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Devan Hariharan, Rahul Krishnakumar MC, Vishwas Krishna AR, Susanna M Santhosh
2020 International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology  
Smart parking sensors and machinery facilitate guidance of drivers to free parking spaces thereby improving parking order. Currently, no such sensors or technologies are in use for open parking lot.  ...  As a solution this paper aims to set up a Smart Parking System by using technologies like Internet of Things.  ...  Smart Parking based System for smarter cities, in International Conference on Smart City and Emerging Technology (ICSCET), (10.1109/ICSCET.2018.8537281. a Smart Parking Management System for Smart Cities  ... 
doi:10.33564/ijeast.2020.v05i01.116 fatcat:66fuzerffbfazkzvjf2vsjlxj4

Smart Car Parking System using Arduino UNO

Suvarna Nandyal, Sabiya Sultana, Sadaf Anjum
2017 International Journal of Computer Applications  
The proposed Smart Parking system consists of an on-site deployment of an IOT module that is used to monitor and signalize the state of availability of single parking space.  ...  This paper introduce an IOT based coordinated framework for efficient and easy way of parking the vehicles by checking the availability of slots.  ...  Abhirup Khanna-2016 has worked on IOT based smart parking system-----Recent times the concept of smart cities have gained grate popularity.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2017914425 fatcat:tffbl74zlbc53nr5j5lgld3gmm

A Survey on Smart Parking Management System [chapter]

Rohit Ramchandani, Anjali Bansal
2023 Data Science and Intelligent Computing Techniques  
During peak hours, it is difficult task to find vacant parking lot and it becomes the major challenge for driver to park the vehicle.  ...  With the large increase in population, automated industries and need of vehicles, parking of the vehicles is becoming a critical issue in various cities.  ...  [19] proposed web application based on OCR algorithm for solving smart parking problem.  ... 
doi:10.56155/978-81-955020-2-8-4 fatcat:oztdwmaz25ej7hyoeljr6jevlq

Smart Parking System

Alamgir Mohammad
2018 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
The planned Smart Parking system comprises of an on location organization of an IOT based module which is utilized to signalize and screen the condition of availability of each single parking spot.  ...  Issues, for example, activity clog, restricted auto stopping offices and street wellbeing are being tended to by IOT. This paper shows an IOT based cloud incorporated keen stopping framework.  ...  In this work, we consider two smart car parking scenarios based on real-time car parking information that has been collected and disseminated by the City of San Francisco, USA and the City of Melbourne  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2018.5011 fatcat:7afhqm7h5zhzrb3kodiz4sjlzu

Transforming Cities from Simple to Smart using Internet of Things (IoT)

Anushka Khattri, Alisha Khattri, Ankita Kushwaha, Rahul Chauhan
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
For smart parking different methods such as expert system, wireless based system, GPS system and vehicular communication system are discussed in this paper.  ...  Dream of making a city smart is now transformed into reality through IoT. IoT is the best method to utilize the resources to the full extent.  ...  System based on Wireless Sensor GPS involved system is used for allocating the nearest parking space.  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i3.12.17618 fatcat:iut26fzwkzdebju7nozvf67ohm

Smart Transportation: A Primer

Matthew N.O. Sadiku, Adebowale E. Shadare, Sarhan M. Musa
2017 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering  
Smart transportation is an important component of the smart city. It refers to the application of information and communication technologies to road transport, infrastructure, vehicles, and users.  ...  This paper provides the basics of smart transportation, including its enabling technologies, applications, and challenges.  ...  IoT connect billions of smart devices [2] Fig. 1 . 1  Smart Cities: Applications of smart transportation services have led to the rapid growth in smart cities all over the world.  ... 
doi:10.23956/ijarcsse/v7i3/01312 fatcat:dmnrspxsbbbt3iadhyvl53lyie

Enhanced Framework for Secure Smart Parking Management

K F Azmath Ulla
2022 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
The majority of existing smart parking systems jeopardize drivers' privacy by disclosing data about their visited locations.  ...  Smart parking systems typically gather data on available parking slots in a certain geographic region and process it in real time to allow vehicles to park in those spaces.  ...  Some of the researches focused on information system and guidance for parking.  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2022.45255 fatcat:6hgqjonemjddpbhll2dhwjdkvq

