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Rita D. Roberts, Frédéric Fabry, Patrick C. Kennedy, Eric Nelson, James W. Wilson, Nancy Rehak, Jason Fritz, V. Chandrasekar, John Braun, Juanzhen Sun, Scott Ellis, Steven Reising (+5 others)
2008 Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS)  
High-resolution moisture fields retrieved for the first time from both operational and research radars illustrate the low-level moisture variability associated with boundary layer processes and the prethunderstorm  ...  atmospheric boundary layer is one of the primary limiting factors in being able to predict the timing and location of convection initiation and to produce accurate quantitative precipitation forecasts  ...  We greatly appreciate the high level of support from the S-Pol and CSU-CHILL radar and software engineers and technicians, particularly Mike Dixon, Dave Brunkow, John Hubbert, Al Phinney, Jim George, Robert  ... 
doi:10.1175/2008bams2412.1 fatcat:3x2w5c6v3vex5kcaabqb4xotta

29th International Conference on Radar Meteorology

1999 Bulletin of The American Meteorological Society - (BAMS)  
The conference banquet will be held on Tuesday, 13 July at 6:30 p.m. proceeded by a reception (cash bar) 5:30-6:30 p.m. One banquet ticket is included with registration.  ...  Hockenberry and 3.5 ASSIMILATION OF BISTATIC RADAR NETWORK DATA AND S. Keighton White, T. Gaynor, B. Armstrong, and M. Istok THE NEAR-SURFACE INDEX OF REFRACTIVITY.  ...  Holt, Univ. of Essex, VECTION USING TRMM GROUND-BASED POLARIMETRIC CSU-CHILL RADAR. David A. Brunkow, Colorado State Colchester, Essex, UK; and V. Bringi and D. Brunkow RADAR DATA. Lawrence D.  ... 
doi:10.1175/1520-0477-80.4.764 fatcat:c3sowtfpsbgyrnv3iwqaansrf4

The National Center for Atmospheric Research

1999 Disaster Prevention and Management  
Contact: Isztar Zawadzki, (514) 398 1034, isztar@radar.mcgill.ca 0.8.4 AN UPDATE ON REFRACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS USING GROUND TARGETS The field of refractivity (or index of refraction) near the earth's surface  ...  the CSU-CHILL radar in which the antenna's horizontal and vertical ports were energized simultaneously.  ...  For rain this consistency can be used to calibrate the reflectivity (Z) of the radar to within 0.5 dB, providing the correct rain drop shape model is used.  ... 
doi:10.1108/dpm.1999.07308aag.035 fatcat:lys575gn4vcfhghzsruwmnjqy4

National Center for Atmospheric Research

1999 Disaster Prevention and Management  
Contact: Isztar Zawadzki, (514) 398 1034, isztar@radar.mcgill.ca 0.8.4 AN UPDATE ON REFRACTIVITY MEASUREMENTS USING GROUND TARGETS The field of refractivity (or index of refraction) near the earth's surface  ...  the CSU-CHILL radar in which the antenna's horizontal and vertical ports were energized simultaneously.  ...  For rain this consistency can be used to calibrate the reflectivity (Z) of the radar to within 0.5 dB, providing the correct rain drop shape model is used.  ... 
doi:10.1108/dpm.1999.07308aag.036 fatcat:3ah6tzr4k5gilhcbhqlfzkzcfa

Bulk Hydrometeor Classification and Quantification Using Polarimetric Radar Data: Synthesis of Relations

Jerry M. Straka, Dusan S. Zrnić, Alexander V. Ryzhkov
2000 Journal of applied meteorology (1988)  
A new synthesis of information forming the foundation for rule-based systems to deduce dominant bulk hydrometeor types and amounts using polarimetric radar data is presented.  ...  The relations are expressed as boundaries and thresholds in a space of polarimetric radar variables.  ...  for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies; and the Graduate College of the University of Oklahoma (Dr.  ... 
doi:10.1175/1520-0450(2000)039<1341:bhcaqu>2.0.co;2 fatcat:n6hqgz3r7jdgxcnupqvudgfg4i

High-Resolution Vertical Profiles of X-Band Polarimetric Radar Observables during Snowfall in the Swiss Alps

Marc Schneebeli, Nicholas Dawes, Michael Lehning, Alexis Berne
2013 Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology  
Around 8000 vertical profiles of polarimetric radar observables above the melting layer collected during two months are analyzed.  ...  An X-band polarimetric radar was deployed in the eastern Swiss Alps at an altitude of 2133 m.  ...  Thanks go also to Xavier Muth for the positioning of the radar and for the radar calibration measurements and Samuel Jolivet for assistance in the maintenance of the radar.  ... 
doi:10.1175/jamc-d-12-015.1 fatcat:yphxdls6h5bvjezp676yzctyb4