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The Integrated Exchange of Information and IoT for Smart Logistics Systems

Gutu Ofgaa, Syed Umar
2020 International Journal of Scientific Research in Science Engineering and Technology  
The result allows a complete exchange of data between the elements of the intelligent logistics system on the Internet platform.  ...  The logistics system is an important and stimulating process for producers. The logistics system starts with the supply of raw materials, product design, assembly and distribution to customers.  ...  INTEGRATED IOT BASED LOGISTICS SYSTEM The intelligent logistics information system for this study is based on the Internet of Things (IoT).  ... 
doi:10.32628/ijsrset207449 fatcat:bnxzjyd3r5hwrpi4jqxaqwkn4q

Integrated Information Exchange for Logistics Systems based on Internet of Things

Sajad Bagherian Marzouni, Hamed Fazlollahtabar, Iraj Mahdavi
2018 International Journal of Robotic Engineering  
Indeed, intelligent machines and robots, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, virtual industrialization and Smart Factories are creating new possible futures in terms of society  ...  In recent era, investigators have been faced important challenges in terms of technological revolutions.  ...  Information Exchange for Logistics Systems based on Internet of Things.  ... 
doi:10.35840/2631-5106/4111 fatcat:pnwgbrz4krcfph2a4on5kocp5i

Internet of Things and Blockchain Technology in Apparel Manufacturing Supply Chain Data Management

Kamalendu Pal, Ansar-Ul-Haque Yasar
2020 Procedia Computer Science  
This paper presents a blockchain-based architecture for the IoT applications, which brings distributed data management to support transactions services within a multi-party apparel business supply chain  ...  This paper presents a blockchain-based architecture for the IoT applications, which brings distributed data management to support transactions services within a multi-party apparel business supply chain  ...  Finally, the paper presents research proposition outlining how blockchain technology can impact important aspects of the IoT system and thus provide the foundation for future research challenges.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2020.03.088 fatcat:jqzydlovyffyfeg5lnurn55uq4

Online Collaborative Design Within a Web-Enabled Environment [chapter]

Daizhong Su, Jiansheng Li, Shuyan Ji
2005 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
exchange between different CAD systems, and data sharing in real time with distant users.  ...  The detailed structure of the WEE is presented, followed by description of the key techniques for online collaborative design within the WEE: remote execution of large size executable programs, data file  ...  Internet/Intranet based on dynamic data exchange [6, 7] , and Lee et al presented a Web-enabled approach for feature-based modeling in a distributed design environment [8] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/11568421_21 fatcat:jwjcnzhlbrglhdsgkpoeed2wja

Interoperability in Smart Manufacturing: Research Challenges

Abe Zeid, Sarvesh Sundaram, Mohsen Moghaddam, Sagar Kamarthi, Tucker Marion
2019 Machines  
Recent advances in manufacturing technology, such as cyber–physical systems, industrial Internet, AI (Artificial Intelligence), and machine learning have driven the evolution of manufacturing architectures  ...  The scope ranges from shop–floor software, devices, and control systems to Internet-based cloud-platforms, providing various services on-demand.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/machines7020021 fatcat:7k4nqoohmrc4ta5gwj3anfusbi

Implementation of Web based Technique into the Intelligent Manufacturing System

Ali Mostafaeipour, Nirjhar Roy
2011 International Journal of Computer Applications  
Intelligent Manufacturing System (IMS) shall be considered as a system integrated with different intelligent subsystems, which completes the distributed solution procedure on the basis of exchanging large  ...  This paper provides a comprehensive review of research on web-enabled e-Manufacturing technology which bridges certain aspects of manufacturing system like Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Enterprise  ...  The potential benefits of the Internet Enabled Manufacturing Control System can be summarized as the follows:-Speeding product delivery cycle through internet/intranet connection for real-time data exchange  ... 
doi:10.5120/2221-2830 fatcat:xvjyh75onbf27dledqzn3yptg4

Perspective: A Standards-Based Manufacturing Information System [chapter]

Forouzan Golshani, Youngchoon Park
1998 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
While the data warehouse provides the enterprise with a memory. Figure 8 illustrates an integrated environment for the multimedia technology based manufacturing information system.  ...  Some academic systems, which integrate a number of dedicated systems on cooperative basis, are under development such as P ACT. Still more research activity is required.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35390-6_31 fatcat:mob4eaphqzhmvpbsqksdi7navu

A critical investigation of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing: theoretical operationalisation framework

Hajar Fatorachian, Hadi Kazemi
2018 Production planning & control (Print)  
production petition for transformed production processes which enable high level of connectivity and integration between business processes and systems.  ...  A critical investigation of Industry 4.0 in manufacturing: Theoretical operationalisation framework Increasing global competition on product quality and production costs, and the need for flexibility in  ...  The distributed smart and Internet-based systems can enable 'cybernetic management' which incorporates self-controlling systems to handle high level of complexity in organisations (Brosze 2011) .  ... 
doi:10.1080/09537287.2018.1424960 fatcat:mk6lw4ntjzevxgfgfopjza2rim

