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A survey on behind the meter energy management systems in smart grid

Islam Safak Bayram, Taha Selim Ustun
2017 Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews  
This paper also provides an overview of the enabling technologies and standards for communication, sensing, and monitoring purposes.  ...  A B S T R A C T Over the last few years, the fast-growing energy needs across the world have intensified a central challenge: how to reduce the generation and operation costs in power systems and, in parallel  ...  Reduan Khan from Newcastle University for his insights and valuable comments on the communication issues in behind the meter energy management systems.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.rser.2016.10.034 fatcat:3nzbg2mkg5fa7bi3idkaklbbvu

Open Identity Summit 2020

2020 Open Identity Summit  
UDE PROJECT "#OMPOSECȷ 3ECURE #OMPOSITION OF $ISTRIBUTED 3YSTEMS"˛GRANT »"8»‚""««»" OF THE $ANISH #OUNCIL FOR)NDEPENDENT 2ESEARCH˛BY THE %5 ("""" PROJECT NO‹ ""«"" ",) ' Acknowledgment This workh as  ...  ANFT is generated by asmart contract whichisacomputer program that directlycontrols digital assets.  ...  MUD is not sufficient to construct complete security contracts forS×C, but it provides useful information.  ... 
dblp:conf/openidentity/X20 fatcat:ls26vmy7yveqzfzphbizad6kxi

Heat eradication of insect infestations: the development of a low-cost, solar-heated treatment unit

Andrew Pearce
2003 AICCM Bulletin  
Changes in E.M.C. cause wood to expand and contract. A change in R.H. will cause a movement of moisture to or from the wood, varying its E.M.C. resulting in expansion or contraction.  ...  wooden object (for example a chair) is sealed within an airtight plastic bag and subjected to the same 40 o C change in temperature, the mechanisms of expansion and contraction are significantly altered  ...  Ltd. for their support in drafting this paper and for their energetic and knowledgeable development of NF HFC/EO mix fumigant applications.  ... 
doi:10.1179/bac.2003.28.1.007 fatcat:ybrecdx5xbcm5mq4rinsffie2e

Bayesian optimization of visual comfort

David Lindelöf
simulation framework for testing the controller.  ...  Accidental design decisions made years before I joined LESO-PB made it possible to develop a simulation framework in mere weeks-the first tests started in July 2006.  ...  This program has been developed in Java in a joint collaboration between LESO-PB and the Winterthur-based Adhoco AG 2 firm.  ... 
doi:10.5075/epfl-thesis-3918 fatcat:c4gcmgcesvf4lboroposg3xdqy

Science, Technology & Innovation Studies Special Issue 1, July 2006

(:Unkn) Unknown, Technische Universität Dortmund, Technische Universität Dortmund, Martin Meister, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer, Stefan Böschen, Jochen Gläser, Jörg Strübing
The next section is purely methodological and tries to develop a framework that allows for the relation between sociological and epistemological references.  ...  program from a comparative perspective.  ...  This points to the question of how the issue of scientific non-knowledge might be comprehended within a postconstructivist framework.  ... 
doi:10.17877/de290r-461 fatcat:tacbdd5gc5epvbmgiutnyy3woi