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Secure Similarity Queries: Enabling Precision Medicine with Privacy [chapter]

Jinfei Liu, Li Xiong
2016 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, we 1) briefly introduce the background of the precision medicine initiative, 2) review existing secure kNN queries and introduce a new class of secure skyline queries, 3) summarize the challenges  ...  A critical component for precision medicine is to search existing treatments for a new patient by similarity queries.  ...  In this paper, we consider the problem of supporting similarity queries on encrypted data in the data outsourcing setting.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-41576-5_5 fatcat:vqgo6mex7zcz3dept7574curze

A survey on Content Based Image Retrieval in Cloud Environment with Privacy Preservation & Copy Deterrence

Monika Bansode
2021 International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology  
To protect images with sensitive or private information needs to be encrypted before being outsourced to cloud. However, this causes difficulties in image retrieval and management.  ...  Cloud computing offers on demand services to cloud user therefore many organizations prefer to use cloud for data storage.  ...  executed in the outsourcing server (e.g. a cloud provider).  ... 
doi:10.22214/ijraset.2021.37852 fatcat:x3ynu567zvgt5idquu3clo5b2e

Fuzzy Based Implementation of Multi - Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data in Secure Cloud Environment

Gladiss Merlin. N
2017 International Journal of Scientific Research and Management  
This method establishes a set of strict privacy requirements for such a secure cloud data utilization system through MRSE.  ...  Cloud computing enables the paradigm of data outsourcing.  ...  And then the arrival of K-nearest neighbor (kNN) algorithm enhances the security and also it express the various encryption schemes that are designed to support secure kNN query processing under different  ... 
doi:10.18535/ijsrm/v5i12.06 fatcat:zqne5kvarzdw7pgeizjwbztmpm

Synonymous Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data in Cloud

Avani Konda, Sai Praneeth Gudimetla
2017 International Journal of MC Square Scientific Research  
In order to reduce cost in data management and to outsource the data to cloud servers, data owners in more amounts are motivated in cloud computing.  ...  To encrypt the index and query process, the secure KNN algorithm is used.  ...  Using search keywords and secure key a trapdoor TD is generated. Trapdoor TD is used to search. After search processes, the cloud server sends most relevant k files to user.  ... 
doi:10.20894/ijmsr. fatcat:o2xtbbbv3vf5jd5gjyhdk4dgna

Enabling Secure and Efficient Multi-Keyword Fuzzy Retrieval over Encrypted Data in Cloud

Yanguang Shen, Meng Zhang, Chenghua Shi
2016 Innovative Computing Information and Control Express Letters, Part B: Applications  
In this paper, we proposed a secure and efficient Multi-Keyword Fuzzy Retrieval (MKFR) over encrypted cloud data.  ...  In cloud computing, for the privacy-preserving of cloud data, sensitive data often has to be encrypted before outsourcing, which makes data utilization very complex work.  ...  In cloud environment, customers authorized by cloud server could search required data and download them.  ... 
doi:10.24507/icicelb.07.07.1629 fatcat:3eov65gw5rbu5g3gzazxtv22aa

Secure Ranked Multi-Keyword Search based on Modified Blowfish Algorithm and AVL Tree in Untrusted Cloud Environment

2019 International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology  
Finally, our proposed work provides secure data outsourcing to cloud server compared to the other existing methods.  ...  Advancement in cloud services growing day by day motivates a huge number of data proprietors to store their valuable data in cloud servers.  ...  To secure data outsourcing in the cloud environment [11] proposed an exceptional index structure and traversal algorithm on the basis of tree.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijeat.a2041.109119 fatcat:jom2eqwnafhvxdyd27cf7bh3hq

A Survey on Multi-Keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud Data with Multile Data Owners

Kalyani Sonawane, Rahul Dagade
2017 International Journal of Computer Applications  
In this paper, an attempt is made to survey various searching techniques towards effective data utilization in cloud storage and is discussed in detail.  ...  Data outsourcing in the commercial public cloud also raise the problem for unauthorized data access and the cloud storage does not make sense if the outsourced data is not effectively utilized.  ...  In secure search over encrypted data, data owners outsourced their data to cloud server in encrypted form to preserve their privacy.  ... 
doi:10.5120/ijca2017913393 fatcat:s3jg4nvnnjcufokxbstlml6iv4

Privacy-preserving parallel kNN classification algorithm using index-based filtering in cloud computing

Yong-Ki Kim, Hyeong-Jin Kim, Hyunjo Lee, Jae-Woo Chang, Hua Wang
2022 PLoS ONE  
With the development of cloud computing, interest in database outsourcing has recently increased.  ...  In cloud computing, it is necessary to protect the sensitive information of data owners and authorized users.  ...  Samanthula et. al. proposed a secure k- W. Wu et al. proposed a privacy preserving kNN classification algorithm over encrypted database in outsourced cloud environments 2.2.4 W. Wu et al.'s work.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0267908 pmid:35511912 pmcid:PMC9070920 fatcat:wlwucssi4rcufcczvsmkjddncy

