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Lightweight Research in Engineering: A Review

Jiao Wang, Yan Li, Gang Hu, Mingshun Yang
2019 Applied Sciences  
For this contradiction, lightweight is one of the best solutions.  ...  In the field of mechanical equipment manufacturing, the focus of research and development is not on weight reduction, but on how to choose between the rigidity and performance of components (such as strength  ...  On the basis of the results of the topology optimization of the vertical arm, the second design of the vertical arm was carried out.  ... 
doi:10.3390/app9245322 fatcat:l3hl2jp6yndw3biye4ftdwpheu

Approach for the development of suspensions with integrated electric motors [article]

Meng Wang, Universität Stuttgart
Firstly, a new approach for concept design to integrating the functions based on the Axiomatic Design is proposed.  ...  Lightweight design is a non-negligible and high priority subject in the concept design phase of electric vehicles.  ...  Conception based on multilink suspensions with one longitudinal arm Concept 10: Concept generation with longitudinal arms The multilink suspension with a longitudinal arm rigidly attached to the wheel  ... 
doi:10.18419/opus-11248 fatcat:ssno547dcfelxjtezw4p6ops5a