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Retrieval from spoken documents using content and speaker information

M. Viswanathan, H.S.M. Beigi, S. Dharanipragada, A. Tritschler
1999 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition. ICDAR '99 (Cat. No.PR00318)  
The real power of spoken document analysis is in using both content and speaker information together in retrieval by combining the results.  ...  We discuss the details of the components required to build a system for audio indexing and retrieval for spoken documents using content and speaker based information facilitated by speech and speaker recognition  ...  Conclusion and Further Work We have described our experience with using large vocabulary speech recognition and speaker recognition for spoken document retrieval.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icdar.1999.791851 dblp:conf/icdar/ViswanathanBDT99 fatcat:g6rs3dqfrjbv3pzokkjffczuji

From multimedia retrieval to knowledge management

P.J. Moreno, J.-M. Van Thong, B. Logan, G.J.F. Jones
2002 Computer  
The authors suggest ways in which speech-based multimedia information retrieval technologies can evolve into full-fledged knowledge management systems in which audio, video, and images contribute as much  ...  Spoken document retrieval systems rely on words as the medium of information.  ...  These applications deal primarily with text, but they can just as easily work with documents created from spoken information.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mc.2002.993772 fatcat:4o5oz2x6gvcb3b4cqpqs2w4aty

Content-based language models for spoken document retrieval

Hsin-min Wang, Berlin Chen
2000 Proceedings of the fifth international workshop on on Information retrieval with Asian languages - IRAL '00  
models using automatic transcriptions of spoken documents were used to create more accurate recognition results and indexing terms from both spoken documents and speech queries.  ...  This paper presents a novel concept of applying content-based language models to spoken document retrieval.  ...  The Cosine measure widely used in text information retrieval is used to estimate the similarity between a document and a query.  ... 
doi:10.1145/355214.355236 dblp:conf/iral/WangC00 fatcat:skg6e6mx6fgtppwfeenxfwvhgu

Phonetic-and-Semantic Embedding of Spoken Words with Applications in Spoken Content Retrieval [article]

Yi-Chen Chen, Sung-Feng Huang, Chia-Hao Shen, Hung-yi Lee, Lin-shan Lee
2019 arXiv   pre-print
But phonetic-and-semantic embedding is attractive, as shown in the initial experiments on spoken document retrieval.  ...  Not only spoken documents including the spoken query can be retrieved based on the phonetic structures, but spoken documents semantically related to the query but not including the query can also be retrieved  ...  Spoken document retrieval performance using two different audio embeddings (AUD-(ph+se) and AUD-ph).  ... 
arXiv:1807.08089v4 fatcat:enaa4kwh5rcgxh2hyrnuxmz5lu

Content-based Language Models for Spoken Document Retrieval

2001 International Journal of Computer Processing Of Languages  
models using automatic transcriptions of spoken documents were used to create more accurate recognition results and indexing terms from both spoken documents and speech queries.  ...  This paper presents a novel concept of applying content-based language models to spoken document retrieval.  ...  The Cosine measure widely used in text information retrieval is used to estimate the similarity between a document and a query.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0219427901000333 fatcat:zvb5fbwd6zaubbb64lrnd2pngm

A system for spoken query information retrieval on mobile devices

E. Chang, F. Seide, H.M. Meng, Zhuoran Chen, Yu Shi, Yuk-Chi Li
2002 IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing  
This is the first work that we are aware of which evaluates spoken query based information retrieval on a commonly available and well researched text database, the Chinese news corpus used in National  ...  This paper presents a system that allows the user to search for information on mobile devices using spoken natural-language queries.  ...  Gao and Dr. M. Zhou for providing the TREC Chinese database and many useful suggestions. They also gratefully acknowledge helpful comments and suggestions from the anonymous reviewers.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsa.2002.804301 fatcat:izcyym2axnbk5fpo5tbq5vd6qq

Language Modeling for Multi-Domain Speech-Driven Text Retrieval [article]

Katunobu Itou, Atsushi Fujii, Tetsuya Ishikawa
2002 arXiv   pre-print
We report experimental results associated with speech-driven text retrieval, which facilitates retrieving information in multiple domains with spoken queries.  ...  Since users speak contents related to a target collection, we produce language models used for speech recognition based on the target collection, so as to improve both the recognition and retrieval accuracy  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the National Institute of Informatics for their support with the NTCIR collection and the IREX committee for their support with the IREX collection.  ... 
arXiv:cs/0206036v1 fatcat:qmxaymln4vdpvephkre2mv3a3q

Speech-Driven Text Retrieval: Using Target IR Collections for Statistical Language Model Adaptation in Speech Recognition [article]

