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Security Assessment of White-Box Design Submissions of the CHES 2017 CTF Challenge [article]

Estuardo Alpirez Bock, Alexander Treff
2020 IACR Cryptology ePrint Archive  
In 2017, the first CHES Capture the Flag Challenge was organized in an effort to promote good design candidates for white-box cryptography.  ...  In particular, the challenge assessed the security of the designs with regard to key extraction attacks. A total of 94 candidate programs were submitted, and all of them were broken eventually.  ...  The authors would like to thank Chris Brzuska and Wil Michiels for their helpful feedback during the preparation of this paper.  ... 
dblp:journals/iacr/BockT20 fatcat:ijpset47bzfpllkiutmm7xexsu

How Not to Protect Your IP – An Industry-Wide Break of IEEE 1735 Implementations [article]

Julian Speith, Florian Schweins, Maik Ender, Marc Fyrbiak, Alexander May, Christof Paar
2021 arXiv   pre-print
As part of this analysis, we are the first to publicly disclose three RSA-based white-box schemes that are used in real-world products and present cryptanalytical attacks for all of them, finally resulting  ...  Since hardware design is a globalized process involving various (untrusted) stakeholders, a secure management of the valuable IP between authors and users is inevitable to protect them from unauthorized  ...  “Security colorado . edu / ∼jrblack / class / csci7000 / f03 / papers / Assessment of White-Box Design Submissions of the oorschot-whitebox.pdf.  ... 
arXiv:2112.04838v1 fatcat:kr5extcefvgrtdgarejgkcix5u

CUA 2020 Annual Meeting Abstracts

Editor CUAJ
2020 Canadian Urological Association Journal  
surgical techniques from 2015-2017 and assessed early (30-day) outcomes for each procedure.  ...  Rates of each technique remained stable from 2015-2017. Median age at surgery was 4.8 years (interquartile range 2.3-7.7) and 72.9% were female.  ...  The launch of the CanMEDS Competence by Design (CBD) initiative presents challenges for curricula design to ensure residents achieve proficiency as they progress through training.  ... 
doi:10.5489/cuaj.6732 fatcat:wbyvxypjhbgydfcb64yc6wrrb4