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Bayesian Approach to Disentangling Technical and Environmental Productivity

Emir Malikov, Subal Kumbhakar, Efthymios Tsionas
2015 Econometrics  
By separating the production of undesirable outputs from that of desirable outputs, not only do we ensure that undesirable outputs are not modeled as inputs and thus satisfy costly disposability, but we  ...  To measure the latter, we derive a Solow-type Divisia environmental productivity index which, unlike conventional productivity indices, allows crediting the ceteris paribus reduction in undesirable outputs  ...  Author Contributions All authors contributed equally to the project. Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/econometrics3020443 fatcat:aohfohuvwrabnoplerc3t2fvli

Measuring Eco-Inefficiency: A New Frontier Approach

Chien-Ming Chen, Magali A. Delmas
2012 Operations Research  
We also extend the single-output Cobb-Douglas production function to multiple desirable and undesirable outputs.  ...  Over the past two decades, researchers have increasingly used frontier efficiency models to evaluate productive efficiency in the presence of undesirable outputs, such as greenhouse gas emissions or toxic  ...  They also thank Joe Zhu for sharing the paper mill data used in this paper.  ... 
doi:10.1287/opre.1120.1094 fatcat:dbhu3nvspnftlmmf6j6tlwdfuy

Distinguishing Technical Inefficiency from Desirable and Undesirable Congestion with an Application to Regional Industries in China

Jun Wang, Yong Zha
2014 Sustainability  
We then extend the model by considering the desirable and undesirable types of congestion simultaneously.  ...  Congestion is an important issue that requires the efficiency of decision-making units (DMUs).  ...  Conflicts of Interest The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su6128808 fatcat:kuwx6527ynhnxo5ypaaipvtdti

Measurement Of Operational And Environmental Performance Of The Coal-Fired Power Plants In India By Using Data Envelopment Analysis

Vijay Kumar Bajpai, Sudhir Kumar Singh
2015 Zenodo  
The result also indicates that the undesirable output effect is insignificant in the research sample.  ...  CO2 emitted to the environment is used as the undesired output (Model-2) in the computation of the pure environmental performance while in Model-3 CO2 emissions is considered as detrimental input in the  ...  They separated the outputs into desirable and undesirable outputs, and then they applied DEA to measure the operational efficiency on desirable outputs and environmental efficiency on undesirable outputs  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1098126 fatcat:mgym4azqbzcarjso6eptsgfmtu

Efficiency in Brazilian Refineries under Different DEA Technologies

Claudia Aparecida Cavalheiro Francisco, Mariana Rodrigues de Almeida, Djalma Ribeiro da Silva
2012 International Journal of Engineering Business Management  
This paper aims to assess the environmental efficiency of refineries in the public sector with emphasis on generated effluents and water consumption in the production process.  ...  models of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), considering only desirable outputs and two DEA models which include undesirable outputs.  ...  This work will focus on the generation of undesirable effluents as an output to measure the environmental efficiency.  ... 
doi:10.5772/52799 fatcat:jaifzw3gsbga5pwte65z7bgukq

Applying an Efficiency Measure of Desirable and Undesirable Outputs in DEA to U.S. Electric Utilities

Kaoru Tone, Miki Tsutsui
2011 Journal of CENTRUM Cathedra (JCC) The Business and Economics Research Journal  
Applying the model to measure the overall efficiency of U.S. electric utilities in the presence of both desirable and undesirable outputs indicated that the utilities had improved their overall management  ...  The extension of the model followed to address desirable (good) and undesirable (bad) outputs where separable and nonseparable goods and bads in input and output items were evident.  ...  Environmental performance Concluding Remarks The focus of this paper was the proposal of a new efficiency measure that can address both desirable (good) outputs and undesirable (bad) outputs in a unified  ... 
doi:10.7835/jcc-berj-2011-0061 fatcat:du3zgs2sp5a2xc6qnn72a7dnim

Impact of Flights Delays on Productivity of Yangtze River Delta Airports

Wei Wei, Xia Hongshan
2010 2010 International Conference on Optoelectronics and Image Processing  
This study differs from previous work in that both desirable and undesirable outputs (i.e., number of delays flights) are considered.  ...  They indicate that there may be a balance between quantity and quality of outputs in the achievement of efficient outcomes.  ...  Measuring relative productivity To measure the inefficiency level of airport D in Fig.1 , the desired measurement is along the diagonal line DI or in the direction of vector ( , ) y b g g g = − .  ... 
doi:10.1109/icoip.2010.109 fatcat:om74eogperdavdc2o5zp6cme7i

Energy Efficiency with Undesirable Output at the Economy-Wide Level: Cross Country Comparison in OECD Sample

