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SIG-DDS: a Grid-based Remote Sensing Data Distribution System

Huang ZhenChun, Li GuoQing
2006 2006 Semantics, Knowledge and Grid, Second International Conference on  
Based on SIG, a 3-layered remote sensing data distribution system named SIG-DDS is designed and implemented in this paper.  ...  Data distribution is one of the most important steps for the remote sensing applications; it depends on the Remote Sensing Data Distribution System (RS-DDS).  ...  It also shows that the SIG-DDS can distribute Remote Sensing Data with different types, different sources and different goals through a uniform programming interface for the remote sensing applications  ... 
doi:10.1109/skg.2006.96 dblp:conf/skg/HuangL06 fatcat:layut36kvzh2tn3dpf7wm5yg2q

Measurement of the neutrino asymmetry in the β decay of laser-cooled, polarized 37K

D. Melconian, J.A. Behr, D. Ashery, O. Aviv, P.G. Bricault, M. Dombsky, S. Fostner, A. Gorelov, S. Gu, V. Hanemaayer, K.P. Jackson, M.R. Pearson (+1 others)
2007 Physics Letters B  
/spectra/le/cycietime-sig-.dd I = 49 I+ 9.0 pumpmg time. t-[ms] FIGURE 4 . 24 : 424 Fits to the vanishing of the fluorescence for the lSt data sets where the field was -2 G: la (left) and lb (right).  ...  However, the likelihood for these particles to scatter into a detector from a remote part of the geometry is still quite small overall.  ...  Below we provide a brief overview of these systems as well as the logic of the system as a whole.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2007.04.047 fatcat:nz62bb4fojcoxijxcyddrfbajm