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A Survey on Various Single Image Super Resolution Techniques

A.Haza rathaiah
2013 International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology  
The SR image approaches reconstruct a single higher-resolution image from a set of given lower-resolution images . There is a basic need for digital images of higher resolutions and quality.  ...  Superresolution is the process of recovering a high-resolution (HR) image from single image or multiple low-resolution (LR) images of the same scene .  ...  In short in first stage enhanced multiple images via single stage SR algorithm and in second stage combined them to produce a single high resolution SR image.  ... 
doi:10.15680/ijirset.2012.0102024 fatcat:t45xr2uapvcrdnzds7ldc37eta

Adaptive document image binarization

J. Sauvola, M. Pietikäinen
2000 Pattern Recognition  
The performance evaluation of the algorithm utilizes test images with ground-truth, evaluation metrics for binarization of textual and synthetic images, and a weight-based ranking procedure for the "nal  ...  A new method is presented for adaptive document image binarization, where the page is considered as a collection of subcomponents such as text, background and picture.  ...  Acknowledgements The support from the Academy of Finland and Technology Development Centre is gratefully acknowledged. We also thank Dr. Tapio Seppanen and Mr. Sami Nieminen for their contributions.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0031-3203(99)00055-2 fatcat:mczwrue5zva5fgsq442pdn2pvu

Diffusion Model-Based Image Editing: A Survey [article]

Yi Huang and Jiancheng Huang and Yifan Liu and Mingfu Yan and Jiaxi Lv and Jianzhuang Liu and Wei Xiong and He Zhang and Shifeng Chen and Liangliang Cao
2024 arXiv   pre-print
In this survey, we provide an exhaustive overview of existing methods using diffusion models for image editing, covering both theoretical and practical aspects in the field.  ...  The accompanying repository is released at https://github.com/SiatMMLab/Awesome-Diffusion-Model-Based-Image-Editing-Methods.  ...  Mask-Enhanced Denoising Efficiency. These methods utilize masks to enhance the efficiency of diffusion-based image editing.  ... 
arXiv:2402.17525v2 fatcat:vrkmhmnrv5aslmpwugfmhskgti

A Survey and Taxonomy of Adversarial Neural Networks for Text-to-Image Synthesis [article]

Jorge Agnese, Jonathan Herrera, Haicheng Tao, Xingquan Zhu
2019 arXiv   pre-print
After that, we propose a taxonomy to summarize GAN based text-to-image synthesis into four major categories: Semantic Enhancement GANs, Resolution Enhancement GANs, Diversity Enhancement GANS, and Motion  ...  Text-to-image synthesis refers to computational methods which translate human written textual descriptions, in the form of keywords or sentences, into images with similar semantic meaning to the text.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONFLICT OF INTEREST The authors declare that there is no conflict of interest regarding the publication of this article.  ... 
arXiv:1910.09399v1 fatcat:4zqrooqcm5cgrk74kgon5vwkzm


Avinash N Bhute, B.B. Meshram
2018 Figshare  
Extracted information used for recognition of the overlay or scene text from a given video or image. The Extracted text can be used for retrieving the videos and images.  ...  Secondly, we are reviewed the techniques for indexing and retrieval of image and videos by using extracted text.  ...  Lastly, a super-resolution-based text enhancement scheme is additionally given for de-blurring scene text, onto convex sets (POCS)-based method [35] .  ... 
doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.6026411.v1 fatcat:zmxrsd64gvdjppngaqubbxcvku

Image Classification using Tag and Segmentation based Retrieval

Shrikant Badghaiya, Atul Bharve
2014 International Journal of Computer Applications  
In today's scenario when social media sites are widely used and high resolution images are shared. Tagging is an important approach for the retrieval of images in various applications.  ...  Here in this paper various tag based image technique are discussed so by analyzing the tag based image retrieval techniques a new proposed methodology can be implemented in the future.  ...  LITERATURE SURVEY Xian Zhou and Thomas Huang [9] propose the method of similarity matrix, which has keywords as columns and rows.  ... 
doi:10.5120/18151-9413 fatcat:hpofvu7snneu3fnjex7qr4doy4

Image and Video Processing for Cultural Heritage

Vincent Charvillat, Anna Tonazzini, Luc Van Gool, Nikos Nikolaidis
2009 EURASIP Journal on Image and Video Processing  
During the last three decades, researchers in the field of imaging science have started to contribute a growing set of tools for cultural heritage, thereby providing indispensable support to these efforts  ...  As a result, a huge amount of culture-related information is now digitally stored, and thus amenable to digital processing.  ...  ., details the development and analysis of a novel image-based photonegative restoration system.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2009/163064 fatcat:bphaqjnsmjaozp4m62xwg6scza

Adaptive degraded document image binarization

B. Gatos, I. Pratikakis, S.J. Perantonis
2006 Pattern Recognition  
This paper presents a new adaptive approach for the binarization and enhancement of degraded documents.  ...  After extensive experiments, our method demonstrated superior performance against four (4) well-known techniques on numerous degraded document images.  ...  Acknowledgements This research is carried out within the framework of the Greek GSRT-funded R&D project, D-SCRIBE, which aims to develop an integrated system for digitization and processing of old Greek  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.patcog.2005.09.010 fatcat:ju6ujezfqrcvjae4cjhv4edwye

