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Opinion Maximization in Social Trust Networks

Pinghua Xu, Wenbin Hu, Jia Wu, Weiwei Liu
2020 Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
Second, the opinions of individuals are modeled as bipartite states (e.g., support or not) in numerous studies, however, this setting is too strict for many real scenarios.  ...  In addition, we developed two matrix-based methods for these two problems and experiments on realworld datasets to demonstrate the practical utility of our methods.  ...  Equation (7) also constructs the relations between EOP, the fundamental matrix, and internal conflict , which may help to enable the analysis of simultaneous opinion maximization and conflict reduction  ... 
doi:10.24963/ijcai.2020/174 dblp:conf/ijcai/XuH0020 fatcat:fgfh3c4rkvb2jmscohx27pj2re

Opinion Maximization in Social Trust Networks [article]

Pinghua Xu, Wenbin Hu, Jia Wu, Weiwei Liu
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Second, the opinions of individuals are modeled as bipartite states(e.g., support or not) in numerous studies, however, this setting is too strict for many real scenarios.  ...  Moreover, we developed two matrix-based methods for these two problems and experiments on real-world datasets to demonstrate the practical utility of our methods.  ...  Equation (7) also constructs the relations between EOP, the fundamental matrix, and internal conflict [Chen et al., 2018] , which may help to enable the analysis of simultaneous opinion maximization  ... 
arXiv:2006.10961v1 fatcat:tsa735meirfwhogxqmjabwmbni

Combination of linear discriminant analysis and expert opinion for the construction of credit rating models: The case of SMEs

Mohamed Habachi, Saâd Benbachir, David McMillan
2019 Cogent Business & Management  
In this paper, we will propose a new approach to combine the linear discriminant analysis and the expert opinion by using the Bayesian approach.  ...  This permitted the construction of the statistical rating model and the associated Bayesian models; and to compare the capital requirement determined by these models.  ...  Therefore, the conception process is as follows: The determination of the score function by linear discriminant analysis The modeling of default by linear discriminant analysis is done by the simultaneous  ... 
doi:10.1080/23311975.2019.1685926 fatcat:dhtwefix3nhaloiazkjn3yrcou

Maximizing Contrasting Opinions in Signed Social Networks [article]

Kaivalya Rawal, Arijit Khan
2019 arXiv   pre-print
cascade model, is maximized.  ...  We aim at finding the top-k influential seed nodes so to simultaneously maximize the adoption of two distinct, antithetical opinions in the two groups, respectively.  ...  The benefit of the conflicting opinions of various individuals collaborating together can be measured clearly on the online encyclopedia: Wikipedia.  ... 
arXiv:1910.12017v1 fatcat:kxbxfyzb7jaojdb4bhqpef2elu

Diverging Opinions

James Andreoni, Tymofiy Mylovanov
2012 American Economic Journal: Microeconomics  
In this paper, we derive a simple model and present an experiment showing that opinion polarization can emerge trivially when one-dimensional opinions are formed from two-dimensional information.  ...  Our analysis shows that people discount information when it is filtered through the actions of others, but not when it is presented directly, indicating that common knowledge of disagreement may be possible  ...  We observe diverging opinions about sundry issues, such as gun control, social welfare benefits, affirmative action, the war in Iraq, and the death penalty.  ... 
doi:10.1257/mic.4.1.209 fatcat:yqkyqt6ynzhh7k44u2rvydp3c4

Modeling and Analysis of Post-Conflict Reconstruction

Damon B. Richardson, Richard F. Deckro, Victor D. Wiley
2004 The Journal of Defence Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology  
This research effort demonstrates the viability of using systems dynamics modeling techniques to simulate the establishment of public order and safety in a post-conflict reconstruction operation (Phase  ...  A model capable of capturing the general dynamics involved in post-conflict reconstruction would provide insight to decision makers regarding potential policy alternatives.  ...  Success in a post-conflict reconstruction depends on nearly simultaneous progress in the four "pillars" of post-conflict reconstruction: (1) security, (2) justice and reconciliation, (3) social and economic  ... 
doi:10.1177/875647930400100402 fatcat:ve4pj7mf7zajlpymgyss7ejts4

Energy policy: modelling and analysis

İ Kavrakoğlu
1987 Mathematical Modelling  
The effects of those changes have to be assessed and measures are taken to either minimize the undesirable consequences of adverse changes, or maximize the benefits of positive developments.  ...  i.e. shadow prices and the sensitivity of the (optimal) solution to changes in unit costs/benefits, as well as parametric analysis.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0270-0255(87)90467-2 fatcat:stf422opj5fqtf6gf2a7pjpil4

