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Encoding and Media Effects on Consumer Learning Deficiencies in the Elderly

Catherine A. Cole, Michael J. Houston
1987 Journal of Marketing Research  
Of the major explanations for memory deficiencies in the elderly, two center on encoding, the process by which information is placed in memory, and two center on re-55  ...  The results indicate greater difficulties on the part of the elderly in deeply processing information from print media and in realizing the learning benefits of television.  ...  Self-generated thoughts should be more semantic while one is attempting to encode at a semantic level than while one is attempting to encode at a sensory level.  ... 
doi:10.2307/3151753 fatcat:r6a2ymky6bhudf2ig3gsypdjym

Visual and semantic organization in picture recall

Elizabeth Lotz Stine, Angeline E. Benham, Anderson D. Smith
1987 Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society  
Clustering by visual (spatial orientation) and semantic (taxonomic category) categories on an unexpected recall task was measured.  ...  At the fast presentation rate, semantic and visual clustering occurred at equal levels, but when presentation rate was decreased Gonger presentation times), visual clustering decreased and semantic clustering  ...  This research was supponed in part by an Nlli research grant (AG-00445'{)S) from the National Institute on Aging to the third author.  ... 
doi:10.3758/bf03330293 fatcat:t4rbo25jobcefjlbluffysk5ja

Calculating Semantic Similarity between Academic Articles using Topic Event and Ontology [article]

Ming Liu, Bo Lang, Zepeng Gu
2017 arXiv   pre-print
However, document-level semantic matching is still based on statistical information in surface level, neglecting article structures and global semantic meanings, which may cause the deviation in document  ...  In this paper, we focus on the document-level semantic similarity issue for academic literatures with a novel method.  ...  Acknowledgments This research was supported by the Foundation of the State Key Laboratory of Software Development Environment (Grant No. SKLSDE-2015ZX-04).  ... 
arXiv:1711.11508v1 fatcat:5b4elb2b7fcrvkoxqgpa25hkqa

Measurement of information in the subsystem of internal control of the controlling system of organizations of the agro-industrial complex

Svetlana Mikhailovna Bychkova, Nadezhda Nikolaevna Makarova, Elena Anatolyevna Zhidkova, Manuela Tvaronavičienė
2018 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues  
The article describes the levels of information measurement in the process system of internal control: a syntactic level that does not express a semantic relation to the object; semantic level, which determines  ...  the semantic content of information; a pragmatic level that reflects the value, usefulness of using information.  ...  Conclusions Under research results it may be concluded, that meta-controlling, which includes a process system of internal control as an integral part, acting in the framework of a unified information  ... 
doi:10.9770/jesi.2018.6.1(3) fatcat:ge6rkdgphzeabifuskp77sar5a

Latent semantic analysis for text-based research

Peter W. Foltz
1996 Behavoir research methods, instruments & computers  
Instead, the experimenter must make the match on the basis of the semantic content of the text. . This work has benefited from collaborative research with  ...  One of the primary goals in text-comprehension research is to understand what factors influence a reader's ability to extract and retain information from textual material.  ...  Propositions typically represent semantic information at a clause level, while LSA is more successful in performing analyses at a sentence or paragraph level.  ... 
doi:10.3758/bf03204765 fatcat:mm5jqph3frbh3okp2s3rqxsoza


Tuan Norhafizah Tuan Zakaria, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Selangor, Malaysia, Mohd Juzaiddin Ab Aziz, Mohd Rosmadi Mokhtar, Saadiyah Darus, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Selangor, Malaysia, Faculty of Information Science and Technology, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Selangor, Malaysia, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, 43600 Selangor,Malaysia
2020 International Journal of Software Engineering and Computer Systems  
However, these lexical resources are still ongoing and limited semantic information.  ...  For WB, we tested the coverage of WB based on three word-levels (stem, root and mix level) to find the most applicable word level as our dataset.  ...  The list of hypernyms can be obtained by clicking on the 'hypernym' feature one by one until arrive at the 'entity' level, which is the root of the taxonomy in WordNet.  ... 
doi:10.15282/ijsecs.6.1.2020.4.0067 fatcat:74rnf2kvonce5onhwseqnuhhm4

An Attention Based Multi-view Model for Sarcasm Cause Detection (Student Abstract)

Hejing Liu, Qiudan Li, Zaichuan Tang, Jie Bai
2021 AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence  
Existing research mainly focus on sarcasm detection, while the deep causal relationships in the full conversation remained unexplored.  ...  This paper formulates a novel research question of sarcasm cause detection, and proposes an attention based model that simultaneously captures different semantic associations as well as the inner causal  ...  This work was partially supported by the National Key Research and Development Program of China (Grant No.2020AAA0103405), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.62071467, 71902179  ... 
dblp:conf/aaai/LiuLTB21 fatcat:sz35adygsnfv3h3du54oiibbb4

The contribution of phonological and orthographic processing skills to adult ESL reading: Evidence from native speakers of Farsi

