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1,252 Hits in 3.8 sec

Multi-GCN: Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-View Networks, with Applications to Global Poverty

Muhammad Raza Khan, Joshua E. Blumenstock
In this paper, we develop a graph-based convolutional network for learning on multi-view networks.  ...  We show that this method outperforms state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning algorithms on three different prediction tasks using mobile phone datasets from three different developing countries.  ...  Multi-GCN: Multi-View Graph Convolutional Networks Our approach to semi-supervised learning on multi-view graphs integrates three steps, depicted in Figure 1 .  ... 
doi:10.1609/aaai.v33i01.3301606 fatcat:uztoujvgonajtoqeqp2pahthyu

Multi-GCN: Graph Convolutional Networks for Multi-View Networks, with Applications to Global Poverty [article]

Muhammad Raza Khan, Joshua E. Blumenstock
2019 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we develop a graph-based convolutional network for learning on multi-view networks.  ...  We show that this method outperforms state-of-the-art semi-supervised learning algorithms on three different prediction tasks using mobile phone datasets from three different developing countries.  ...  Multi-GCN: Multi-View Graph Convolutional Networks Our approach to semi-supervised learning on multi-view graphs integrates three steps, depicted in Figure 1 .  ... 
arXiv:1901.11213v1 fatcat:eu75x365sjbnrhov3znbovaqdq

Adversarial Semi-supervised Learning for Corporate Credit Ratings [article]

Bojing Feng, Wenfang Xue
2021 arXiv   pre-print
Then in the second phase, adversarial semi-supervised learning is applied uniting labeled data and pseudo-labeled data.  ...  Specifically, we consider the problem of adversarial semi-supervised learning (ASSL) for corporate credit rating which has been rarely researched before.  ...  All authors had approved the final version Acknowledgment This work is jointly supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (62071017) and Major Projects in Tianjin Binhai New District (BHXQKJXM-PT-ZKZNSBY  ... 
arXiv:2104.02479v2 fatcat:hgnqbyc5krabtnrfnw2kvlirme

Research on the Application of Machine Learning Algorithms in Credit Risk Assessment of Minor Enterprises

Huichao Mi
2021 Converter  
In order to understand the function of machine learning algorithms in predicting enterprise credit risk, the research designs five models, including Logistic Regression, Decision Tree, Naïve Bayesian,  ...  Experiments show that machine learning algorithms have high accuracy for both large-scale data and small-scale data.  ...  Li et al. used multi-layer perceptron and radial basis functions to evaluate the credit of minor enterprises in the P2P online lending platform and multi-layer perceptron can better predict defaulting  ... 
doi:10.17762/converter.220 fatcat:miafkis7vzcwpjfe4kzym36wi4

Counterfactual Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Graph Convolution Communication [article]

Jianyu Su, Stephen Adams, Peter A. Beling
2020 arXiv   pre-print
Our architecture represents agent communication through graph convolution and applies an existing credit assignment structure, counterfactual multi-agent policy gradient (COMA), to assist agents to learn  ...  We evaluate our method on a range of tasks, demonstrating the advantage of marrying communication with credit assignment.  ...  Communication Module We now describe our multi-agent communication architecture in details. Our communication kernel consists of graph convolutions and relation kernels.  ... 
arXiv:2004.00470v2 fatcat:4jzk2hjmxzempnjs5wfwn5lgci

Deep Convolutional Clustering-Based Time Series Anomaly Detection

Gavneet Singh Chadha, Intekhab Islam, Andreas Schwung, Steven X. Ding
2021 Sensors  
The system solely relies on unlabeled data and employs a 1D-convolutional neural network-based deep autoencoder architecture.  ...  This paper presents a novel approach for anomaly detection in industrial processes.  ...  the number of convolution kernels in the given layer.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s21165488 pmid:34450930 pmcid:PMC8400863 fatcat:6bk4djhthnd2bbx7kvb4gnxyxa

Survey on Semantic Segmentation using Deep Learning Techniques

Fahad Lateef, Yassine Ruichek
2019 Neurocomputing  
In addition, we present the common evaluation matrix used to measure their accuracy.  ...  Many of these methods have been built using the deep learning paradigm that has shown a salient performance.  ...  They introduced an additional convolution with a kernel size of 3 × 3 before the first convolution layer in ResNet, which enables the network to learn more high resolution features in less time.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.neucom.2019.02.003 fatcat:aelsfl7unvdw5j2rtyqhtgqrsm

An Introduction to Robust Graph Convolutional Networks [article]

Mehrnaz Najafi, Philip S. Yu
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we propose a novel Robust Graph Convolutional Neural Networks for possible erroneous single-view or multi-view data where data may come from multiple sources.  ...  By incorporating an extra layers via Autoencoders into traditional graph convolutional networks, we characterize and handle typical error models explicitly.  ...  For supervised learning, = 0, while for semi-supervised learning, > 0. Model Architecture To alleviate sensitivity of GCN against error in data, we utilize robust autoencoder.  ... 
arXiv:2103.14807v1 fatcat:52zu625fdve4ln3oxwjxjxlea4

