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68 Hits in 2.5 sec

Ellipse R-CNN: Learning to Infer Elliptical Object from Clustering and Occlusion [article]

Wenbo Dong, Pravakar Roy, Cheng Peng, Volkan Isler
2020 arXiv   pre-print
., Mask R-CNN followed by ellipse fitting) and its three variants on both synthetic and real datasets of occluded and clustered elliptical objects.  ...  The correctness of ellipse regression is validated through experiments performed on synthetic data of clustered ellipses.  ...  Datasets We validate the proposed Ellipse R-CNN on four datasets: synthetic occluded ellipses (SOE), synthetic occluded fruits (SOF), real occluded fruits (ROF) and FDDB [11] datasets.  ... 
arXiv:2001.11584v2 fatcat:x5g3mpdux5denclk67di6hnjzq

Delving into High-Quality Synthetic Face Occlusion Segmentation Datasets [article]

Kenny T. R. Voo, Liming Jiang, Chen Change Loy
2022 arXiv   pre-print
(RandOcc), a more general synthetic occluded data generation method.  ...  This paper performs comprehensive analysis on datasets for occlusion-aware face segmentation, a task that is crucial for many downstream applications.  ...  Synthetic Occluded Face Datasets. Numerous approaches have been proposed to generate synthetic occluded faces.  ... 
arXiv:2205.06218v1 fatcat:kvuac73d4nh5dfqgasbuaeebdq

AFIF4: Deep Gender Classification based on AdaBoost-based Fusion of Isolated Facial Features and Foggy Faces [article]

Mahmoud Afifi, Abdelrahman Abdelhamed
2017 arXiv   pre-print
In addition, we present a new face dataset that intensifies the challenges of occluded faces and illumination changes, which we believe to be a much-needed resource for gender classification research.  ...  Instead of dealing with the face image as a sole feature, we rely on the combination of isolated facial features and a holistic feature which we call the foggy face.  ...  So, in addition to the proposed method, we also propose a new challenging face dataset where we focus mainly on challenging cases such as occluded and badly illuminated faces.  ... 
arXiv:1706.04277v5 fatcat:kq6icg2iuze4dcmya6hmu56o4m

Can we boost the power of the Viola–Jones face detector using preprocessing? An empirical study

Mahmoud Afifi, Marwa Nasser, Mostafa Korashy, Katherine Rohde, Aly A. Mohamed
2018 Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)  
Four different datasets are used to draw a coherent conclusion about the potential improvement caused by using prior enhanced images.  ...  The Viola-Jones face detection algorithm was (and still is) a quite popular face detector.  ...  We have used the face annotations provided by the SoF dataset.  ... 
doi:10.1117/1.jei.27.4.043020 fatcat:sbzuccdq7jb4zemda247eusja4

Can We Boost the Power of the Viola-Jones Face Detector Using Pre-processing? An Empirical Study [article]

Mahmoud Afifi, Marwa Nasser, Mostafa Korashy, Katherine Rohde, Aly Abdelrahim
2017 arXiv   pre-print
Four different datasets are used to draw a coherent conclusion about the potential improvement caused by using prior enhanced images.  ...  The Viola-Jones face detection algorithm was (and still is) a quite popular face detector.  ...  We have used the face annotations provided by the SoF dataset.  ... 
arXiv:1709.07720v3 fatcat:agfgztl2xffr3pkweewny6hdey

End2End Occluded Face Recognition by Masking Corrupted Features

Haibo Qiu, Dihong Gong, Zhifeng Li, Wei Liu, Dacheng Tao
2021 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
This article presents a novel face recognition method that is robust to occlusions based on a single end-to-end deep neural network.  ...  Experimental results on the LFW, Megaface challenge 1, RMF2, AR dataset and other simulated occluded/masked datasets confirm that FROM dramatically improves the accuracy under occlusions, and generalizes  ...  Synthetic Datasets: Following [17] , we synthesize occluded datasets using the aforementioned datasets with occluders including sunglasses, scarf, face mask, hand, eye mask, eyeglasses, book, phone, and  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpami.2021.3098962 pmid:34310287 fatcat:obpw7ww7bbgqrk47hxjoqrr6mi

Richly Activated Graph Convolutional Network for Action Recognition with Incomplete Skeletons [article]

Yi-Fan Song, Zhang Zhang, Liang Wang
2019 arXiv   pre-print
Moreover, on a synthetic occlusion dataset, the performance deterioration can be alleviated by the RA-GCN significantly.  ...  Compared to the state-of-the-art methods, the RA-GCN achieves comparable performance on the NTU RGB+D dataset.  ...  Furthermore, for the case of incomplete skeletons, we construct a synthetic occlusion dataset, where the joints in the NTU dataset are partially occluded over both spatial and temporal dimensions.  ... 
arXiv:1905.06774v2 fatcat:cnc6sxn5xrbf7mzqq5q2remhua

Multi-Dataset Benchmarks for Masked Identification using Contrastive Representation Learning [article]

