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Robust, Complete, and Efficient Correlation Clustering [chapter]

Elke Achtert, Christian Böhm, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Peer Kröger, Arthur Zimek
2007 Proceedings of the 2007 SIAM International Conference on Data Mining  
In this paper, we propose the novel correlation clustering algorithm COPAC (COrrelation PArtition Clustering) that aims at improved robustness, completeness, usability, and efficiency.  ...  Our experimental evaluation empirically shows that COPAC is superior over existing state-of-the-art correlation clustering methods in terms of runtime, accuracy, and completeness of the results.  ...  Robustness, Completeness, and Usability To demonstrate the robustness, completeness, and usability of COPAC in comparison to ORCLUS and 4C, we synthesized a data set D ∈ R 3 with two clusters of correlation  ... 
doi:10.1137/1.9781611972771.37 dblp:conf/sdm/AchtertBKKZ07 fatcat:zr4epth4ivdk5he773kv4ksu2e

Randomization Methods [chapter]

2017 The Living Textbook  
They proposed a simple design-based estimator and model-based approach which, according to the authors, offer unbiased, efficient, and robust inference from pair-matched clusterrandomized experiments.  ...  to create strata with four clusters each, thereby maximizing the number of strata and the gain in efficiency.  ... 
doi:10.28929/007 fatcat:ols76duvavccnfkfrwsjzdpmmm

Introduction to the Issue on Robust Subspace Learning and Tracking: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications

T. Bouwmans, N. Vaswani, P. Rodriguez, R. Vidal, Z. Lin
2018 IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing  
First, Rezaei and Ostadabbas design a fast robust matrix completion (fRMC) algorithm for moving object detection.  ...  PCA and scalable PCA algorithms.r A lot of today data consist of missing entries and/or outlier corrupted entries: i.e. need for matrix completion, robust PCA and robust subspace recovery. 1932-4553  ... 
doi:10.1109/jstsp.2018.2879245 fatcat:z3ohqdl37nat3pjo65fzsf2ady

Cluster analysis using different correlation coefficients

Seong S. Chae, Chansoo Kim, Jong-Min Kim, William D. Warde
2006 Statistical Papers  
Using shrinkage-based and rank-based correlation coefficients, which are known to be robust, the recovery level of six chosen clustering algorithms is evaluated using Rand's C values.  ...  The recovery levels using weighted likelihood estimate of correlation coefficient are obtained and compared to the results from using those correlation coefficients in applying agglomerative clustering  ...  Acknowledgements The authors are thankful to the editor and the referees to bring the original manuscript in the present form.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00362-006-0043-2 fatcat:updnjdgij5drrgvwlkuvbnbtri

On the mixed-model analysis of covariance in cluster-randomized trials [article]

Bingkai Wang, Michael O. Harhay, Jiaqi Tong, Dylan S. Small, Tim P. Morris, Fan Li
2023 arXiv   pre-print
In the analyses of cluster-randomized trials, mixed-model analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is a standard approach for covariate adjustment and handling within-cluster correlations.  ...  Beyond robustness, we discuss several insights on precision among classical methods for analyzing cluster-randomized trials, including the mixed-model ANCOVA, individual-level ANCOVA, and cluster-level  ...  We further define the complete (but not fully observed) data vector for individual j in cluster i as W ij = (Y ij (1), Y ij (0), X ij ), and the complete data vector for cluster i as W i = (W i1 , . .  ... 
arXiv:2112.00832v3 fatcat:7z4bwmptsrcpbdth3sss5oas4a

Non-Parametric Statistic for Testing Cumulative Abnormal Stock Returns

Seppo Pynnonen
2022 Journal of Risk and Financial Management  
Simulations show that the proposed rank test is well specified in testing CARs and is robust towards both complete and partial overlapping event windows.  ...  This paper proposes modifications to the existing approaches to improve robustness to cross-sectional correlation of returns arising from calendar time overlapping event windows.  ...  The statistics are robust to event-induced volatility and cross-sectional correlation due to complete or partially overlapping event windows.  ... 
doi:10.3390/jrfm15040149 fatcat:h7suttykpbd43dyely4pctzya4

One-Step Generalized Estimating Equations With Large Cluster Sizes

Stuart Lipsitz, Garrett Fitzmaurice, Debajyoti Sinha, Nathanael Hevelone, Jim Hu, Louis L. Nguyen
2017 Journal of Computational And Graphical Statistics  
We propose a one-step GEE estimator that 1) matches the asymptotic efficiency of the fully-iterated GEE; 2) uses a simpler formula to estimate the ICC that avoids summing over all pairs; and 3) completely  ...  Efficient generalized estimating equations (GEE) incorporate the ICC and sum all pairs of observations within a cluster when estimating the ICC.  ...  In this paper, we propose an efficient and computationally feasible estimator of the regression parameters for GEE with an exchangeable correlation when there are a large number of clusters and large cluster  ... 
doi:10.1080/10618600.2017.1321552 pmid:29422762 pmcid:PMC5800532 fatcat:2brnzcbydfdarlwsblxgyxqks4

A Generalized Estimating Equations Approach for Analysis of the Impact of New Technology on a Trawl Fishery

Janet Bishop, David Die, You-Gan Wang
2000 Australian & New Zealand journal of statistics (Print)  
Their main findings are (i) bias and efficiency depend on the combination of a number of characteristics of the data: cluster size, intra-cluster correlation of covariates, intra-cluster correlation of  ...  We found that robust estimation of parameters depended more on the choice of cluster definition than on the choice of correlation structure within the cluster.  ... 
doi:10.1111/1467-842x.00116 fatcat:a7ffn6dawfflblhwj6hr7qzu74