Digital enterprise technology--defining perspectives and research priorities

Pg Maropoulos
2003 International journal of computer integrated manufacturing (Print)  
The majority of research and commercial efforts in computer-based methods for design and manufacture relate to applications in Computer Aided Design (CAD), whilst research in Computer-Automated Process  ...  In this context, Digital Enterprise Technology (DET) can be defined as 'the collection of systems and methods for the digital modelling of the global product development and realization process, in the  ...  Acknowledgements The author wishes to acknowledge the substantial financial support of the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) of the UK, Grants: GR/N11285, GR/L98572, GR/R24067  ... 
doi:10.1080/0951192031000115787 fatcat:ygj6hqpgpbbttcdc2gdj5fku7u

Architecture and operational mechanisms of networked manufacturing integrated platform

Y. Fan *, C. Huang, Y. Wang, L. Zhang
2005 International Journal of Production Research  
In this paper the definition and basic features of networked manufacturing are presented, based on a review of state-of-the-art technology and an analysis of the requirements for enterprise collaboration  ...  As a supportive platform for the implementation and operation of networked manufacturing systems, the Networked Manufacturing Integration Platform (NMIP) is discussed in detail.  ...  Acknowledgements The authors would like to express their thanks to the CIMS Theme of the 863 Programme of China and the National Science Foundation of China for their support of this project under Grant  ... 
doi:10.1080/00207540500045162 fatcat:ayvmwtgvjzapjl6riqpsxt3tyu

Challenges, Opportunities and Future Directions of Smart Manufacturing: A State of Art Review

Sudip Phuyal, Diwakar Bista, Rabindra Bista
2020 Sustainable Futures  
implementation, opportunities and the future directions for smart manufacturing system.  ...  Smart manufacturing is the technology utilizing the interconnected machines and tools for improving manufacturing performance and optimizing the energy and workforce required by the implementation of bigdata  ...  Acknowledgments The authors would like to acknowledge Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Kathmandu University for providing the required facilities and workspace for the research work  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.sftr.2020.100023 fatcat:6rdxvvx5ibfsbkppfyntbau3ly

e-Supply chain management [chapter]

D. Li
2005 e-Manufacturing  
Technologies used in electronic communication systems are email, voice mail, fax, teleconferencing, workflow systems, electronic data exchange (EDI), Web-based systems such as instant messaging, chat rooms  ...  Communication systems Communication systems facilitate people exchanging information and in collaboration for affiliated tasks. The Internet is the latest development in communication technology.  ...  With the advancement of Internet technology, information exchange can be easily implemented through Internet-based applications.  ... 
doi:10.2495/978-1-85312-998-8/10 fatcat:l7plyps4erdf7bgv5ljivdc4km

Service Composition in the Cloud-Based Manufacturing Focused on the Industry 4.0 [chapter]

Marcos A. Pisching, Fabrício Junqueira, Diolino J. Santos Filho, Paulo E. Miyagi
2015 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
The authors would like to thank the financial support of the Brazilian government agency MEC/CAPES, for funding the DINTER USP-IFSC.  ...  a distributed and embedded web-based system represented by services.  ...  In addition, these systems could support the service composition based on serviceoriented architecture (SOA) for the establishment of VE, where SMEs could be favoured to the design of new products and,  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16766-4_7 fatcat:isphuaze2nfgnbbbu4m7e7kkza

Introductory Chapter: Integration of Computer-Aided Technologies in Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) and Human Lifecycle Management (HUM) [chapter]

Razvan Udroiu
2016 Computer-aided Technologies - Applications in Engineering and Medicine  
Standard exchange of product data used in computer-aided technologies.  ...  The most known standards used in the product data exchange between computer-aided technologies systems are presented in Table 3 .  ... 
doi:10.5772/66202 fatcat:z6v4niojijcivhm3umq2nhpcli

Big Data in Supply Chain Management: A Systematic Literature Review

Johan Krisnanto Runtuk, Filson Sidjabat, Jsslynn, Felicia Jordan
2022 Green Intelligent Systems and Applications  
The objectives are to evaluate and categorise the literature that addresses the big data potential in SCM and the current practises of big data in SCM.  ...  Furthermore, integrating BDA in SCM has several advantages, including improved data analytics capabilities, logistical operation efficiency, supply chain and logistics sustainability, and agility.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors want to acknowledge the student who supports the research, namely Farel Abdurahman, Virgio Athilah Dwi Putra, and Yudha Sandy Pratama.  ... 
doi:10.53623/gisa.v2i2.115 fatcat:ztnu2mt3andjtdmnrm75bwqauq
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