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Maintaining reversible DAC for Max-CSP

Javier Larrosa, Pedro Meseguer, Thomas Schiex
1999 Artificial Intelligence  
The algorithm, which can also solve weighted CSP, probabilistic CSP and other similar problems, is based on directed arc-inconsistency counts (DAC).  ...  The usage of DAC increases the lower bound of branch and bound based algorithms for Max-CSP, improving their efficiency. Originally, DAC were defined following a static variable ordering.  ...  We thank Michel Lemaitre and GCrard Verfaillie, who read a previous version of this paper providing useful comments. We also thank Miquel Angel Garcia for revising the paper text.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0004-3702(98)00108-8 fatcat:s6eco2hcv5fdro2ejmtepfcdwq

Forthcoming papers

1998 Artificial Intelligence  
Reasoning about nondeterministic and concurrent actions: a process algebra approach We present a framework for reasoning about processes (complex actions) that are constituted by several concurrent activities  ...  This work describes a computational framework for supporting dynamic generation, management and resolution of interactive plots. In this framework, the user takes the place of the story protagonist.  ...  Meseguer and T. Schiex, Maintaining reversible DAC for Max-CSP (Research Note) We introduce an exact algorithm for maximizing the number of satisfied constraints in an overconstrained CSP (Max-CSP).  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0004-3702(98)90017-0 fatcat:64e2tieswrephofjnwmo2wh3ga

Experimental Evaluation of Preprocessing Techniques in Constraint Satisfaction Problems

Rina Dechter, Itay Meiri
1989 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
This paper presents an evaluation of two orthogonal schemes for improving the efficiency of solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs).  ...  The second scheme aims at improving the order in which variables are chosen for evaluation during the search.  ...  Summary and Conclusions We evaluated the performance of several backtracking techniques for solving CSPs.  ... 
dblp:conf/ijcai/DechterM89 fatcat:pkiiwt6xuraqbd2dgd22l6gh64

Adding Flexibility to Russian Doll Search

Margarita Razgon, Gregory M. Provan
2008 2008 20th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence  
The common approach to solving WCSPs is Branch-and-Bound (B&B), whose efficiency strongly depends on the method of computing a lower bound (LB) associated with the current node of the search tree.  ...  Two of the most important approaches for computing LB include (1) using local inconsistency counts, such as Maintaining Directed Arc-Consistency (MDAC), and (2) Russian Doll Search (RDS).  ...  Originally the lower bounds of PFC-DAC and PFC-MRDAC were proposed for MAX-CSP (the weights of all conflicts equal 1).  ... 
doi:10.1109/ictai.2008.82 dblp:conf/ictai/RazgonP08 fatcat:stjzuhhkefeibiuqjixrrnufeu

Generalizing constraint satisfaction on trees: Hybrid tractability and variable elimination

Martin C. Cooper, Peter G. Jeavons, András Z. Salamon
2010 Artificial Intelligence  
., it is preserved under domain reduction and hence under arc consistency operations) and that there is a polynomial-time algorithm to determine an ordering of the variables for which the brokentriangle  ...  The Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) is a central generic problem in artificial intelligence.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank Chris Jefferson for pointing out Theorem 7.6.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.artint.2010.03.002 fatcat:emwukrqjlfdphcydgqzrdcecsq

Existential arc consistency: Getting closer to full arc consistency in weighted CSPs

Simon de Givry, Federico Heras, Matthias Zytnicki, Javier Larrosa
2005 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
The weighted CSP framework is a soft constraint framework with a wide range of applications.  ...  In this paper we introduce a new stronger form of arc consistency, that we call existential directional arc consistency and we provide an algorithm to enforce it.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Thomas Schiex for useful comments on an early version of the paper and to Julia Larrosa for being born after the submission deadline.  ... 
dblp:conf/ijcai/GivryHZL05 fatcat:hljsd3ptbfa7jl54mcox3bolvi

Strong consistencies for weighted constraint satisfaction problems

Thi Hong Hiep Nguyen, Thomas Schiex, Christian Bessiere
2015 Constraints  
For other categories of CVPR, HOCs solve the same number of instances as EDAC.  ...  For binary CSPs, a value is max-restricted path consistent if it has a PC support in every constraint.  ...  We can define other restricted versions by using other heuristics for arranging and selecting triangles of variables as well as by defining another threshold on the number of used triangles.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10601-015-9208-8 fatcat:5bzqtjq63neddovzd6w5flf45a

Page 4196 of Mathematical Reviews Vol. , Issue 99f [page]

1999 Mathematical Reviews  
Parkes and Amitabha Roy, Supermod- els and robustness (334-339); Javier Larrosa, Pedro Meseguer, Thomas Schiex and Gérard Verfaillie, Reversible DAC and other improvements for solving Max-CSP (347-352)  ...  The 206 papers in this collection include the following: Yahia 68 COMPUTER SCIENCE 4196 Lebbah and Olivier Lhomme, Acceleration methods for numeric CSPs (19-24); David Fitoussi and Moshe Tennenholtz, Minimal  ... 

