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The Economic Structure of the Law of International Organizations

Joel P. Trachtman
2014 Social Science Research Network  
This Article evaluates the reasons for creation of international organiations, as well as the reasons why particular structures of international organizations are utilized.  ...  The essence of an international organiqation is the delegation of decision-making authority from individual states to the organiqation, which represents the collectivity of member states.  ...  The economists' perspective, expecting individual legal rules or organizations to be self-enforcing when considered separately and in the short term, is both ignorant of the networked power of law and  ... 
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2385751 fatcat:o33thzbtdvb57gitzw6pyzusja

AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology [article]

Deepthi Amuru, Harsha V. Vudumula, Pavan K. Cherupally, Sushanth R. Gurram, Amir Ahmad, Andleeb Zahra, Zia Abbas
2023 arXiv   pre-print
variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing.  ...  Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations  ...  A shallow neural network (SNN) is an NN with one or two hidden layers. A network with tens to hundreds of such layers is called a deep neural network (DNN).  ... 
arXiv:2202.10015v2 fatcat:ej3pdqucqna3hlxbiq4mzmbl5y

The humanitarian distribution of the biosand concrete filter [article]

Camille Dow Baker, University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary, David H. Manz
BibbtMque natiorrale doCanada Acquisitions et raphic Services services biMiographiques The author has granted a nonexchive licence allowing the National Library of Canada to reproduce, loan, distribute  ...  or sell copies of this thesis in microform, paper or electronic formats.  ...  The Corporate Reputation Furthermore, the co-operation of a foreign company with the government of a repressive regime can have very adverse consequences on the reputation of that corporation.  ... 
doi:10.11575/prism/12890 fatcat:x6q5x2iegvb2je5gzs5cpxy3ri

Zero to one in participatory development [article]

Marlene Wiens, University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary, Marlene Reimer
copies of this thesis in microform, paper or electronic formats. The author retains ownership of the copyright in this thesis.  ...  L'auteur a accorde m e licence non exclusive pennettant a la Bibfiothique nationale du Canada de reproduk, preter, distribuer ou vendre des copies de cette these sow la forme de microfiche/film, de reproduction  ...  There was a recreation of civil society. It stimulated the rise and strengthening of popular organizations and the networking between them.  ... 
doi:10.11575/prism/12922 fatcat:clqkdoj5dzacvgsddz3js5wdby

Automatic Extinction of Cross-Demands: Compensatio from Rome to California

Michael E. Tigar
1965 California Law Review  
Story's reputation, the fame of Greene v.  ...  Our economic system rests upon a complex network of credit transactions. Further, obligations are freely bought and sold; one cannot be sure to whom he is indebted at any given moment.  ...  But where the bank knows of the financial difficulties of a customer, and within four months of his bankruptcy asserts its right to compensatio, that it would probably not be a "voidable  ... 
doi:10.2307/3479096 fatcat:lclar2q3j5a53nhuanus6xtn54

Walking together: An evaluation of renewable resource co-management in the Yukon territory [article]

Kelly A. Hayes, University Of Calgary, University Of Calgary, Michael P. Robinson
The evaluation provides an in-depth review of components of co-management practice including formation, organization, operations, actions, and effectiveness.  ...  These cooperative arrangements are usually a result of a First Nations land claims settlement and are a way to provide opportunities for Native people to be directly involved in resource management.  ...  There really is a bit of both of you in me. Thank you for everything.  ... 
doi:10.11575/prism/15840 fatcat:oijf5jksfvb3nerapymswxvaoi

Location Privacy in Automotive Telematics [chapter]

Muhammad Usman Iqbal, Samsung Lim
Geographic Information Systems  
To design a privacy-aware system, it is important to understand the needs of the stakeholders, most importantly the motorists.  ...  This thesis provides a critical privacy assessment of two mobility pricing systems, namely electronic tolls and mobility-priced insurance.  ...  Since the policies serve as a mutual contract, the driver has to trust the organization to al)ide by the policies.  ... 
doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-2038-4.ch024 fatcat:acymtmmblndr5hpts65nthe3pu

The social responsibility of corporations in East Africa

Charles Mureisya Twinomukunzi
Chapter I discusses the nature of the problem - disregard to society and human values by business organizations.  ...  Finally, the chapter concludes with a call for corporate social responsibility if for nothing else, for the survival of the free enterprise system as an acceptable economic and political philosophy.  ...  that 'it is essential to a well ordered society and to the efficient allocation of resources that there be a system by which sufficient and reliable information reaches(37) investors in as timely a  ... 
doi:10.14288/1.0058275 fatcat:oip4iervynd3jibustd5frtvv4