Model Parameter Estimation and Uncertainty Analysis

Andrew H. Briggs, Milton C. Weinstein, Elisabeth A. L. Fenwick, Jonathan Karnon, Mark J. Sculpher, A. David Paltiel
2012 Medical decision making  
2012) Model parameter estimation and uncertainty analysis: a report of the ISPOR-SMDM modeling good research practices task force working group -6. Medical Decision Making, 32 (5). pp. 722-732.  ...  The model generates point estimates of the outcome for each possible course of action; the ''best'' choice is the one that maximizes the outcome subject to the constraint.  ...  VI-17 For economic studies, when a PSA is performed without an accompanying expected value of information analysis, options for presenting results include CEACs and distributions of net monetary benefit  ... 
doi:10.1177/0272989x12458348 pmid:22990087 fatcat:234vbbmj2ffkbase7poqctwhry

Rapamycin for longevity: opinion article

Mikhail V. Blagosklonny
2019 Aging  
Furthermore, the alternative to the reversible (and avoidable) side effects of rapamycin/everolimus are the irreversible (and inevitable) effects of aging: cancer, stroke, infarction, blindness and premature  ...  I will discuss several reasons, including fear of the actual and fictional side effects of rapamycin, everolimus and other clinically-approved drugs, arguing that no real side effects preclude their use  ...  Figure 2 . 2 Optimal dose of rapamycin for maximal net benefits. Figure 3 . 3 Effects of standard and anti-aging medicine on health-and lifespan.  ... 
doi:10.18632/aging.102355 pmid:31586989 pmcid:PMC6814615 fatcat:b426h45g6nfunbl2t5aty3lrw4

Integrated Traffic Flow Models and Analysis for Automated Vehicles [chapter]

Bart van Arem, Montasir M. Abbas, Xiaopeng Li, Larry Head, Xuesong Zhou, Danjue Chen, Robert Bertini, Stephen P. Mattingly, Haizhong Wang, Gabor Orosz
2016 Lecture Notes in Mobility  
With the emergence of connected and automated vehicle (CAV) technologies, research on traffic flow modeling and analysis will play a very important role in improving our understanding of the fundamental  ...  Specific research needs were identified on data collection and analysis on CAV behavior and applications. This paper summarizes the presentations and discussions during the Automated Vehicles  ...  The remaining sections of this paper are organized as follows: Sect. 2 presents the summary of the invited presentations and Sect. 3 introduces the key results from the panel discussion.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-40503-2_20 fatcat:65cf32clxve6hlr35qqqnilo6m

Conflicted advice and second opinions: Benefits, but unintended consequences

Sunita Sah, George Loewenstein
2015 Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes  
We show that advisors give more biased advice and adopt a profit-maximizing frame when they are aware of the mere availability of a second opinion.  ...  Second opinions have been advocated as an antidote to bias in advice when primary advisors have conflicts of interest.  ...  Acknowledgements: We thank Ashleigh Shelby Rosette, Hajo Adam, Susann Fiedler, and Michael O'Leary for their helpful comments on an earlier draft of this manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2015.06.005 fatcat:bhcgvkvxwzckhdvuc7sdmey7bq

Foreign Policy Analysis and Globalization: Public Opinion, World Opinion, and the Individual by Foyle1

Jean A. Garrison
2003 International Studies Review  
Current research in foreign policy analysis (FPA) is vibrant and multidimensional; it bridges gaps with adjacent disciplines, the policymaking community, and the larger field of international relations  ...  in Foreign Policy Analysis in 20/20 157  ...  rationally to maximize their utility.  ... 
doi:10.1111/1521-9488.5020011 fatcat:4dk6rodgyzck3cgufqtlzbd4qe

Cultural standing in expression of opinion

2004 Language in society  
conflicting "common opinions" on a topic. 31 Schiffrin credits T.  ...  This view is in fact the common opinion among working-class speakers of his generation (as I found in my research), and is marked as such by the use of maxims, clichés, and other kinds of formulaic speech  ... 
doi:10.1017/s004740450433201x fatcat:jrauenvz25bftafosuxwr76eda

On the Dominant Factors of Civilian-Use Drones: A Thorough Study and Analysis of Cross-Group Opinions Using a Triple Helix Model (THM) with the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)

Chen-Hua Fu, Ming-Wen Tsao, Li-Pin Chi, Zheng-Yun Zhuang
2021 Drones  
This exploits a new set of knowledge for the design and selection of civilian drones on a scientific yet empirical basis, and the observed differences and similarities among the groups may benefit their  ...  Doing so facilitates a "mind-mining" process using the triple helix model (THM), while the opinions across the groups can also be visualized and compared.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/drones5020046 fatcat:ibe2b6x6hzbsbcdnghrmptl3ky

Community Opinion Diffusion and Simulation Research Based on Evolutionary Game

Yafei QIAN, Xianyong LI, Senxin HAO
2019 DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering  
From the perspective of game, the model analyses the interaction rules of users, opinion leaders and regulators, and analyses how regulators effectively guide opinions from the perspective of regulators  ...  Finally, Simulation experiment shows that timing and intensity of supervision have a great influence on opinion guidance, the best countermeasure is timely and low-level supervision.  ...  Through the analysis of behavioral decisions of users, opinion leaders and regulators, a perspective diffusion model based on evolutionary game is constructed.  ... 
doi:10.12783/dtcse/iccis2019/32001 fatcat:dol5idjmancangf4rlrbmnnu6q
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