AND/OR Branch-and-Bound for Graphical Models

Radu Marinescu, Rina Dechter
2005 International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
We focus on two optimization problems, solving Weighted CSPs (WCSP) and finding the Most Probable Explanation (MPE) in belief networks.  ...  The paper presents and evaluates the power of a new framework for optimization in graphical models, based on AND/OR search spaces.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by the NSF grant IIS-0412854 and the MURI ONR award N00014-00-1-0617.  ... 
dblp:conf/ijcai/MarinescuD05 fatcat:x6lh4rcv3vgfvfk3sy5hmzbmsq

Soft arc consistency revisited

M.C. Cooper, S. de Givry, M. Sanchez, T. Schiex, M. Zytnicki, T. Werner
2010 Artificial Intelligence  
This leads to a new soft arc consistency method, called, Virtual Arc Consistency which produces improved lower bounds compared with previous techniques and which can solve submodular cost functions.  ...  These algorithms have been implemented and evaluated on a variety of problems, including two difficult frequency assignment problems which are solved to optimality for the first time.  ...  Acknowledgements We would like to thank Arie Koster and Achemi Bennaceur for discussions on the OSAC lower bound and its relation, by duality, to the linear relaxation of the ILP formulation of weighted  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.artint.2010.02.001 fatcat:4eniod6dqzhtzp62vi5rztejme

Enhancement schemes for constraint processing: Backjumping, learning, and cutset decomposition

Rina Dechter
1990 Artificial Intelligence  
Researchers m the areas of constramt sattsfactton problems, logtc programmmg, and truth mamtenance systems have suggested vartous schemes for enhancmg the performance of the backtracking algorithm Thts  ...  paper defines and compares the performance of three such schemes "backlumpmg," "learmng," and "cycle-cutset " The backlumpmg and the cycle-cutset methods work best when the constramt graph is sparse,  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I thank the AI Lab at Hughes Aircraft for providing me with a very supportwe environment for this work In particular Dave Payton, Dave Kelrsey, Ken Rosenblatt, and Charles Dolan offered  ... 
doi:10.1016/0004-3702(90)90046-3 fatcat:hccvjov66jdfnorpyuoi5tflwe

Dynamic algorithms for classes of constraint satisfaction problems

Daniele Frigioni, Alberto Marchetti-Spaccamela, Umberto Nanni
2001 Theoretical Computer Science  
Many fundamental tasks in artiÿcial intelligence and in combinatorial optimization can be formulated as a Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP).  ...  It is the problem of ÿnding an assignment of values for a set of variables, each deÿned on a ÿnite domain of feasible values, subject to a given collection of constraints.  ...  Acknowledgements We are grateful to the anonymous referees for providing us with many useful comments that signiÿcantly improved the presentation of the paper.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0304-3975(00)00013-x fatcat:opeg2rqoifhv7m75omvahabreu

Bounds Arc Consistency for Weighted CSPs

M. Zytnicki, C. Gaspin, S. De Givry, T. Schiex
2009 The Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research  
Motivated by the resolution of an RNA gene localization problem inside large genomic sequences, and in the spirit of bounds consistency for large domains in crisp CSPs, we introduce soft bounds arc consistency  ...  The Weighted Constraint Satisfaction Problem (WCSP) framework allows representing and solving problems involving both hard constraints and cost functions.  ...  This algorithm uses reversible directed arc consistency (DAC) counts and exploits the fact that in Max-CSP, several successive values in a domain may have the same DAC counts.  ... 
doi:10.1613/jair.2797 fatcat:odxrf4cq3fhojc4j3brkmw7654

Partial constraint satisfaction [chapter]

Eugene C. Freuder, Richard J. Wallace
1996 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We propose a new CSP formalism that incorporates hard constraints and preferences so that the two are easily distinguished both conceptually and for purposes of problem solving.  ...  We show how algorithm selection can be guided by work on phase transitions, which serve as a useful marker for a reversal in relative efficiency of lexical ordering and ordinary CSP heuristics due to reduction  ...  Domshlak and P. Snow for helpful comments on this material.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-61479-6_18 fatcat:qzirgv2ymrd7pfnpzemu4m2r2e

Partial constraint satisfaction

Eugene C. Freuder, Richard J. Wallace
1992 Artificial Intelligence  
We propose a new CSP formalism that incorporates hard constraints and preferences so that the two are easily distinguished both conceptually and for purposes of problem solving.  ...  We show how algorithm selection can be guided by work on phase transitions, which serve as a useful marker for a reversal in relative efficiency of lexical ordering and ordinary CSP heuristics due to reduction  ...  Domshlak and P. Snow for helpful comments on this material.  ... 
doi:10.1016/0004-3702(92)90004-h fatcat:hbqjke6yrjgrhet5t2bp2xejxa
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