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(In)Secure Multimedia Transmission Over Rtp

Thomas Stuetz, Andreas Uhl
2010 Zenodo  
MULTIMEDIA TRANSMISSION OVER RTP In this work we consider a multimedia transmission system, which is built on IPv4 (RFC 791), UDP (RFC 768), and RTP (RFC 3550).  ...  The question is whether in-order transmission of RTP packets with encrypted headers is appropriate for secure multimedia transmission.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.41934 fatcat:gmjq6w2f5jg63gst5ndezrkk2y

Enhancing cooperative playback systems with efficient encrypted multimedia streaming

G. Fortino, W. Russo, E. Zimeo
2003 2003 International Conference on Multimedia and Expo. ICME '03. Proceedings (Cat. No.03TH8698)  
This paper proposes an efficient technique centered on the Blowfish symmetric encryption algorithm for securing media streams based on the Real-time Transport Protocol (RTP).  ...  archived multimedia sessions to a cooperative group of clients.  ...  a unicast or multicast multimedia session and send multimedia data encapsulated in RTP packets.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icme.2003.1221702 dblp:conf/icmcs/FortinoRZ03 fatcat:h5sm3yrvizcyvm34cdizjlyaxy

Effective and Secure Scheme for Video Streaming Using SRTP

P. Iyyanar, M. Chitra, P. Sabarinath
2012 International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing  
Real-time of live video or stored video is the predominant part of the real-time multimedia networking.  ...  The valuation of the prototype system is to provide a safer transmission across the Internet with cost-effective and quality-guaranteed manner while using SRTP.  ...  The advantages over the RTP standard security and also over the H.264 security for media stream data are listed below SRTP provides increased security, achieved by Confidentiality for RTP as well as for  ... 
doi:10.7763/ijmlc.2012.v2.252 fatcat:zidugpu2kveoha6deo5irg4tfq

Design of Secure Transmission of Multimedia Data Using SRTP on Linux Platform

Shashidhar H.G., Sanket Dessai, Shilpa Chaudhari
2015 International Journal of Reconfigurable and Embedded Systems (IJRES)  
The code for the transmitter and the receiver is designed and developed around the SRTP library for transmission of multimedia data.  ...  In this paper an attempt has been made to transmit digital multimedia data to multiple users. The transmission of the video/audio data has been attempted from one PC to another PC.  ...  REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS • The network protocol used to transmit the multimedia data: Secure Real Time protocol (SRTP) is used to transmit multimedia over the network.  ... 
doi:10.11591/ijres.v4.i2.pp71-81 fatcat:x7zticuxsrc4jj66xhywuzi3cq

SIP Security

Andreas Steffen, Daniel Kaufmann, Andreas Stricker
2004 DFN Tagungen  
Unfortunately little attention has been given to the security aspects involved in running a phone connection over the public Internet.  ...  This paper gives a comparative overview over the security mechanisms recommended by the SIP standard and presents a practical SIP implementation realized at the Zürcher Hochschule Winterthur (ZHW), based  ...  can then be used to protect the RTP media streams.  ... 
dblp:conf/dfn/SteffenKS04 fatcat:wxoi2iwuufao7of3fc7qv5sc6e

Joint source-channel decoding for mpeg-4 video transmission over wireless channels

Qingyu Chen, K.P. Subbalakshmi
2003 IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications  
Zhu, "MPEG-4 Video Transmission over RTP", TV Technique, China, 2001. • K.P. Subbalakshmi and Q.  ...  Subbalakshmi, "Joint Source-Channel Decoding for MPEG-4 Video Transmission Over Wireless Channels", IEEE JSAC-Special Issues on Recent Advances in Wireless Multimedia, Dec. 2003. • Q. Chen and K.P.  ... 
doi:10.1109/jsac.2003.815015 fatcat:4ibse65uc5dmbh42ywtlwifvsy

The Design and Implementation of RTSP/RTP Multimedia Traffic Identification Algorithm

Liang Jianbing, Chen Shuhui
2019 Journal of Physics, Conference Series  
This paper not only analyzes some specific multimedia transmission protocols, but also studies their communication characteristics.  ...  In addition, multimedia traffic identification algorithms for specific RTSP, RTP/RTCP traffic, which have high identification accuracy, are described and validated in this paper.  ...  When the multimedia data is transmitted in /RTP/AVP/UDP mode, the RTSP stream negotiates the RTP/RTCP transmission parameters through the "Transport" header.  ... 
doi:10.1088/1742-6596/1168/5/052033 fatcat:7thiit3rizdnxcbh3hqx3o2gqq


Mrs.Toshima Singh Rajput
2017 International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science  
It also helps in analysing the SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) data and extraction of RTP (Real Time Transport Protocol) data from the captured data packets and helps in the preparation of an effective  ...  Protocol) network using python sniffer program with new python library modules like pyshark and dpkt.This rich library of protocol intensive modules can help in the analysis of data packets transmitting over  ...  Speech Transmission Protocols 3. VoIP management Protocols The signaling protocols are used to make phone calls over the Internet.  ... 
doi:10.26483/ijarcs.v8i9.5167 fatcat:haiftgynvfegfmap6deuezzhhe

