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ijair-volume-6-issue-1-vii-january-march-2019 -HINDUSTAN BOOK.pdf

V. Thamilarasi
2022 figshare.com  
This paper experiments various basic image segmentation techniques for Lung Chest X-Ray images  ...  So this process came to an end then it moves for data manipulation part here the data will be manipulated.  ...  CONCLUSION The purpose of the data mining technique is to mine information from a bulky data set and make over it into a reasonable form for supplementary purpose.  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.20217722.v1 fatcat:l74ihuqhcvdtjomod3zdwzfniu

Relationality, hybridity, awareness : being with AIBO

Lauren Hall
With this data and a range of other sources, an ethnographic picture was generated that gives a sense of the ways people interact with technologies and AIBO.  ...  I have been exploring relationships with technologies and the robotic dog AIBO for over a year.  ...  Even if we feel that critique is offensive in a discriminatory or humanist way, for example, it is still valuable for opening fields of questions.  ... 
doi:10.14288/1.0100807 fatcat:25ck5t4rrnakxc63xeyt6gvfde

The mindsweeper tales : a creative and critical approach to reinventing the medieval framed story-collection as a modern novel

Natalie I. Cawthorne
Finally, I address the importance of socio-political themes in both Chaucer's work and my own, demonstrating how the stylistic variety can be manipulated to represent the concerns of modern culture.  ...  The project is comprised of two parts: the creative artefact, for which I have written a novel of roughly 100,000 words, and the accompanying critical exegesis of 30,000 words.  ...  , even if that accessibility is for the purpose of refuting.  ... 
doi:10.15126/thesis.00850131 fatcat:zalc3nvlnjas3fepxptix2yr4u