DreamVideo: High-Fidelity Image-to-Video Generation with Image Retention and Text Guidance [article]

Cong Wang, Jiaxi Gu, Panwen Hu, Songcen Xu, Hang Xu, Xiaodan Liang
2023 arXiv   pre-print
To tackle these problems, we propose a high-fidelity image-to-video generation method by devising a frame retention branch based on a pre-trained video diffusion model, named DreamVideo.  ...  In addition, by incorporating double-condition classifier-free guidance, a single image can be directed to videos of different actions by providing varying prompt texts.  ...  Varied textual inputs In our experiments, we explored the generation of videos from a single initial frame using varied textual inputs.  ... 
arXiv:2312.03018v3 fatcat:udn2vmuqrjdh5ivbvlrdmzxhcy

Adversarial Text-to-Image Synthesis: A Review [article]

Stanislav Frolov, Tobias Hinz, Federico Raue, Jörn Hees, Andreas Dengel
2021 arXiv   pre-print
In this review, we contextualize the state of the art of adversarial text-to-image synthesis models, their development since their inception five years ago, and propose a taxonomy based on the level of  ...  With the advent of generative adversarial networks, synthesizing images from textual descriptions has recently become an active research area.  ...  After this, we propose a taxonomy of methods based on the level of supervision during training, namely approaches for direct T2I synthesis that use single captions as input (Section 3) versus approaches  ... 
arXiv:2101.09983v1 fatcat:as5i4mk4kndrzpcshlewkbgge4

Image retrieval

Ritendra Datta, Dhiraj Joshi, Jia Li, James Z. Wang
2008 ACM Computing Surveys  
We have witnessed great interest and a wealth of promise in content-based image retrieval as an emerging technology.  ...  In this paper, we survey almost 300 key theoretical and empirical contributions in the current decade related to image retrieval and automatic image annotation, and discuss the spawning of related sub-fields  ...  -Interactive-simple: User interaction using a single modality needs to be supported by a system. An example is a relevance feedback based image retrieval system.  ... 
doi:10.1145/1348246.1348248 fatcat:5jbcrsxkkbac5cya3zb7eb22ea

Text-to-image Diffusion Models in Generative AI: A Survey [article]

Chenshuang Zhang, Chaoning Zhang, Mengchun Zhang, In So Kweon
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Based on that, we present a review of state-of-the-art methods on text-conditioned image synthesis, i.e., text-to-image.  ...  As a self-contained work, this survey starts with a brief introduction of how a basic diffusion model works for image synthesis, followed by how condition or guidance improves learning.  ...  With low-resolution results from NeRF-based condition module as the prior, a twostream asynchronous diffusion module further enhances the consistency, and achieves 360-degree consistent results.  ... 
arXiv:2303.07909v2 fatcat:dd5u5krflzbm5ok4bjf2iq42ei

A Comprehensive Review of Deep Learning-based Single Image Super-resolution [article]

Syed Muhammad Arsalan Bashir, Yi Wang, Mahrukh Khan, Yilong Niu
2022 arXiv   pre-print
This survey is an effort to provide a detailed survey of recent progress in single-image super-resolution in the perspective of deep learning while also informing about the initial classical methods used  ...  Image super-resolution (SR) is one of the vital image processing methods that improve the resolution of an image in the field of computer vision.  ...  We show our gratitude to the authors of all referred research studies for sharing results, especially to the authors of [5] , [17] , [74] , [80] , [110] , [112] , [113] , [115] , [118] , [124  ... 
arXiv:2102.09351v3 fatcat:qsccgddpmzb43av7itsvdm2i5u

AcSIS: Authentication System Based on Image Splicing

S. Hamid, N. Z. Bawany, S. Khan
2019 Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research  
This system is a picture-based password scheme which comprises of the method of image splicing. Authentication data were collected from 33 different users.  ...  Additionally, a comparison was made between our proposed method and a complex text-based password authentication method using the authentication success rate.  ...  The method generates a combination of a large set of images that is used as a password for authentication. The log-in speed is enhanced using SHA-1 hashing and image splicing. II.  ... 
doi:10.48084/etasr.3060 fatcat:ttsjvgx7fbgojfp2ualay57sle

Segmentation of Handwritten Document Images into Text Lines [chapter]

Vassilis Katsouros, Vassilis Papavassiliou
2011 Image Segmentation  
This chapter is a comprehensive survey of methods exploited to segment handwritten document images into text lines during the last two decades.  ...  Therefore, the CCs in a document image could be noise specks, dots, single symbols, groups of touching characters, parts of a character that is broken, etc.  ...  Four parts allowed gathering the 27 chapters around the following topics: Survey of Image Segmentation Algorithms, Image Segmentation methods, Image Segmentation Applications and Hardware Implementation  ... 
doi:10.5772/15923 fatcat:rzbm2sjwsvcjflk7uswnfea2u4
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