A Privacy-Preserving Protocol for Verifiable File Search on the Cloud

It should always be encrypted before cloud outsourcing to preserve the privacy of personal documents that are stored in the cloud environment.  ...  In order to improve search effectiveness and speed, a multi-key word-search method can be used to obtain a respective cloud.  ...  Revised In this paper we propose a protocol to verify, secure and efficient file searches for outsourced data.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.f1099.0486s419 fatcat:msz43agpunfvpe753yw4bw2xka

Processing private queries over untrusted data cloud through privacy homomorphism

Haibo Hu, Jianliang Xu, Chushi Ren, Byron Choi
2011 2011 IEEE 27th International Conference on Data Engineering  
It shows increasing importance as cloud computing drives more businesses to outsource their data and querying services.  ...  Based on this framework, we devise secure protocols for processing typical queries such as k-nearest-neighbor queries (kNN) on R-tree index.  ...  The third category considers a distributed environment where the data are partitioned and outsourced to a set of independent and non-colluding outsourcing servers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icde.2011.5767862 dblp:conf/icde/HuXRC11 fatcat:twb7vkslwrhpddeg2vdl7tamzq

A Survey on Multi-Keyword Ranked Query Search over Encrypted Cloud Storage

2015 International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)  
In the survey few of the searching techniques have been studied to find an effective method/solution for the retrieval of data/files over the encrypted cloud data.  ...  Advancement in cloud computing have revamped the view of modern information technology which is motivating the data owners to outsource their data to the public cloud server like Amazon, Microsoft Azure  ...  When directly applied in large joint data outsourcing cloud environment, they go through next shortcoming. Limitations: -Single-keyword search without ranking. Boolean-keyword search without ranking.  ... 
doi:10.21275/v4i11.nov151721 fatcat:awg4lq4hvrhspkiyjiwkst3d2e

An Intelligent Big Data Analytics System using Enhanced Map Reduce Techniques

The proposed KNN clustering Strategy works effectively and that can be outsourced to cloud server.  ...  The Enhanced Map Reduced Techniques based on K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) clustering Strategy works efficient as well as in an effective manner.  ...  data, etc directly outsourcing them, to public cloud server definitely to raises security concern.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.b1105.1292s219 fatcat:a2yfmebjofdslgiobgnhxgujey

Enabling Fine-Grained Multi-Keyword Search Supporting Classified Sub-Dictionaries over Encrypted Cloud Data

Hongwei Li, Yi Yang, Tom H. Luan, Xiaohui Liang, Liang Zhou, Xuemin Sherman Shen
2016 IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing  
In this paper, we address this issue by developing the fine-grained multi-keyword search schemes over encrypted cloud data. Our original contributions are three-fold.  ...  As the outsourced data are likely to contain sensitive privacy information, they are typically encrypted before uploaded to the cloud.  ...  In Trapdoor generating phase, [6] and [13] firstly creates a vector according to the search keyword set W, then encrypts the vector by the secure kNN computation scheme.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tdsc.2015.2406704 fatcat:7fyap2tl3zfffmvwb7h22g25ym

ESAS: An Efficient Semantic and Authorized Search Scheme over Encrypted Outsourced Data [article]

Xueyan Liu, Zhitao Guan, Xiaojiang Du, Liehuang Zhu, Zhengtao Yu, Yinglong Ma
2018 arXiv   pre-print
In addition, the search capabilities in encrypted outsourced data is expected to be enhanced, i.e., the search results can better pre-sent user's intentions.  ...  Nowadays, a large amount of user privacy-sensitive data is outsourced to the cloud server in ciphertext, which is provided by the data owners and can be accessed by authorized data users.  ...  In a distributed cloud environment, a large amount of privacy sensitive data is outsourced to the cloud in ciphertext, which is provided by the data contributors and can be accessed by authorized data  ... 
arXiv:1811.06917v1 fatcat:ruscqxjdr5c7dkfm4y7l26z5aa

Efficient Semantic Keyword Search and Dynamic Update over Encrypted Cloud Data

Meenu K. R., Theresa Jose
2015 International Journal of Engineering Research and  
The traditional privacy-preserving Multi-keyword Ranked Search over Encrypted Cloud data (MRSE) schemes involves much overhead in terms of storage and search time.  ...  The risk of storing confidential data in the public cloud forced the data owners to store data in encrypted form.  ...  Ning Cao et al. in [9] used the inner product similarity at the same time providing much more privacy than the secure kNN method by inserting dummy keywords in the query and searchable index.  ... 
doi:10.17577/ijertv4is090662 fatcat:wjupe7urknd55g6cukb54u7ziy
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