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Lightweight Firm Real-Time Extensions for Low Memory Profile Java Systems [chapter]

Helge Böhme, Ulrich Golze
2004 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
A three level scheduling scheme using earliest deadline first (EDF), fair-share and round-robin policies is integrated into a Java virtual machine kernel.  ...  This paper shows a novel approach to real-time extensions for Java running on low memory profile systems.  ...  We have developed a Java virtual machine running on 8-bit microcontrollers for home network node realization.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-30470-8_47 fatcat:2fnsgafznbfvbiwwn6mjqcq3vy

Scalable Online Feasibility Tests for Admission Control in a Java Real-Time System

Uwe Brinkschulte
2006 Real-time systems  
A main scheduling policy realized by hardware in the microcontroller core is a new scheme called Guaranteed Percentage (GP) scheduling.  ...  In the Komodo project a real-time Java system based on a multithreaded Java microcontroller has been developed.  ...  As a main scheduling policy, 'Guaranteed Percentage' (GP) scheduling is provided and realized by hardware in the microcontroller core.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11241-005-4679-0 fatcat:gmlrhsxgwnfglmqr57eu4ukzpq

Real-Time Operating Systems and Programming Languages for Embedded Systems [chapter]

Javier D., Rodrigo M.
2012 Embedded Systems - Theory and Design Methodology  
There is a wide range of hardware possibilities in the market (microcontrollers, microprocessors and DSPs); also there are many different programming languages, like C, C++, C#, Java, Ada; and there are  ...  Section 5 presents and compares different alternatives for the implementation of real-time Java. Finally, Section 6 concludes.  ...  The kernel provides a scheduler that dispatches the tasks based on a timer tick according to a Fixed Priority policy.  ... 
doi:10.5772/38571 fatcat:zzyt3fhttncx5c4a6e3pihneqy

A library for developing real-time and embedded applications in C

Pablo Basanta-Val, Marisol García-Valls
2015 Journal of systems architecture  
It also reports on the performance results obtained in a set of infrastructures used to c heck ECP C, providing c lues on the overhead introdu c ed by these mechanisrns on limited infrastructures.  ...  ECP C takes the program ming abstrac tions described in real time Java and reflects them into a C application system. providing extensions for multi threading, resource sharing. rnemory management. externa  ...  Acknowledgements This work has been partially funded by Distributed Java Infrastructure for Real Time Big Data (CAS14/00118) and by eMadrid: Investigación y Desarrollo de tecnologías educativas en la Comunidad  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sysarc.2015.03.003 fatcat:fi2vgc7z3bhw5dn5h62cwcw3ze

Can real-time software engineering be taught to Java programmers?

S. Smith, S.W. Lawson, A. Lawson
2004 17th Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, 2004. Proceedings.  
We would like to be able to offer as rich a learning experience for our software engineers who study a final year module on real-time software engineering.  ...  In this paper we present our case for a relevant real-time undergraduate laboratory based around Java. † See module homepage at  ...  A more cost effective solution for new developers might be a special purpose microcontroller and a Java programmable run time environment (e.g. [14] ).  ... 
doi:10.1109/csee.2004.1276521 dblp:conf/csee/SmithLL04 fatcat:t3ji4mg47feq5pc7vwcs2yhara

Hardware support in a middleware for distributed and real-time embedded applications

Elias T. Silva, Flávio R. Wagner, Edison P. Freitas, Carlos E. Pereira
2006 Proceedings of the 19th annual symposium on Integrated circuits and systems design - SBCCI '06  
One of the main challenges in the development of tools and methodologies for a multiprocessor realtime embedded system is to reuse already developed software, but at the same time obtaining low memory  ...  Furthermore, the use of the object-oriented approach reduces time-to-market and development costs. Hardware support in a middleware for distributed and real-time embedded applications  ...  The software scheduler also has a high cost because it is developed using a highlevel language (Java) and uses the object-oriented paradigm.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1150343.1150384 dblp:conf/sbcci/SilvaWFP06 fatcat:ucjnlkedufhajctdxgxxphkpoe

A Profile for Safety Critical Java

Martin Schoeberl, Hans Sondergaard, Bent Thomsen, Anders P. Ravn
2007 10th IEEE International Symposium on Object and Component-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing (ISORC'07)  
We propose a new, minimal specification for real-time Java for safety critical applications.  ...  Nevertheless, our profile can be implemented on top of an RTSJ compliant JVM.  ...  Acknowledgment The first author would like to thank Franz Josef Jappel for discussions on a usable API for real-time systems and various suggestions.  ... 
doi:10.1109/isorc.2007.9 dblp:conf/isorc/SchoeberlSTR07 fatcat:tolu6zn22jhyno5yvv3x6facam

A virtual platform for multiprocessor real-time embedded systems

Elias T. Silva, Daniel Barcelos, Flávio R. Wagner, Carlos E. Pereira
2008 Proceedings of the 6th international workshop on Java technologies for real-time and embedded systems - JTRES '08  
This paper presents a virtual platform for the development and test of application software, low-level software, and hardware components for an MPSoC (Multiprocessor System-on-Chip) platform, where components  ...  are interconnected by a network-onchip (NoC).  ...  Scheduler overhead depends on the number of threads running, and communication costs depend on the size of the messages.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1434790.1434796 dblp:conf/jtres/SilvaBWP08 fatcat:aoaprcuvijggvdvsonc7z53vau

