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'Corps d'enfants', in Hélène Perdicoyianni-Paléologou (éd.), Anatomy and Surgery from Antiquity to the Renaissance, Amsterdam, Hakkert, 2015, 205-235 [article]

Véronique Dasen
2015 Zenodo  
Abstract: This paper is mainly based on VIth and Vth century vase painting, a media allowing reflections on collective imagery, compared with later medical texts, especially the Hippocratic treatises and  ...  A comparative study of the literary and visual discourses on early childhood reveals the interactions between scientific ideas and popular beliefs.  ...  Amster reports severe monocular or binocular vision loss, tubular or star-shaped visual fields, and/or altered red, yellow, purple, chromatopsias (color vision) in hysterical vision loss.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.7222153 fatcat:qlmlqlwnxjhdfbcujfhg4ardfy