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Efficient Computation of the Skyline Cube

Yidong Yuan, Xuemin Lin, Qing Liu, Wei Wang, Jeffrey Xu Yu, Qing Zhang
2005 Very Large Data Bases Conference  
We develop several computation sharing strategies based on effectively identifying the computation dependencies among multiple related skyline queries.  ...  In this paper, we consider the problem of efficiently computing a Skycube, which consists of skylines of all possible non-empty subsets of a given set of dimensions.  ...  A skyline query over d dimensions selects the points that are not dominated by any other points restricted to those dimensions.  ... 
dblp:conf/vldb/YuanLLWYZ05 fatcat:zyf7632lkbfn7o726trch3zkze

A Novel Filtered Based Grid partitioning multiple reducers skyline computation using Hadoop framework

P Venkateswara rao, Dr Mohammed Ali Hussain
2018 International Journal of Engineering & Technology  
Skyline query computation has attracted a major research problem recently, due to its exponential time and space complexities over imbalanced datasets.  ...  Due to the exponential growth of multi-dimensional skyline objects, the computational memory and efficiency of the traditional skyline measures also increases on large spatial datasets.  ...  Each individual server computes the skyline over its local data then it gives the output to the coordinator.  ... 
doi:10.14419/ijet.v7i2.7.10923 fatcat:sx5lgrifajerdjv3h57pwqonbe

Efficiently Evaluating Skyline Queries on RDF Databases [chapter]

Ling Chen, Sidan Gao, Kemafor Anyanwu
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
A naïve approach such as a join-first-skyline-later strategy splits the join and skyline computation phases which limit opportunities for optimization.  ...  While this problem has received significant attention in the context of single relational table, skyline queries over joins of multiple tables that are typical of storage models for RDF data has received  ...  Narang for the draft comments and to Jigisha Dhawan, Vikas V. Deshpande, Amrita Paul and Gurleen Kaur for the discussions.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-21064-8_9 fatcat:q5pwmfufabe3jbvhiugrjavveu

SkyCover: Finding Range-Constrained Approximate Skylines with Bounded Quality Guarantees

Shubhendu Aggarwal, Shubhadip Mitra, Arnab Bhattacharya
2016 International Conference on Management of Data  
However, in many cases, a user may not be interested in a skyline set computed over the entire dataset, but rather over a specified range of values for each attribute.  ...  all the dimensions.  ...  We also proposed two new metrics that can be used to measure the quality of an approximate skyline set.  ... 
dblp:conf/comad/AggarwalM016 fatcat:w7rnjzc34rcvhcwnu2l4uz6tua

Efficient Skyline Query over Multiple Relations

Jinchao Zhang, Zheng Lin, Bo Li, Weiping Wang, Dan Meng
2016 Procedia Computer Science  
Skyline query on multiple relations, known as skyline join query, finds skyline points from join results of multiple data sources. The issue of skyline join query has been extensively studied.  ...  Extensive experiments demonstrate that Skyjog outperforms the state-of-the-art skyline join algorithms on two and more than two relations.  ...  Acknowledgments This work is supported by the National KeJiZhiCheng Project (2012BAH46B03), the National HeGaoJi Project (2013ZX01039-002-001-001), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (61502478), and  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2016.05.381 fatcat:6j4zr24nvve2dpxrzn4nmkl2qm

Parallel Distributed Processing of Constrained Skyline Queries by Filtering

Bin Cui, Hua Lu, Quanqing Xu, Lijiang Chen, Yafei Dai, Yongluan Zhou
2008 2008 IEEE 24th International Conference on Data Engineering  
Skyline queries are capable of retrieving interesting points from a large data set according to multiple criteria.  ...  It also drastically enhances the network transmission efficiency by performing early reduction of skyline candidates with deliberately selected multiple filtering points.  ...  First, it computes its local constrained skyline Rg and captures the initial filtering points set Fc during the local computation (line 1).  ... 
doi:10.1109/icde.2008.4497463 dblp:conf/icde/CuiLXCDZ08 fatcat:74bhu6b2hrbyfiaxsztcvxarzm

Stochastic skyline operator

Xuemin Lin, Ying Zhang, Wenjie Zhang, Muhammad Aamir Cheema
2011 2011 IEEE 27th International Conference on Data Engineering  
Novel and efficient algorithms are developed to efficiently compute stochastic skyline over multidimensional uncertain data, which run in polynomial time if the dimensionality is fixed.  ...  We also show, by theoretical analysis and experiments, that the size of stochastic skyline is quite similar to that of conventional skyline over certain data.  ...  Acknowledgement: This work was partially supported by the three ARC Discovery Grants (DP110102937, DP0987557, DP0881035), and Google Research Award.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icde.2011.5767896 dblp:conf/icde/LinZZC11 fatcat:dyflkwswfvf2fnpebxh2asy5oy

Constrained subspace skyline computation

Evangelos Dellis, Akrivi Vlachou, Ilya Vladimirskiy, Bernhard Seeger, Yannis Theodoridis
2006 Proceedings of the 15th ACM international conference on Information and knowledge management - CIKM '06  
An important ingredient of our approach is the workload-adaptive strategy for determining the number of indexes and the assignment of dimensions to the indexes.  ...  Although both constrained skyline queries and subspace skyline queries have been addressed previously, the implications of constrained subspace skyline queries has not been examined so far.  ...  Huang et al. in [13] study skyline computation over mobile devices. Balke et al. [1] consider skyline retrieval in distributed environments; Lin et al.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1183614.1183675 dblp:conf/cikm/DellisVVST06 fatcat:w76fkalzrvehtntqt3t3xqxf7q