The Robustness of Generalized Estimating Equations for Association Tests in Extended Family Data

Bhoom Suktitipat, Rasika A. Mathias, Dhananjay Vaidya, Lisa R. Yanek, J. Hunter Young, Lewis C. Becker, Diane M. Becker, Alexander F. Wilson, M. Daniele Fallin
2012 Human Heredity  
GEE-EXT was evaluated with and without robust variance es-  ...  In summary, the GEE framework with the robust variance estimator, the computationally fastest and least data management-intensive approach, appears to work well in extended families and thus provides a  ...  Acknowledgements This work was supported in part by grants from the National Institutes of Health/National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute grants U01 HL72518 and R01 HL087698 (R  ... 
doi:10.1159/000341636 pmid:23038411 pmcid:PMC3736986 fatcat:vt7et7btljev5f6vc7feyaxm74

The heterogeneity in link weights may decrease the robustness of real-world complex weighted networks

M. Bellingeri, D. Bevacqua, F. Scotognella, D. Cassi
2019 Scientific Reports  
We use measures of the network damage conceived for a binary (e.g. largest connected cluster LCC, and binary efficiency Effbin) or a weighted network structure (e.g. the efficiency Eff, and the total flow  ...  heterogeneous networks show a faster efficiency decrease under nodes-links removal: i.e. the robustness of the real-world complex networks against nodes-links removal is negatively correlated with link  ...  Allard and M. Boguna for sharing their real-world networks dataset. We are thankful with two anonymous reviewers which suggestions greatly improved the manuscript.  ... 
doi:10.1038/s41598-019-47119-2 pmid:31337834 pmcid:PMC6650436 fatcat:ruhb4nxtgferxdbaudxx5hlyxi

Subspace Clustering Based Tag Sharing for Inductive Tag Matrix Refinement with Complex Errors

Yuqing Hou, Zhouchen Lin, Jin-ge Yao
2016 Proceedings of the 39th International ACM SIGIR conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval - SIGIR '16  
Then we propose a novel matrix completion model for tag refinement, integrating visual correlation, semantic correlation and the novelly studied property of complex errors.  ...  We utilize the subspace property of data via sparse subspace clustering for tag completion.  ...  Methods based on matrix completion are robust and efficient since they only operate on the tag matrix, avoiding error propagation from image segmentation.  ... 
doi:10.1145/2911451.2914693 dblp:conf/sigir/HouLY16 fatcat:5coxqohih5dvvexra373of3dau

Large scale learning and recognition of faces in web videos

Ming Zhao, Jay Yagnik, Hartwig Adam, David Bau
2008 2008 8th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition  
Second, efficient and accurate face detection and face tracking is applied. Last, the key faces in each face track is select by clustering to get compact and robust representation.  ...  The face tracks are further clustered to get more representative key faces and remove duplicate key faces.  ...  We developed a highly accurate and efficient face tracker which tracks facial feature points. Key face selection and track clustering is performed for efficient and robust video face representation.  ... 
doi:10.1109/afgr.2008.4813381 dblp:conf/fgr/ZhaoYAB08 fatcat:am763wtk65cjvcogajshx4ygha

Contribution of canonical feed-forward loop motifs on the fault-tolerance and information transport efficiency of transcriptional regulatory networks

Ahmed F. Abdelzaher, Michael L. Mayo, Edward J. Perkins, Preetam Ghosh
2015 Nano Communication Networks  
correlation with the average local clustering coefficient.  ...  networks and (ii) design more efficient bio-inspired wireless sensor network topologies that can inherit the robust information transport properties of biological networks.  ...  Opinions, interpretations, conclusions, and recommendations are those of the author(s) and are not necessarily endorsed by the U.S. Army.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.nancom.2015.04.002 fatcat:uz5rjcnab5fbnmguaosh4vsdtm

Comparison of Different Generalizations of Clustering Coefficient and Local Efficiency for Weighted Undirected Graphs

Yu Wang, Eshwar Ghumare, Rik Vandenberghe, Patrick Dupont
2017 Neural Computation  
Furthermore, we determined the best generalization for the clustering coefficient and local efficiency based on their properties and the performance when applied to two networks.  ...  After reviewing existing generalizations of the clustering coefficient and the local efficiency, we proposed new generalizations for these graph measures.  ...  P7/11), and Stichting voor Alzheimer Onderzoek (SAO11020 and 13007).  ... 
doi:10.1162/neco_a_00914 pmid:27870616 fatcat:2mhor6pm5fd2fcgulo73evmd6e

Evaluation of gene-expression clustering via mutual information distance measure

Ido Priness, Oded Maimon, Irad Ben-Gal
2007 BMC Bioinformatics  
In this empirical study we compare different clustering solutions when using the Mutual Information (MI) measure versus the use of the well known Euclidean distance and Pearson correlation coefficient.  ...  Results: Relying on several public gene expression datasets, we evaluate the homogeneity and separation scores of different clustering solutions.  ...  Both the Pearson correlation and the Euclidean distance require complete gene expression profiles as input.  ... 
doi:10.1186/1471-2105-8-111 pmid:17397530 pmcid:PMC1858704 fatcat:coijbxduxrcvxbny4xnjfw7nay
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