Nevzat Simsek
2014 American Journal of Energy Research  
Measuring the environmental efficiency of countries is important in the climate change process. The aim of this paper is to measure the energy efficiency of OECD countries with undesirable output.  ...  In this paper, I focus on the production process where labour, capital stock (mostly omitted in such papers), and energy consumption are inputs, GDP is a desirable output and CO 2 emission is an undesirable  ...  But, in the real world, energy usage results in the generation of undesirable outputs as by-products of desirable outputs.  ... 
doi:10.12691/ajer-2-1-2 fatcat:3lxguip2rbbavfyycnmjmyy5ae

Dynamic DEA: A slacks-based measure approach☆

Kaoru Tone, Miki Tsutsui
2010 Omega : The International Journal of Management Science  
These carry-overs play an important role in measuring the efficiency of decision making units in each term as well as over the whole terms based on the long-term viewpoint.  ...  Furthermore, according to the characteristics of carry-overs, we classify them into four categories, i.e. desirable, undesirable, free and fixed.  ...  This model deals with excesses in input resources and undesirable (bad) links and shortfalls in output products and desirable (good) links in a single unified scheme.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.omega.2009.07.003 fatcat:pk3v62mwurgu5mir46sjm3y4qq

Technical efficiency and impact of environmental regulations in farrow-to-finish swine production in Taiwan

Chih-Ching Yang, Ching-Kai Hsiao, Ming-Miin Yu
2008 Agricultural Economics  
This article demonstrates how technical efficiency and the impact of environmental regulations of Taiwanese farrow-to-finish swine production can be estimated in the presence of undesirable outputs.  ...  The technologies of desirable output production and undesirable output control are considered simultaneously.  ...  Acknowledgments We express our appreciation to the Council of Agriculture and the Environmental Protection Administration of Taiwan for providing financial support to the project numbered 93AS-8.2.2-AD-U1  ... 
doi:10.1111/j.1574-0862.2008.00314.x fatcat:fslvxlgsgbfadmvl77ntm4wfam

Aggregate green productivity growth in OECD's countries

Zhiyang Shen, Jean-Philippe Boussemart, Hervé Leleu
2017 International Journal of Production Economics  
The structural effect captures the heterogeneity in the combination of input and output mixes among countries that can impact TFP growth at a more aggregate level.  ...  In the literature, this effect has not been quantified for a group of nations such as the OECD countries.  ...  of both desirable and undesirable outputs and  is the inefficiency score.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ijpe.2017.04.007 fatcat:c7bloulyovhpnia4sfrf7gze6y

Time Substitution for Environmental Performance: The Case of Sweden Manufacturing

Moriah B. Bostian, Rolf FFre, Shawna Grosskopf, Tommy Lundgren, William L. Weber
2015 Social Science Research Network  
Our data allow us to estimate the optimal reallocation of environmental investments, expenditures and energy use to simultaneously maximize production output and minimize emissions reductions in the years  ...  We find some evidence of overall productivity decline when considering both emissions and output objectives, due primarily to technological decline, and that cumulative dynamic inefficiency outweighs static  ...  In addition to these joint technology approaches, still others make use of network methods to model the production technology for intended desirable output separately from a residual pollution-generating  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2743236 fatcat:yiscdab3frazdjfigdwi4rzce4

Scale directional distance function and its application to the measurement of eco-efficiency in the manufacturing sector

Noor Asiah Ramli, Susila Munisamy, Behrouz Arabi
2013 Annals of Operations Research  
In addition, the paper demonstrates the use of the new approach to establish target values for the reduction/expansion of outputs in order for the inefficient DMUs to achieve full eco-efficiency.  ...  This approach allows for desirable outputs to be expanded while undesirable outputs are contracted simultaneously.  ...  Acknowledgement The research is financed by the postgraduate research fund, University of Malaya, No. PS168-2010A.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10479-013-1441-1 fatcat:s5kqun5e4rerxndfl4mcw7uoqy

A New Modeling Approach for Undesirable Factors in Efficiency Evaluation of Cement Industry with Four Stages Structure Based on Piecewise Linear NDEA Model

So, this paper propose a new model according to the NDEA technique and a piecewise linear function, which considers the effects of undesirable outputs in efficiency evaluation and distinguishes the valuation  ...  So, a method for evaluating efficiency should be able to consider nonlinear value of undesirable outputs and improve efficiency of DMUs with decreasing undesirable outputs and increasing desirable ones  ...  The production of undesirable outputs such as waste, pollution, aerosols, and others alongside desirable outputs is one of the main reasons for inefficient production processes.  ... 
doi:10.24818/18423264/ fatcat:54vwm4mtjvehxovxgyilzezlka


Norbaizura Kamarudin, Wan Rosmanira Ismail, Noor Asiah Ramli
2016 Jurnal Teknologi  
The result shows that the measurement of water technical efficiency is more explicit using DDF model, where the potential reduced level of NRW for each inefficient water utility can be determined in order  ...  undesirable outputs.  ...  Acknowledgement We are grateful for the UiTM and Ministry of Higher Education scholarship to Author 1.  ... 
doi:10.11113/jt.v78.8232 fatcat:wbpcgkhmdreq5lgbobdb5v6qby
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