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387 Hits in 4.9 sec

Network analysis through the use of Joint-Distribution Entropy on EEG recordings of MCI Patients during a visual short-term memory binding task

Alexandra Josefsson, Javier Escudero Rodriguez, Agustin Ibanez, Mario Parra
2019 Healthcare technology letters  
This work studies a functional network created from a non-linear measure of coupling of beta-filtered EEG recordings during a short-term memory binding task.  ...  It shows that the values of the small-world characteristic and eccentricity are, respectively, lower and higher in MCI patients than in controls.  ...  Eccentricity is the maximum shortest path length between any two nodes in the network [8] .  ... 
doi:10.1049/htl.2018.5060 pmid:31119035 pmcid:PMC6498400 fatcat:w225zlgb5baxdgbfwa45kfiycy

Implementing Adaptive Voltage Over-Scaling: Algorithmic Noise Tolerance vs. Approximate Error Detection

Roberto Giorgio Rizzo, Andrea Calimera
2019 Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications  
This strategy encompasses the concept of timing speculation through some level of approximation. How and on which part of the circuit to implement such approximation is an open issue.  ...  The aim of this study was to provide both a qualitative and quantitative analysis on two real-life digital circuits mapped onto a state-of-the-art 28-nm CMOS technology.  ...  More in detail, the TDL is tuned such that the arrival time of the shortest path (AT min ) is delayed beyond the DW.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jlpea9020017 fatcat:ise4bltwpvbw3m3w47q5hvkk6m

Optimal Transmission of High-frequency Voltage Signals under Remote Control

Qian Chen, Gang Lv, Ruiliang Zhang, Huadong Tang, Zongyuan Luo
2019 European Journal of Electrical Engineering  
Drawing on adaptive spectrum feature extraction and equalization filtering, the proposed model combines non-stationary time series analysis, linear equalization and fractionally-spaced equalization to  ...  The research findings shed new light on improving the quality of high-frequency voltage signals in transmission lines under remote control.  ...  Furthermore, our method was compared with two traditional transmission methods for high-frequency voltage signals, namely, baud-spaced equalization and shortest path forwarding, in terms of bit error rate  ... 
doi:10.18280/ejee.210305 fatcat:nzhsjrt6jrh7db537nsmqeo63y

Denoising Signals Used in Gas Turbine Diagnostics with Ant Colony Optimized Weighted Recursive Median Filters

Chintan Raikar, Ranjan Ganguli
2017 INAE Letters  
The WRM filter is demonstrated for abrupt and gradual faults in gas turbines and is found to yield noise reduction of 52-64% for simulated noisy signals considered in this paper.  ...  We propose the ant colony optimization (ACO) method coupled with local search to calculate the integer weights of WRM filters.  ...  In fact, some species of ants are completely blind but are still able to find the shortest path.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s41403-017-0023-y fatcat:7kn6rjflpnd7xkjmaega4bn26m

Core-Level Modeling and Frequency Prediction for DSP Applications on FPGAs

Gongyu Wang, Greg Stitt, Herman Lam, Alan George
2015 International Journal of Reconfigurable Computing  
We also demonstrate how such prediction enables accurate design-space exploration without coding in a hardware-description language (HDL), significantly reducing the total design time.  ...  Previous works have enabled model-based, design-space exploration to reduce DTE iterations but are limited by a lack of accurate model-based prediction of key design parameters, the most important of which  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the I/UCRC Program of the National Science Foundation under Grant nos. EEC-0642422 and IIP-1161022.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2015/784672 fatcat:6lwpbspsnngctcu4t3ctgno64m

Machine-learning-based estimation and rendering of scattering in virtual reality

Ville Pulkki, U. Peter Svensson
2019 Journal of the Acoustical Society of America  
In this work, a technique to render the acoustic effect of scattering from finite objects in virtual reality is proposed, which aims to provide a perceptually plausible response for the listener, rather  ...  The input data consist of a set of geometric features describing a large quantity of source-object-receiver configurations, and the target data consist of the filter parameters computed using measured  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research was supported by the Academy of Finland. Ambrosini, L., Gabrielli, L., Vesperini, F., Squartini, S., and Cattani, L. (2018).  ... 
doi:10.1121/1.5095875 fatcat:bidxqdewpre2tkyd2d265lmt3q

Delay and sampling-rate aware architectural synthesis in presence of communication overhead

A. Itradat, M.O. Ahmad, Ali Shatnawi
2008 2008 Joint 6th International IEEE Northeast Workshop on Circuits and Systems and TAISA Conference  
The proposed technique operating on the cyclic DFG of a DSP algorithm is designed to evaluate the relative firing times of the nodes by using Floyd-Warshall's longest path algorithm so that the communication  ...  This paper presents a technique for the minimization of the delay and sampling rate in the architectural synthesis of cyclic data flow graphs (DFGs) representing DSP algorithms taking into consideration  ...  EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS The proposed scheme is first applied to a well-known benchmark problem of a second-order IIR filter. The modified DFG for this filter is shown in Fig. 2 .  ... 
doi:10.1109/newcas.2008.4606386 fatcat:d7cnauvv7rhd7fzy5xnavgwmr4

