozupaywnbinikzqa4w6tmr34

Catalyst Immobilization on Inorganic Supports [chapter]

Ivo F. J. Vankelecom, Pierre A. Jacobs
2007 Chiral Catalyst Immobilization and Recycling  
I had the honor to meet very special colleagues from whom I learnt a lot about chemistry and handling other people.  ...  The silicate sheets are characterized by corner SiO 4 tetrahedra, which share 3 of its vertex oxygen atoms with other tetrahedra forming a hexagonal array in two-dimensions.  ... 
doi:10.1002/9783527613144.ch02 fatcat:yzxzp63sqjhzhmngtbruvcbfxi

Making Things Happen: Social Innovation and Design

Ezio Manzini
2014 Design Issues  
Therefore, they can be very effective in sparking off new initiatives and shaping dynamic social conversations about what to do and how.  ...  But they can also be the triggers that start new social conversations.  ... 
doi:10.1162/desi_a_00248 fatcat:aah2guuw6ja67bqwse7vpcz3pe

Social Media, Youth Mobilization and Urban Crime

Osugba Sylvester, Agbeyi Monday
2021 Cross-Currents An International Peer-Reviewed Journal on Humanities and Social Sciences  
Adopting the use and gratification theory, the paper x-rays the extent to which social media has been adopted by youths in Nigeria for social participation and activities including the perpetration of  ...  This paper was focused on exploring the drivers of urban crime through social media mobilization of youths.  ...  It is now possible to instantly converse and share information with people anywhere in the world who have access to a computer and an Internet connection.  ... 
doi:10.36344/ccijhss.2021.v07i07.002 fatcat:4547kifdbvei3ova3pb75ue3je

The Development of Connective Action during Social Movements on Social Media

Milad Mirbabaie, Felix Brünker, Magdalena Wischnewski, Judith Meinert
2021 ACM Transactions on Social Computing  
In recent years, the development of information communication technologies, such as social media, has changed the way people communicate and engage in social movements.  ...  In this article, we aim to investigate the role of social media during social movements that evolve online under the scope of the theory of connective action.  ...  other people.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3446981 fatcat:ao54enb4abd6daptl5xgqcwpim
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