Sachith Seneviratne, Nuran Kasthuriaarachchi, Sanka Rasnayaka
2021 arXiv   pre-print
To address this unique requirement presented due to the current circumstance, we propose a set of re-purposed datasets and a benchmark for researchers to use.  ...  We believe the provided synthetic mask generating code, our novel training approach and the trained weights from the masked face models will help in adopting existing face recognition systems to operate  ...  Table 2 gives a summary of the datasets which were created and collected in this study. We use CelebA, LFW, YouTube Faces and SoF with a train and test split for training the model and testing.  ... 
arXiv:2106.05596v1 fatcat:mcv7hnh5vvfyxi4vgcli2jy6re

Shape from semantic segmentation via the geometric Rényi divergence

Tatsuro Koizumi, William A. P. Smith
2021 2021 IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV)  
Abstract In this paper, we show how to estimate shape (restricted to a single object class via a 3D morphable model) using solely a semantic segmentation of a single 2D image.  ...  We propose a novel loss function based on a probabilistic, vertex-wise projection of the 3D model to the image plane.  ...  Smith was supported by a Royal Academy of Engineering/The Leverhulme Trust Senior Research Fellowship.  ... 
doi:10.1109/wacv48630.2021.00236 fatcat:zfgyjh4jx5bxhl3fpxhbiaat4i

State of the Art of Quality Assessment of Facial Images [article]

Johannes Merkle
2022 arXiv   pre-print
For all relevant quality aspects, this document summarizes the requirements of the aforementioned standards, known results on their impact on face recognition performance, publicly available datasets,  ...  metric), implementations and datasets for quality assessment for facial images is surveyed.  ...  faces and 100% for the occluded faces.  ... 
arXiv:2211.08030v1 fatcat:ptfhg35obnhuzk4kuvhg5ks3zy

Region attention and graph embedding network for occlusion objective class-based micro-expression recognition [article]

Qirong Mao, Ling Zhou, Wenming Zheng, Xiuyan Shao, Xiaohua Huang
2021 arXiv   pre-print
First, to research MER under real-world occlusion, synthetic occluded micro-expression databases are created by using various mask for the community.  ...  RRRN consists of a backbone network, the Region-Inspired (RI) module and Relation Reasoning (RR) module.  ...  sof tmax unit.  ... 
arXiv:2107.05904v1 fatcat:dzqootl7yfapxjw2dd266d6334

What is Holding Back Convnets for Detection? [article]

Bojan Pepik, Rodrigo Benenson, Tobias Ritschel, Bernt Schiele
2015 arXiv   pre-print
We exploit new annotations (Pascal3D+), to enable a new empirical analysis of the R-CNN detector.  ...  Medium/high occlusion cases are a "distraction" for training non-occluded object detection.  ...  Training with varying occluded objects distribution. Fig. 4 4 shows the results with different object size training distributions. 7 Does synthetic data help?  ... 
arXiv:1508.02844v2 fatcat:i6anzc7ctfc4tmehb3ox5rdzqm

Iris Deidentification with High Visual Realism for Privacy Protection on Websites and Social Networks

Mauro Barni, Ruggero Donida Labati, Angelo Genovese, Vincenzo Piuri, Fabio Scotti
2021 IEEE Access  
Our approach extracts the iris region from the high-resolution face image, creates a synthetic iris texture, and finally inserts the synthetic iris into the original face image.  ...  Privacy risk analysis for a dataset of iris images collected (a) using a biometric scanner (b) from face images downloaded from websites and social media and using segmentation masks created by a human  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2021.3114588 fatcat:2tdcxas53bf7pkk2irhxvh2ebm

Perceive Where to Focus: Learning Visibility-aware Part-level Features for Partial Person Re-identification [article]

Yifan Sun, Qin Xu, Yali Li, Chi Zhang, Yikang Li, Shengjin Wang, Jian Sun
2019 arXiv   pre-print
This paper considers a realistic problem in person re-identification (re-ID) task, i.e., partial re-ID. Under partial re-ID scenario, the images may contain a partial observation of a pedestrian.  ...  If we directly compare a partial pedestrian image with a holistic one, the extreme spatial misalignment significantly compromises the discriminative ability of the learned representation.  ...  from unshared regions. • We conduct extensive partial re-ID experiments on both synthetic datasets and realistic datasets and validate the effectiveness of VPM.  ... 
arXiv:1904.00537v1 fatcat:pjuwtca4crdazfhyinxmqqwpvm

Perceive Where to Focus: Learning Visibility-Aware Part-Level Features for Partial Person Re-Identification

Yifan Sun, Qin Xu, Yali Li, Chi Zhang, Yikang Li, Shengjin Wang, Jian Sun
2019 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  
This paper considers a realistic problem in person reidentification (re-ID) task, i.e., partial re-ID. Under partial re-ID scenario, the images may contain a partial observation of a pedestrian.  ...  If we directly compare a partial pedestrian image with a holistic one, the extreme spatial misalignment significantly compromises the discriminative ability of the learned representation.  ...  from unshared regions. • We conduct extensive partial re-ID experiments on both synthetic datasets and realistic datasets and validate the effectiveness of VPM.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2019.00048 dblp:conf/cvpr/SunXLZLWS19 fatcat:bv5wsv5iqzdqba7oqh6rhsvlxu
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