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Don't wait to share data on Zika

2016 Nature Microbiology  
During public health emergencies, such as the current increase in microcephaly and neurological syndromes potentially associated with the Zika virus outbreak, a rapid and coordinated response necessitates  ...  Don't wait to share data on Zika  ...  of data and analysis during the ongoing public health emergency 12 .  ... 
doi:10.1038/nmicrobiol.2016.28 pmid:27572177 fatcat:nuluptzi65dwzbcrq6mg7spqqe

Make Data Sharing Routine to Prepare for Public Health Emergencies

Jean-Paul Chretien, Caitlin M. Rivers, Michael A. Johansson
2016 PLoS Medicine  
to share data rapidly and widely during public health emergencies. • Effective preparation for emergencies requires the routine practice of data sharing in scientific research. • Key impediments to data  ...  Summary Points • The recent outbreaks caused by Ebola and Zika viruses highlighted the importance of medical and public health research in accelerating outbreak control and prompted calls for researchers  ...  Acknowledgments The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of any part of the US government.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pmed.1002109 pmid:27529422 pmcid:PMC4987038 fatcat:hpln26n2jzcadee53o3zevtxou

Benefits of sharing

2016 Nature  
For example, as was seen during the emergence of the H5N1 and H7N9 avian influenza viruses and Middle East respiratory syndrome corona virus, rapid data sharing can be hampered by a lack of international  ...  To play our part in driving the shift towards fast data sharing during public-health emergencies, Nature journals will now encourage authors who haven't already deposited their relevant sequence information  ... 
doi:10.1038/530129a pmid:26863943 fatcat:2sfljrflbna43jlbnubg42vpam

Defining the syndrome associated with congenital Zika virus infection

Anthony Costello, Tarun Dua, Pablo Duran, Metin Gülmezoglu, Olufemi T Oladapo, William Perea, João Pires, Pilar Ramon-Pardo, Nigel Rollins, Shekhar Saxena
2016 Bulletin of the World Health Organization  
, Gustavo Malinger and Vanessa van Der Linden who shared their unpublished data during the meeting.  ...  Acknowledgements We thank the guideline development group members for the management of Zika virus associated complications, includ-ing Melania Amorim, Adriana Melo, Marianne Besnard, Jose Guilherme Cecatti  ...  The Zika virus public health emergency is distinct because of its long-term health consequences and social impact. A coordinated approach to data sharing, surveillance and research is needed.  ... 
doi:10.2471/blt.16.176990 pmid:27274588 pmcid:PMC4890216 fatcat:6mgqqwje5ngr3ek42w5xv6k3uy

Zika virus and microcephaly: why is this situation a PHEIC?

David L Heymann, Abraham Hodgson, Amadou Alpha Sall, David O Freedman, J Erin Staples, Fernando Althabe, Kalpana Baruah, Ghazala Mahmud, Nyoman Kandun, Pedro F C Vasconcelos, Silvia Bino, K U Menon
2016 The Lancet  
[13] [14] [15] The networks established during the SARS outbreak worked in environments that provided the confi dentiality and security necessary to freely share data used for improving public health  ...  During one country representative's account of Zika virus in French Polynesia, robust and convincing retrospective data were presented about an increase in neurological disorders during the period when  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(16)00320-2 pmid:26876373 pmcid:PMC7134564 fatcat:p7okv6agfzacpjte4jkubzuexi

Harmonisation of Zika virus research protocols to address key public health concerns

Maria D Van Kerkhove, Ludovic Reveiz, Joao Paulo Souza, Thomas Jaenisch, Gail Carson, Nathalie Broutet
2016 Lancet Global Health  
[CONSISE]) have been working in collaboration with WHO towards the standardisation Harmonisation of Zika virus research protocols to address key public health concerns Prior to 2013-14, Zika virus infection  ...  involved in Zika virus research.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s2214-109x(16)30255-8 pmid:27815145 fatcat:gvld537kdfghjiad3256cwemmi

Zika Outbreak of 2016: Insights from Twitter [chapter]

Wasim Ahmed, Peter A. Bath, Laura Sbaffi, Gianluca Demartini
2020 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
An outbreak of the Zika virus in 2016 caused great concern among the general public and generated a burst of tweets.  ...  Our results are likely to be of interest to public health organisations disseminating information related to future outbreaks of Zika and we develop a set of preliminary recommendations for health authorities  ...  More specifically, the research question to be addressed was as follows: • What information were Twitter users sharing related to the Zika virus during a peaks in tweets from 2016?  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-030-49576-3_32 fatcat:w3fs75njszgofe3qed4vzbvicq

Knowledge sharing during public health emergencies: from global call to effective implementation

Sophie Delaunay, Patricia Kahn, Mercedes Tatay, Joanne Liu
2016 Bulletin of the World Health Organization  
As the Zika outbreak shows, the global public health community is still unprepared to collect good quality, standardized data and biomaterials during emergencies and to share them in ways that provide  ...  in the context of public health emergencies 4, 5 and public health in general. 6, 7 While the Zika open data initiative is a positive step, it also highlights the shortcomings of calling for knowledge  ... 
doi:10.2471/blt.16.172650 pmid:27034513 pmcid:PMC4794312 fatcat:sqkaptdd3jfprmyz6sc3o3hlli