Identification of Fake vs. Real Identities on Social Media using Random Forest and Deep Convolutional Neural Network

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
Identity detection is very essential in social media platforms, various platform has facing fake accounts influence since couple of years in current eras.  ...  LITERATURE SURVEY In machine learning, classification is based on learning from training database. This learning can be categorized into three types as: supervised, semi-supervised and unsupervised.  ...  Semi-supervised method of learning is a combination of both supervised and unsupervised learning where some of the class labels are known.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.a9739.109119 fatcat:lduxxk3m7jfzbo7dxaavs2trfa

Financial Fraud Detection Using Deep Learning Based on Modified Tabular Learning [chapter]

Meiying Huang, Wenxuan Li
2022 Proceedings of the 2022 3rd International Conference on E-commerce and Internet Technology (ECIT 2022)  
However, these methods are not interpretable in tabular data model, we proposed a feature-based deep learning regression model that can directly deal with tabular data.  ...  At present, the mainstream intelligent methods for fraud detection include convolutional neural network (CNN) and support vector regression (SVR).  ...  Provides an end-to-end learning approach based on gradient descent with the benefit of semi-supervised learning and the ability to use information from another training model to learn to solve related  ... 
doi:10.2991/978-94-6463-005-3_55 fatcat:2nbndvr6brd43kfbypqqbkp5f4

On the Use of High-Order Feature Propagation in Graph Convolution Networks with Manifold Regularization

F. Dornaika
2021 Information Sciences  
Graph Convolutional Networks (GCNs) have received a lot of attention in pattern recognition and machine learning.  ...  While manifold regularization can add additional information, the GCN-based semi-supervised classification process cannot consider the full layer-wise structured information.  ...  Acknowledgments This work is supported in part by the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU grant GIU19/027.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.ins.2021.10.041 fatcat:d5pqj722cnbuxarujyeteelu2i

CogDL: A Toolkit for Deep Learning on Graphs [article]

Yukuo Cen, Zhenyu Hou, Yan Wang, Qibin Chen, Yizhen Luo, Zhongming Yu, Hengrui Zhang, Xingcheng Yao, Aohan Zeng, Shiguang Guo, Yuxiao Dong, Yang Yang (+6 others)
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Deep learning on graphs has attracted tremendous attention from the graph learning community in recent years.  ...  In CogDL, we propose a unified design for the training loop of graph neural network (GNN) models, making it unique among existing graph learning libraries.  ...  The datasets consist of two parts, including both semi-supervised and fully-supervised settings. • Semi-supervised datasets include three citation networks, Citeseer, Cora, and Pubmed [29] .  ... 
arXiv:2103.00959v3 fatcat:34lxb53rxjb2hnx5ramu5nomdq

Improving automatic segmentation of liver tumor images using a deep learning model

Zhendong Song, Huiming Wu, Wei Chen, Adam Slowik
2024 Heliyon  
Then, multi-resolution deep supervision is introduced in the network, resulting in more robust segmentation.  ...  In response to this demand, the current paper advocates a liver vessel segmentation approach that employs an enhanced 3D fully convolutional neural network V-Net.  ...  to reduce information loss. (2) Introduce multi-resolution deep supervision in the network, and divide the liver blood vessels into multi-resolution feature maps, which is regarded as multi-task learning  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e28538 pmid:38571625 pmcid:PMC10988037 fatcat:lfca6267fvcb5hkv6leevzrqp4

MF-Net: Multi-Scale Information Fusion Network for CNV Segmentation in Retinal OCT Images

Qingquan Meng, Lianyu Wang, Tingting Wang, Meng Wang, Weifang Zhu, Fei Shi, Zhongyue Chen, Xinjian Chen
2021 Frontiers in Neuroscience  
In addition, to leverage unlabeled data to further improve the CNV segmentation, a semi-supervised version of MF-Net is designed based on pseudo-label data augmentation strategy, which can leverage unlabeled  ...  Although many deep learning-based methods have achieved promising results in many medical image segmentation tasks, CNV segmentation in retinal optical coherence tomography (OCT) images is still very challenging  ...  The details for data strategies are listed in Table 1 . Supervised Semi-supervised Training Retinal OCT images with ground truth from three folds.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fnins.2021.743769 pmid:34690681 pmcid:PMC8533052 fatcat:4oxs57do55f4foqynu75xdskxa

Accurate Tumor Segmentation via Octave Convolution Neural Network

Bo Wang, Jingyi Yang, Jingyang Ai, Nana Luo, Lihua An, Haixia Feng, Bo Yang, Zheng You
2021 Frontiers in Medicine  
In this paper, we propose an effective and efficient method for tumor segmentation in liver CT images using encoder-decoder based octave convolution networks.  ...  More importantly, we introduce a deep supervision mechanism during the learning process to combat potential optimization difficulties, and thus the model can acquire a much faster convergence rate and  ...  FIGURE 2 | 2 The octave convolution kernel. k × k octave convolution kernel W is equivalent to vanilla convolution kernel because they have exactly the same number of parameters.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fmed.2021.653913 pmid:34095168 pmcid:PMC8169966 fatcat:bqlgbbnhqvc3blskhgrzha62mm
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