Energy-efficient two-dimensional skyline query processing in wireless sensor networks

Y. J. Roh, Inchul Song, Joo Hyuk Jeon, Kyoung Gu Woo, Myoung Ho Kim
2013 2013 IEEE 10th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC)  
In this paper, we rst present a new multiple lter-based technique to reduce wireless communication. Then, we provide a new merge sort-based algorithm for ef cient skyline computation in sensor nodes.  ...  In addition, the proposed method also provides a better performance than other existing methods with respect to the computational ef ciency of skyline computation in sensor nodes.  ...  A skyline is defined as a set of points that are not dominated by any other point where a point dominates another point if it is as good or better in all dimensions and better in at least one dimension  ... 
doi:10.1109/ccnc.2013.6488461 dblp:conf/ccnc/RohSJWK13 fatcat:5uxjhei2vzaibnq4wkmsyhn3au

Efficient continuous skyline computation on multi-core processors based on Manhattan distance

Ehsan Montahaie, Milad Ghafouri, Saied Rahmani, Hanie Ghasemi, Farzad Sharif Bakhtiar, Rashid Zamanshoar, Kianoush Jafari, Mohsen Gavahi, Reza Mirzaei, Armin Ahmadzadeh, Saeid Gorgin
2015 2015 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Formal Methods and Models for Codesign (MEMOCODE)  
In this paper, we present an efficient parallel continuous Skyline approach. In our suggested method, the dataset points are sorted and pruned based on Manhattan distance.  ...  The experimental results for a dataset that contains 800k points with 7 dimensions show considerable speedup.  ...  This approach, named block nested loop, explores all data points and computes Skyline to find non-dominated points.  ... 
doi:10.1109/memcod.2015.7340469 dblp:conf/memocode/MontahaieGRGBZJ15 fatcat:6vv7qgognjfanpk5zlla42xnym

Efficient parallel skyline processing using hyperplane projections

Henning Köhler, Jing Yang, Xiaofang Zhou
2011 Proceedings of the 2011 international conference on Management of data - SIGMOD '11  
Skyline queries, i.e., queries that involve computation of a skyline, can be computationally expensive, so it is natural to consider parallelized approaches which make good use of multiple processors.  ...  Our experiments show that our method consistently outperforms similar approaches for parallel skyline computation, regardless of data distribution, and provides insights on the impacts of different optimization  ...  There are multiple ways to approach this problem. Top-k queries [5] require a user to define a ranking function over the object collection, and return the k top-ranked objects.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1989323.1989333 dblp:conf/sigmod/KohlerYZ11 fatcat:nzck56bpybcslhzlixtawznpaa

A survey of skyline processing in highly distributed environments

Katja Hose, Akrivi Vlachou
2011 The VLDB journal  
Finally, we present interesting research topics on distributed skyline computation that have not yet been explored.  ...  Skyline query processing in highly distributed environments poses inherent challenges and demands and require non-traditional techniques due to the distribution of content and the lack of global knowledge  ...  Then, each server computes the skyline over its local data and returns its local skyline result set to the coordinator, which merges the result sets and computes the global skyline result.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00778-011-0246-6 fatcat:3gayy3mffnd63jpuue6ippbq6y

Subspace global skyline query processing

Mei Bai, Junchang Xin, Guoren Wang
2013 Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Extending Database Technology - EDBT '13  
Global skyline, as an important variant of skyline, has been widely applied in multiple criteria decision making, business planning and data mining, while there are no previous studies on the global skyline  ...  Secondly, by making analysis of basic properties of SGS, we propose a single SGS algorithm based on RB-tree (SSRB) to compute SGS points.  ...  BNL and D&C are proposed in [3] , BNL computes skyline by scanning the data file and keeping a list of candidate skyline points in main memory.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2452376.2452425 dblp:conf/edbt/BaiXW13 fatcat:gadzodnkw5fcpfyjwnpimabqze

Efficient subspace skyline query based on user preference using MapReduce

Yuanyuan Li, Zhiyang Li, Mianxiong Dong, Wenyu Qu, Changqing Ji, Junfeng Wu
2015 Ad hoc networks  
Subspace skyline, as an important variant of skyline, has been widely applied for multiple-criteria decisions, business planning.  ...  Additionally, the query phase provides two filtering methods, SQM-filtering and -filtering, to filter the skyline points according to user preference and reduce network cost.  ...  Due to large-scale data and high processing costs, it is not possible to compute the skyline points using terminals such as mobile phones.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.adhoc.2015.07.006 fatcat:ovb65j4qfvgrpbyhvzryf7hdky


Jongwuk Lee, Seung-won Hwang
2010 Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment  
Specifically, we first develop each principle by leveraging multiple parents and a skytree, representing recursive point-based space partitioning.  ...  To address this problem, a skycube is introduced to efficiently provide users with multiple skylines with different strengths.  ...  dimensions and is better than q on at least one dimension.  ... 
doi:10.14778/1929861.1929865 fatcat:cs3gljuayja5xehltu7hzjdyqe
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