Multimedia Transmission Mechanism for Streaming Over Wireless Communication Channel

Shwetha M, Yamuna Devi C R
2021 International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications  
Thus, inventing precise and efficient quality-based media transmission protocol will significantly help to improve the multimedia QoS over wireless networks.  ...  ., 4G/5G), the explosion of multimedia transmission of content sharing has become an integral part of users' daily lives.  ...  Less resource utilization Throughput, bandwidth, delay Said et al. [29] Multimedia Transmission over IoT environment RTP/RTCP protocols End to end delay, minimum energy consumption Delay jitter  ... 
doi:10.14569/ijacsa.2021.0120928 fatcat:2etwj6lcdzdfjica7hx54wzkmm

Efficient in-network adaptation of encrypted H.264/SVC content

Hermann Hellwagner, Robert Kuschnig, Thomas Stütz, Andreas Uhl
2009 Signal processing. Image communication  
Two basic alternatives to implement encryption and adaptation of H.264/SVC content are investigated: (i) full, format-independent encryption making use of Secure RTP (SRTP); (ii) SVC-specific encryption  ...  Potential security threats and security properties of the two approaches in the IPTV and VoD scenario are elementarily analyzed.  ...  As the requirements for the highest level security can not be met for both encryption schemes, the application of selective/partial encryption schemes  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.image.2009.07.002 fatcat:jzxblcwoyzdu5lk52jsojh5zcm

An immersive view approach by secure interactive multimedia proof-of-concept implementation

Pablo Antón, Antonio Maña, Antonio Muñoz, Hristo Koshutanski
2013 Multimedia tools and applications  
Functional and security aspects of LIFE are presented along with details of implementation and performance evaluation.  ...  Conclusions of experiments show that LIFE enables practical secure media streaming solution with optimal video quality settings.  ...  Acknowledgements This work is supported by the project DESEOS (TIC-4257) Dispositivos Electrónicos Seguros para la Educación, Ocio y Socialización (meaning "secure electronic devices for education, entertainment  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11042-013-1682-7 fatcat:jewohhe5qjdmpiseuwkl7bcmxe

Securing RTP Packets Using Per-Packet Key Exchange for Real-Time Multimedia

Younchan Jung
2013 ETRI Journal  
For secure multimedia communications, existing encryption techniques use an online session key for the key exchange, for which key size is limited to less than 10 digits to accommodate the latency condition  ...  This condition results in poor security of recorded encrypted data.  ...  Strength of security in the P key scheme can be greatly improved because each P key is different every packet period of the multimedia RTP stream.  ... 
doi:10.4218/etrij.13.0212.0549 fatcat:rhn2wr77xfcipaivtsrqihwyqm

Deployment of VoIP Technology: QoS Concerns [article]

Amor Lazzez, Thabet Slimani
2013 arXiv   pre-print
Voice over IP (VoIP) is an emerging communication service allowing voice transmission over a private or a public IP network.  ...  Nevertheless, the deployment of the VoIP technology encounters many challenges such as interoperability issues, security issues, and QoS concerns.  ...  Secure RTP (SRTP) has been recently proposed by the IETF as a secured version of the RTP protocol.  ... 
arXiv:1312.2581v1 fatcat:lzno2btlnfc7rmj6q6f5xh7m5y

Secure Real-Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) for Hierarchical Proxy Caching

Siu Fung Yeung, John C. S. Lui, David K. Y. Yau
2008 International Journal of Network Security  
We present the Secure Multimedia Library (SML) which is based on ARPS and then realize these security features on a production video streaming server: Apple's Darwin Streaming Server.  ...  But the use of multimedia proxies increases the risk that data are exposed to unauthorized access by intruders.  ...  requirements: • Data confidentiality during transmission -because intruders may eavesdrop on the transmission paths, therefore, multimedia data need to be transmitted across the network in encrypted form  ... 
dblp:journals/ijnsec/FungLY08 fatcat:jeufr3jgebe3rnorv4timcaawi

The Quality of Video Communication in Encrypted Traffic

Piotr Łubkowski, Dariusz Laskowski
2020 Journal of KONBiN  
The basic challenge related to the implementation of video transmission services is to ensure an appropriate level of quality and security (Quality & Security).  ...  The article presents a multi-criteria assessment of the impact of encryption protocols for multimedia video transmissions on the perceived quality of QoE (Quality of Experience) service implementation.  ...  SRTP is an application layer protocol associated with the RTP protocol, which is responsible for the transmission of multimedia data in real time.  ... 
doi:10.2478/jok-2020-0080 fatcat:vhisj5c3fzh2znm5e4qfkcy42y
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