A case study of multi-threading in the embedded space

Greg Hoover, Forrest Brewer, Timothy Sherwood
2006 Proceedings of the 2006 international conference on Compilers, architecture and synthesis for embedded systems - CASES '06  
In this paper, we demonstrate the advantages of a tiny multi-threaded microcontroller design which targets embedded applications that need to respond to events at high speed.  ...  To explore the advantages of multi-threading on these embedded problems, we have implemented in hardware a family of controllers supporting eight dynamically interleaved threads and executing the AVR instruction  ...  A roundrobin scheduling policy is utilized based on the last dispatched thread, the pool of active threads, and the state of interrupts.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1176760.1176803 dblp:conf/cases/HooverBS06a fatcat:5pvevvjs3rc27fnxa2gabefecq

Hybrid Real-time Operating System for Resource-constraint Wireless Sensor Nodes

Xing Liu, Kun Mean Hou, Christophe DE Vaulx, Chengcheng Guo, Hongling Shi, Bin Tian
2014 Journal of Software  
Finally, to evaluate the performance of HEROS, it is compared with some other WSN OSs on the iLive platform (8-bit AVR microcontroller).  ...  For HEROS, it adopts a hybrid scheduling strategy. Both the event-driven and multithreading schedulers are implemented in parallel, and these two schedulers can switch to each other when necessary.  ...  Our thanks also to the China Scholarship Council (No. 2009627016), the China National Natural Science (No. 60903195), and the support from the project "Space satellite research on collaborative ad hoc  ... 
doi:10.4304/jsw.9.7.1767-1780 fatcat:pcrgraqfxnamlb5mmehrhhnaui

Implementation of Symmetric Algorithms on a Synthesizable 8-Bit Microcontroller Targeting Passive RFID Tags [chapter]

Thomas Plos, Hannes Groß, Martin Feldhofer
2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Our approach uses a fully synthesizable 8-bit microcontroller that executes, in addition to the communication protocol, also various cryptographic algorithms.  ...  The achieved results show that our approach is more efficient than other dedicated microcontrollers and even better as optimized hardware modules when considering the combination of controlling tasks on  ...  Austrian Government through the research program FIT-IT Trust in IT Systems under the Project Number 820843 (Project CRYPTA) and by the IAP Programme P6/26 BCRYPT of the Belgian State (Belgian Science Policy  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-19574-7_8 fatcat:sqhe5icgwneu5czlufhkmllade


Carlos A. Pérez-Herrera, Rogelio Escobar, Brissa Gutiérrez
2018 Mexican journal of behaviour analysis  
This paper describes the use of an Arduino® Uno microcontroller board in combination with Android® devices, as a wireless, portable, and inexpensive interface for laboratory courses on operant conditioning  ...  The interface consists of a free Android® appli-  ...  Among the reasons for such tendency are the restrictive policies and expenses associated with maintaining animals, and the high costs of specialized electronic equipment required for demonstrations.  ... 
doi:10.5514/rmac.v44.i1.65352 fatcat:g6ugawwa5zdpphc2srndycbkr4

Machine Learning for Microcontroller-Class Hardware – A Review [article]

Swapnil Sayan Saha, Sandeep Singh Sandha, Mani Srivastava
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Conventional machine learning deployment has high memory and compute footprint hindering their direct deployment on ultra resource-constrained microcontrollers.  ...  We characterize a closed-loop widely applicable workflow of machine learning model development for microcontroller class devices and show that several classes of applications adopt a specific instance  ...  A Cortex M4 class microcontroller costs around 5-10 USD and can run on a coin-cell battery for months, if not years [7] .  ... 
arXiv:2205.14550v3 fatcat:y272riitirhwfgfiotlwv5i7nu

Implementation Software to Secure Virtual Machines with Remote Grid of Secure Elements

Hassane Aissaoui-Mehrez, Pascal Urien, Guy Pujolle
2014 2014 IEEE Military Communications Conference  
One of the main goals of the SecFuNet project is to develop a secure infrastructure for virtualized environments and Clouds that not only provides high availability and reliability for users, but that  ...  Security for Future Networks (SecFuNet) is a Brazilian & European research project.  ...  The Identity Management (IdM) system will be based on smart cards and user-centric attribute control policies. The authentication servers are composed by secure microcontrollers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/milcom.2014.51 fatcat:bh4wakv3xfeqbc6q6dyhlkma64

Supporting Preemptive Multitasking in Wireless Sensor Networks

Emanuele Lattanzi, Valerio Freschi, Alessandro Bogliolo
2014 International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks  
Supporting the concurrent execution of multiple tasks on lightweight sensor nodes could enable the deployment of independent applications on a shared wireless sensor network, thus saving cost and time  ...  The proposed approach has been implemented and tested on top of VirtualSense, an ultra-low-power wireless sensor mote providing a java-compatible runtime environment.  ...  Solid lines refer to the results achieved on a VM implementing a pure Round-Robin scheduling policy.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2014/814510 fatcat:g3dnibranffobiusg7caq43c7y
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