1999 Applied Psycholinguistics  
In particular, efficiency in orthographic processing contributed to the reading measures independently of syntactic and semantic measures.  ...  Efficiency in phonological and orthographic processing contributed significantly to individual differences on the reading measures.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENT The research reported here was partially supported by a small-scale NSERC grant: fund centre 101798, cost centre 12604, to the second author.  ... 
doi:10.1017/s0142716499002040 fatcat:nz5otej3argbhehqvkmd3laaiq

A Personalized Researcher Recommendation Approach in Academic Contexts: Combining Social Networks and Semantic Concepts Analysis

Yunhong Xu, Jinxing Hao, Raymond Y. K. Lau, Jian Ma, Wei Xu, Dingtao Zhao
2010 Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems  
The presence of the sheer volume of researcher and topical research information on the Web has led to the problem of information overload.  ...  The rapid proliferation of information technologies especially the web 2.0 techniques have changed the fundamental ways how things can be done in many areas, including how researchers could communicate  ...  Figure 1 shows the development of web techniques to facilitate researchers' works at various levels.  ... 
dblp:conf/pacis/XuHLMXZ10 fatcat:hsrucu2ldncqrcjdiwamo2xrne

Towards Constructing an Integrated Model for the Cognitive System: Revisiting Semantic Networks

Armin Ehsani, Hussein Kareshki, Imanollah Bigdeli
2021 Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives  
Cognitive processing is divided into feature-based, semantic, and conceptual levels, based on the volume of information used to represent a stimulus.  ...  Path coefficients between feature-oriented and semantic levels and for semantic and conceptual levels obtained Φ = 0.38 and Φ = 0.46 respectively.  ...  Javad Salehi Fadardi provided very important input on several issues and we are very grateful to him.  ... 
doi:10.11649/cs.2445 fatcat:umf7xk5v3bfrpnlio2znxpek2m

Semantic Visual Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: A Survey [article]

Kaiqi Chen, Jianhua Zhang, Jialing Liu, Qiyi Tong, Ruyu Liu, Shengyong Chen
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Secondly, we explore three main issues of semantic vSLAM: the extraction and association of semantic information, the application of semantic information, and the advantages of semantic vSLAM.  ...  Nevertheless, there is no comprehensive survey about semantic vSLAM. To fill the gap, this paper first reviews the development of semantic vSLAM, explicitly focusing on its strengths and differences.  ...  measurements at the current time.  ... 
arXiv:2209.06428v1 fatcat:5asong7lrfbgpn7xmqy72ioywi

Towards Constructing an Integrated Model for the Cognitive System: Revisiting Semantic Networks

Armin Ehsani, Hossein Kareshki, Imanollah Bigdeli
2021 Cognitive Studies | Études cognitives  
Cognitive processing is divided into feature-based, semantic, and conceptual levels, based on the volume of information used to represent a stimulus.  ...  Path coefficients between feature-oriented and semantic levels and for semantic and conceptual levels obtained Φ = 0.38 and Φ = 0.46 respectively.  ...  Javad Salehi Fadardi provided very important input on several issues and we are very grateful to him.  ... 
doi:10.11649/cs.2910 fatcat:ivtcd7uvuncutietivrusoiejy

Semantic Communications: Principles and Challenges [article]

Zhijin Qin, Xiaoming Tao, Jianhua Lu, Wen Tong, Geoffrey Ye Li
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Semantic communication, regarded as the breakthrough beyond the Shannon paradigm, aims at the successful transmission of semantic information conveyed by the source rather than the accurate reception of  ...  This article provides an overview on semantic communications.  ...  To narrow the gap, some researchers focus on extracting image utilizing context information.  ... 
arXiv:2201.01389v5 fatcat:gssckvv7kzevnnjidvqr7iq4qa

Assessing Pragmatic Interoperability of Information Systems from a Semiotic Perspective [chapter]

Shixiong Liu, Weizi Li, Kecheng Liu
2014 IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology  
Most of studies on interoperability of systems integration focus on technical and semantic levels, but hardly extend investigations on pragmatic level.  ...  This paper, as the extension of our previous research, is to propose an assessment method for measuring pragmatic interoperability of information systems.  ...  Barriers at the informal level e.g. resour e, privacy and security, people issues, culture change, most widely highlighted in relevant researches [11] Issues at formal level such as information flow,  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-55355-4_4 fatcat:eazkoeygofdsdbygaq2g7wb4g4

The use of Semantic Role Labelling with Triangle-Graph Based Text Summarization

Yazan Alaya AL-Khassawneh
2020 International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research  
In particular, the textual content on the web is increasing at an exponential pace.  ...  The ability to interpret valuable information from such a vast volume of data is an essential undertaking and requires an automated system to assist with the current information repository.  ...  Based on that measure, the similarity level of 2 concepts is determined based on the information that is shared by a pair of concepts. WordNet was designed at the Princeton University [51] .  ... 
doi:10.30534/ijeter/2020/34842020 fatcat:tui3vgbwnnctvnnul2hxgexibm
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