The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin
WilliShis was a former state officer of the American Association of University Women, a nietnber of the Austin League of Women Voters" and past-presi dent of the Austin Council of, Church Women.  ...  Williams' car, which was parked near the scene of the death, indi cated that the writer had been in poor health and that, in her opin ion, radium treatments had de stroyed her nervous system.  ...  The.theme of the play is man's mental self and describes what-pieces Mrs. A. B.  ... 
doi:10.15781/t2zk55m52 fatcat:ohood6smlrd2re5mcnrgcvyxgm

The social history of christchurch young women's christian association, 1883 - 1930 [article]

Clare Suzanne Simpson, University Of Canterbury
This study of the Christchurch YWCA (1883-1930) is largely concerned with the operation of an organisation within a specific social context, and the relationship of the environment outside the organisation  ...  Environmental variables played a crucial role in shaping the development of the Christchurch YWCA; in particular, the fact that the study is located within a specific historical period has important implications  ...  Examples of this might be the absence of contradiction withi M, oth " er contemporary resources, the general reliability of the document, the reputation of the author tor candout, a lack of self-contradiction  ... 
doi:10.26021/3985 fatcat:bb3x4lrxobcm5jrdzaqs3w7q64

The meaning and significance of leisure for women in later life

Diane Sedgley
Despite the increase in the number of men living beyond the age of fifty, the sex ratio (the number of men to the number of women) is still 85 men per 100 women in the UK.  ...  This thesis therefore, attempts to provide an in depth exploration of the role leisure plays in the lives of women aged 75 and over.  ...  a system ofconsensus.  ... 
doi:10.25401/cardiffmet.20368101.v1 fatcat:7hrz65tcrzd6vfazy4tier4dcm

Religion in rural central Thailand : an analysis of some rituals and beliefs [article]

B. J Terwiel, University, The Australian National, University, The Australian National
The preparation for the research of which this thesis is a result began in 1964, when Dr R.IL van Gulik lent a textbook and gramophone records for the study of the Thai language to a group of undergraduate  ...  Most of them persevered with the study of this language because a plan had been developed to form an anthropological 'expedition' to a small community in Thailand.  ...  Acknowledgements In the different stages of the research, various people and organizations assisted me.  ... 
doi:10.25911/5d74e49172408 fatcat:xufcbsm36vhfzb3weiak2yfjle

The development and implementation of a molecular technology based service for the diagnosis of respiratory viral infection in Wales

Catherine Moore
The service in Cardiff became part of a network of laboratories that responds to new and emerging respiratory viral infections across the UK and the expertise gained proved instrumental in the Welsh laboratory  ...  have a first-class service for the diagnosis of respiratory viral infection.  ...  Acknowledgements In 1994 I hand-wrote my CV on a piece of paper and sent it to the Microbiology Department at the University Hospital of Wales hoping to get a summer job.  ... 
doi:10.25401/cardiffmet.20337771.v1 fatcat:2zhwzzxg4zeprjdclfwjenyygu

Automatic Extinction of Cross-Demands: Compensatio from Rome to California

Michael E. Tigar
Story's reputation, the fame of Greene v.  ...  Our economic system rests upon a complex network of credit transactions. Further, obligations are freely bought and sold; one cannot be sure to whom he is indebted at any given moment.  ...  But where the bank knows of the financial difficulties of a customer, and within four months of his bankruptcy asserts its right to compensatio, that it would probably not be a "voidable  ... 
doi:10.15779/z38z78n fatcat:mzsb7whcqvcmva2myfxdzfwidu

Birds and Humans in the Old Norse World, c. 600-1500 AD

Kathryn Haley-Halinski, Apollo-University Of Cambridge Repository, Judy Quinn, James Barrett
In many cases, the imaginative uses of these birds appear to have been at a remove from human-bird interactions, but in some cases there was a significant overlap.  ...  I also employ the theoretical lens of Human-Animal Studies, as it centres the lives of animals and the interactions of humans and animals, rather than considering animals a 'blank canvas' for human desires  ...  Bibliography List of Abbreviations  ... 
doi:10.17863/cam.83496 fatcat:hqnxnge72rdndkflriegd3zjqu
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