A Literature Review for Understanding the Development of Smart Parking Systems

Nanang Cahyadi, Pietra Dorand, Nurwan Reza Fachrur Rozi, Laksamana Aidzul Haq, Refsi Indra Maulana
2023 Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology (JICT)  
guidance, IoT-based on-street infraction monitoring, central parking management systems, and energy-efficient automated solutions.  ...  To test scenarios, understand rules, processes, and algorithms in limited contexts, researchers need to develop reliable outdoor sensor and data technologies for outside application.  ...  real-time based on past IoT data [18] .  ... 
doi:10.52661/j_ict.v5i1.196 fatcat:mnmaivle4vhmthgbcy73eu7uzq

Review Paper on Smart Parking System

2024 International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science  
This system can guide drivers to available parking spaces using our software on their system(devices).  ...  A smart parking management system is like a modern tool that helps people find and use parking spaces more easily. It uses technology to monitor and manage parking spots in real time.  ...  Dipali Mane, for their tremendous guidance and dedication towards our project. Her concern and help will be tremendously appreciated through guidance and support.  ... 
doi:10.56726/irjmets49258 fatcat:i5k37q7bnnf27ep4rh363qa3pa

A brief review of the future of smart mobility using 5G and IoT

Simra Fathima Nazim, Mir Sayed Shah Danish, Tomonobu Senjyu
2022 Journal of Sustainability Outreach  
In addition, this paper discusses how 5G can cater to the needs of Internet of Things (IoT) technology for smart mobility, which looks into the aspects of smart mobility and 5G technology helping smart  ...  Smart mobility introduced the concept of connected vehicles that can sense their surroundings and make intelligent decisions based on the data collected.  ...  Authors in [34] surveyed how 5G can be one of the key factors driving the IoT application for Smart cities.  ... 
doi:10.37357/1068/jso.3.1.02 fatcat:zikkx5rgrvawrg4e37dlbw5bhi

An IoT Based Model for a Trucking Transport System Using Predictive Analytics

Renuka Mahajan
2020 Basic and Applied Sciences - Scientific Journal of King Faisal University  
After reviewing the current challenges of supply chain networks, this paper proposes a new smart solution for booking freight in a new way, integrating data from multiple sources using smart cloud-based  ...  Module 1 is the development of a mobile application for order updates and lives to monitor vehicles.  ...  Kyriazis et al. (2013) The paper has devised two IoT based smart city applications.  ... 
doi:10.37575/b/cmp/2255 fatcat:7lbovve2mfdplcfueaoqwrhxia


D Sony, N Krishna Sandeep Reddy, R V Krishna Sathvik, Palle Vivek Goud
To resolves these issues, an IoT based cloud integrated Smart Parking system with mobile application is being proposed. The whole system is based on machine-to-machine(M2M) communication in IoT.  ...  Growth of Internet of Things (IoT) has paved way for integration of mobile devices, wireless communication technologies and mobile applications.  ...  The IoT has created a revolution in many fields in life as well as in smart-parking system (SPS) technology [5] .  ... 
doi:10.34218/ijeet.12.5.2021.010 fatcat:aq3gbr4qdbakroizm2yljg3uie

IoT in Smart Cities: A Contemporary Survey

Janani R.P, Renuka K, Aruna A, Lakshmi Narayanan K
2021 Global Transitions Proceedings  
This paper mainly describes on what a smart city is, how it is created, uses, challenges, real-time applications, future scope for smart cities, etc.  ...  The IoT technologies used in implementing smart cities, the devices used to implement them are also discussed. / Procedia Manufacturing 00 (2019) 000-000 2  ...  Acknowledgements This work was supported by the IoT Applied Laboratory of Francis Xavier Engineering College.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.gltp.2021.08.069 fatcat:yjjvccwecfhgrevtd6btym6fh4

What the Smart City in the Danube Region Can Learn From Industry 4.0

Alexander Prosser
2018 Central and Eastern European eDem and eGov Days  
Now, the public sector is discovering these technologies for its own purposes.  ...  The Smart City Concept throughout all its current definitions is essentially a system that uses state-of-the-art ICT to provide and process information, to adapt and learn.  ...  This is the commercial/technological driver of the Internet of Things (IoT).  ... 
doi:10.24989/ocg.v331.16 fatcat:oj7onarvqjfoxivadmburq2gcq

Smart Parking Management System using IoT

2019 International journal of recent technology and engineering  
The IoT(Internet of Things) platform enables to attach physical modules with the net. In consequence, several applications can be carried out. This paper represents proposed system of one of them.  ...  Today's world is of Technology, technology is a kind of boon to enabling human lives comfortable as well as swift. The utilization of sensible phones has enormous applications.  ...  For implementation this prototype into real time may be low cost.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijrte.d8234.118419 fatcat:ya4xewvibbddhlrdhgt6rfuop4
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