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Self-Supervised Pretraining for Transferable Quantitative Phase Image Cell Segmentation

Tomas Vicar, Jiri Chmelik, Roman Jakubicek, Larisa Chmelikova, Jaromir Gumulec, Jan Balvan, Ivo Provaznik, Radim Kolar
2021 Biomedical Optics Express  
Moreover, we publish a new dataset of manually labelled images suitable for this task together with the unlabelled data for self-supervised pretraining.  ...  To increase the transferability to different cell types, non-deep learning transfer with adjustable parameters is used in the post-processing step.  ...  SeSe-Net [28] propose a more complex self-supervised approach, where two networks are trained; one is trained for the segmentation quality prediction and another for the segmentation.  ... 
doi:10.1364/boe.433212 pmid:34745753 pmcid:PMC8547997 fatcat:cslyx3t5wzgyvgcjcckhrjwc4y