Atsushi Fujii, Katunobu Itou, Tetsuya Ishikawa
2002 arXiv   pre-print
Aiming at speech-driven text retrieval, which facilitates retrieving information with spoken queries, we propose a method to integrate speech recognition and retrieval methods.  ...  Since users speak contents related to a target collection, we adapt statistical language models used for speech recognition based on the target collection, so as to improve both the recognition and retrieval  ...  We use content words extracted from documents as terms, and perform a word-based indexing. For this purpose, we use the ChaSen morphological analyzer [10] to extract content words.  ... 
arXiv:cs/0206037v1 fatcat:6cifnoknyffdjhzns2r5lu45km

Speech-Driven Text Retrieval: Using Target IR Collections for Statistical Language Model Adaptation in Speech Recognition [chapter]

Atsushi Fujii, Katunobu Itou, Tetsuya Ishikawa
2002 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Aiming at speech-driven text retrieval, which facilitates retrieving information with spoken queries, we propose a method to integrate speech recognition and retrieval methods.  ...  Since users speak contents related to a target collection, we adapt statistical language models used for speech recognition based on the target collection, so as to improve both the recognition and retrieval  ...  We use content words extracted from documents as terms, and perform a word-based indexing. For this purpose, we use the ChaSen morphological analyzer [10] to extract content words.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-45637-6_9 fatcat:622ouy5dhvd2zexa27dtkrzciq


2000 International journal of pattern recognition and artificial intelligence  
In light of the rapid growth of Chinese information resources on the Internet, this study investigates a novel approach that deals with the problem of Chinese text and spoken document retrieval using both  ...  phonetic level using the syllable-based statistical information.  ...  Lin-Shan Lee and Dr. Lee-Feng Chien for their valuable assistance and comments.  ... 
doi:10.1142/s0218001400000398 fatcat:lqdipe3ydnbpbba4btysausz7y

Building a Test Collection for Speech-Driven Web Retrieval [article]

Atsushi Fujii, Katunobu Itou
2003 arXiv   pre-print
The search topics and document collection for the Web retrieval task were used to produce spoken queries and language models for speech recognition, respectively.  ...  Experimental results showed that (a) the use of target documents for language modeling and (b) enhancement of the vocabulary size in speech recognition were effective in improving the system performance  ...  Acknowledgments The authors thank the organizers of the NTCIR-3 Web retrieval task for their support to the speech-driven retrieval subtask.  ... 
arXiv:cs/0309019v1 fatcat:ehxtqat4grbgzmb3jo7c2wdlgi

SpeechFind: advances in spoken document retrieval for a National Gallery of the Spoken Word

J.H.L. Hansen, Rongqing Huang, Bowen Zhou, M. Seadle, J.R. Deller, A.R. Gurijala, M. Kurimo, P. Angkititrakul
2005 IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing  
These include advanced audio segmentation, speech recognition model adaptation for acoustic background noise and speaker variability, and information retrieval using natural language processing for text  ...  Advances in formulating spoken document retrieval for a new National Gallery of the Spoken Word (NGSW) are addressed.  ...  Moreover, richer information such as accent, stress, emotion, and speaker identification contained in spoken segments could also be extracted and used to guide retrieval tasks.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsa.2005.852088 fatcat:73g7x2ea6fg2lfjbw7rhrsa6we

MFCC Based Speech Retrieval

This method retrieves ranked audio files containing spoken text in response to a given speech query. In this paper indexing methods are described which represent the contents of the spoken documents.  ...  While in this paper, speech documents are directly compared with the speech query based on MFCC. Thus, reduced the overhead of conversion from speech to text  ...  The speech queries and spoken documents must be converted into content features such as keywords, phone strings, and texts using speech recognition techniques.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.i7550.078919 fatcat:mker26oodfbdrpdtkqzps2lgeq

Evaluating Speech-Driven IR in the NTCIR-3 Web Retrieval Task

Atsushi Fujii, Katunobu Itou
2002 NTCIR Conference on Evaluation of Information Access Technologies  
The text retrieval module, which is based on a probabilistic model, indexed only textual contents in documents (Web pages), but did not use HTML tags and hyperlink information in documents.  ...  Search topics for the Web retrieval main task were dictated by ten speakers and recorded as collections of spoken queries.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank the organizers of the NTCIR-3 Web retrieval task and the members of the TUT group for their support to the speech-driven retrieval subtask.  ... 
dblp:conf/ntcir/FujiiI02b fatcat:vkpwkk2lpnbjjfda2em3s6trki

Searching multimedia content with a spontaneous conversational speech track

Martha Larson, Roeland Ordelman, Franciska de Jong, Wessel Kraaij, Joachim Kohler
2009 Proceedings of the seventeen ACM international conference on Multimedia - MM '09  
This information has yet to be fully exploited by spoken content retrieval algorithms.  ...  Spoken document retrieval research effort invested into developing broadcast news retrieval systems has yielded impressive results [4] .  ... 
doi:10.1145/1631272.1631549 dblp:conf/mm/LarsonOJKK09 fatcat:7tgumqkjljfmlgejqmgtvzdrdi
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