Ant colony optimization-based bio-inspired hardware: survey and prospect

Haibin Duan, Yaxiang Yu, Jie Zou, Xing Feng
2010 Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control  
to the finding the shortest path from ant nest to a considered problem.  ...  for the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), digital circuits, digital infinite impulse-response (IIR) filters, hardwareoriented ant colony optimization with look-up table and hardware/software partition  ...  In Figure 7 , the parameters of the IIR filter are successively adjusted by the modified TACO algorithm until the error between the outputs of the filter and the system is minimized.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0142331210366689 fatcat:pj6hwz4py5eltblpwa4vcxbwsu

An optimal memory allocation scheme for scratch-pad-based embedded systems

Oren Avissar, Rajeev Barua, Dave Stewart
2002 ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems  
Instead, the memory units are mapped to different portions of the address space.  ...  For some programs, less than 5% of data in SRAM achieves a similar speedup.  ...  20% of the program data size (for all three allocation schemes), and the case when all program data is placed in DRAM. shortest path between two elements in a matrix using Dijkstra's algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.1145/581888.581891 fatcat:e5jjmx4qqfepjnfoz533tcg2ha

Binaural Sound Localizer for Azimuthal Movement Detection Based on Diffraction

Keonwook Kim, Anthony Choi
2012 Sensors  
One of the microphones in the system is surrounded by barriers of various heights in order to cast the direction dependent diffraction of the incoming signal.  ...  Sound localization can be realized by utilizing the physics of acoustics in various methods.  ...  Also, the research was partially funded by NASA sponsored Georgia Space Grant Consortium.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s120810584 pmid:23112617 pmcid:PMC3472845 fatcat:a6gsamc3bjczllt5ri4njy7ide

Principles of Digital Dynamic-Range Compression

James M. Kates
2005 Trends in Amplification  
design that separates the filtering operation from the frequency analysis, and the frequency-warped version of the side-branch approach that modifies the analysis frequency spacing to more closely match  ...  This article provides an overview of dynamic-range compression in digital hearing aids.  ...  The group delay for the combination of three IIR filters is plotted in Figure 13 .  ... 
doi:10.1177/108471380500900202 pmid:16012704 pmcid:PMC4111488 fatcat:4clpq533bzgcfojwlh6mvjaawu

Cut-based functional debugging for programmable systems-on-chip

D. Kirovski, M. Potkonjak, L.M. Guerra
2000 IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration (vlsi) Systems  
Due to the growth of both design complexity and the number of gates per pin, functional debugging has emerged as a critical step in the development of a system-on-chip (SOC).  ...  We propose a set of tools, transparent to both the design and debugging process, that enables the user to run long test sequences in emulation and, upon error detection, roll back to an arbitrary instance  ...  Finding the cut of the third-order Gray-Markel ladder IIR filter. The original CDFG for this filter structure is presented in Fig. 1(a) . of time nonoverlapping small cuts.  ... 
doi:10.1109/92.820760 fatcat:g5qc3odat5cs3chbncypaldkmq

DSP for MATLAB™ and LabVIEW™ I: Fundamentals of Discrete Signal Processing

Forester W. Isen
2008 Synthesis Lectures on Signal Processing  
There are two basic types of digital filter, the FIR filter and the IIR filter, each having certain advantages and disadvantages that determine suitability for a given use.  ...  the interfering signals, the transit time of the direct (i.e., shortest) path can be subtracted from all transit times. 2) Specify each of the reflected (i.e., delayed) paths as a number of equivalent  ...  It evaluated the frequency response of a test signal of length N by correlating the test signal with many test correlators of length N having frequencies evenly spaced between 0 and π radians.  ... 
doi:10.2200/s000161ed1v01y200811spr004 fatcat:3cwzmk7iuvdf7c23izrwpgcxoq

Fast Adaptable Mobile Robot Navigation in Dynamic Environment [article]

Xihan Ma, Honglin Sun, Enwei Xu, Song Cui, Boqun Yin, Mariam Faied
2020 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, a navigation scheme for mobile robot, capable of dealing with time variant environment is proposed.  ...  Autonomous navigation in dynamic environment heavily depends on the environment and its topology. Prior knowledge of the environment is not usually accurate as the environment keeps evolving in time.  ...  To smooth the movement of the robot, we apply a first order IIR filter to reduce the high frequency change in robotâȂŹs angular velocity.  ... 
arXiv:2007.09581v1 fatcat:akhkvewtifdgbo475xjt4xeyfm

A method for human action recognition

Osama Masoud, Nikos Papanikolopoulos
2003 Image and Vision Computing  
Each action is represented as a manifold in this lower dimensional space and matching is done by comparing these manifolds.  ...  Classification results were very accurate and show that this approach is robust to challenges such as variations in performers' physical attributes, color of clothing, and style of motion.  ...  This work has been partially supported by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the National Science Foundation through grants #CMS-0127893 and #IIS-0219863.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0262-8856(03)00068-4 fatcat:rqvlqpxzk5ayhofgm5kh3bwt4e
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