A systematic review and evaluation of Zika virus forecasting and prediction research during a public health emergency of international concern

Pei-Ying Kobres, Jean-Paul Chretien, Michael A. Johansson, Jeffrey J. Morgan, Pai-Yei Whung, Harshini Mukundan, Sara Y. Del Valle, Brett M. Forshey, Talia M. Quandelacy, Matthew Biggerstaff, Cecile Viboud, Simon Pollett (+1 others)
2019 PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases  
While numerous predictive studies were published during the 2016-2017 Zika Virus (ZIKV) pandemic, it remains unknown how timely, reproducible, and actionable the information produced by these studies was  ...  Epidemic forecasting and prediction tools have the potential to provide actionable information in the midst of emerging epidemics.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank members of the Pandemic Prediction and Forecasting Science and Technology Working Group for their helpful feedback. The authors also acknowledge the  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pntd.0007451 pmid:31584946 pmcid:PMC6805005 fatcat:jpjgqwr7yjcvzeqdirnqwctrce

Digital Technology and Mobile Applications Impact on Zika and Ebola Epidemics Data Sharing and Emergency Response

Tambo E, Kazienga A, Talla M, Chengho CF, Fotsing C
2017 Journal of Health & Medical Informatics  
ameliorate the deficiencies in local and global 2013-2015 and 2015-2016 Ebola and Zika virus epidemics public health emergency of international concern respectively.  ...  This paper examines trade-off between technology-based data access and dissemination, Zika virus (ZIKV) epidemics complications and digital implications in care delivery solutions in pre-, during and post  ...  In turn, the development of new digital technologies and applications is influenced by how we share, respond to, and disseminate information during public health emergencies.  ... 
doi:10.4172/2157-7420.1000254 fatcat:agfofsgywfc7ldr3rfsmulh2yq

Zika virus: ethics preparedness for old and new challenges

Carla Saenz
2016 Lancet Global Health  
The difficulties of catalysing research during an emergency, distinguishing research from public health activities involving data collection, sharing data promptly, obtaining consent for research during  ...  for health-care delivery, public health, and research. 2 Some challenges in Zika virus ethics are new.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s2214-109x(16)30222-4 pmid:27633426 fatcat:3su5nk7qdrak3brraixctwhfvm

Zika Virus Pandemic – Misconceptions and its Implications

Megha Sharma, Kapil Yadav
2016 Clinics in Mother and Child Health  
We propose better curation of social media posts on public health during the time health crises and pandemics. M, Yadav K (2016) Zika Virus Pandemic -Misconceptions and its Implications.  ...  Citation: Sharma Zika Virus-Editorial The pandemic of Zika virus infection is a formidable threat to the American public health and is the fourth arboviral pandemic arriving to the western hemisphere  ...  Clinics in Mother and Child Health  ... 
doi:10.4172/2090-7214.1000e109 fatcat:fbqzumsyh5cszmkcfdmyl3ie44

Data sharing in public health emergencies: a call to researchers

Christopher Dye, Kidist Bartolomeos, Vasee Moorthy, Marie Paule Kieny
2016 Bulletin of the World Health Organization  
Data are the basis for public health action, and rapid data sharing is critical during an unfolding health emergency. 1, 2 he information disseminated through peer-reviewed journals and accompanying online  ...  To improve timely access to data in the context of a public health emergency, the Bulletin of the World Health Organization will implement a new data sharing and reporting protocol.  ... 
doi:10.2471/blt.16.170860 pmid:26966322 pmcid:PMC4773943 fatcat:437asnu7s5bfbjzi6j4j7wbd7e

Epidemiological Updates of Zika Transmission and Emphasizing the Critical Role of Public Health Interventions

Soosanna Kumary
2017 Texila international journal of public health  
Regulations (IHR) announced that Zika constitutes Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) on February 1, 2016.  ...  Considering its spread at an alarming rate with large clusters of microcephaly and neurological complications, the Emergency Committee of the World Health Organization (WHO) under the International Health  ...  Acknowledgements The authors wish to thank the reviewers and editors of E-International Journals of Academics and Scientific Research whose comments and reviews strengthened this work.  ... 
doi:10.21522/tijph.2013.05.01.art011 fatcat:sg5m7yvlszfcnhteneqbk4jpci

Zika Virus Linked Microcephaly and other Neurological Anomalies Epidemic on Neonatal-Perinatal Medicine: Perspective

Ernest Tambo
2017 Pediatric Infectious Diseases Open Access  
Aedes linked Zika virus emergence, spread of epidemics remain nightmare, worrisome requires promotion neonatal epidemiology, health services research, clinical investigation research and research translation  ...  about Zika virus infection congenital abnormalities public health threats [14, 15] .  ... 
doi:10.21767/2573-0282.100037 fatcat:rk3bcaapxbfj3alypbmjqsb2ra
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