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Algorithms and Interoperability between Drama and Artificial Intelligence

Antonio Pizzo, Vincenzo Lombardo, Rossana Damiano
2019 TDR: The Drama Review  
A look at a few historical examples along with an evaluation of more recent research suggests that the notion of algorithm may provide a new approach to the dichotomy between media and performance.  ...  From the systems that aim to facilitate the interoperability of content in performance to the seminal distinction between content structures and control structures, it is possible to foresee a new perspective  ...  These projects implement a computational model of dramatic elements as a therapeutic tool for the user, and are among a wide range of intelligent digital solutions for education and training.  ... 
doi:10.1162/dram_a_00872 fatcat:mp7lkf2icza45iunpssn4nqdb4

Inclusive Education in the 21st Century: A Festschrift in honour of an Erudite Scholar, Rev. Dr. (Mrs) Oluwatoyin Abike Odeleye (Nee Oduntan) [article]

2024 Zenodo  
It is hoped that issues discussed by contributors will be useful to a wide spectrum of readers, especially educational researchers, planners, policy makers, teachers and students.  ...  To provide a deeper understanding of important topics discussed, advanced teaching and learning outcomes and educational issues in general are suggested.  ...  This will ensure that both parties to a mentoring relationship act with a sense of urgency. Pastors and leaders must be encouraged to enroll in leadership courses at the Seminary.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10845661 fatcat:iixbswwluve4vo5ysoe5yb55hm

Implementing Science Theater

N. N. Nerantzis
2020 Open Schools Journal for Open Science  
Science theater - by doing research on scientific topics, writing down the script, organising a play and communicating our efforts - highlights the need of more and systematic (inclusive) thematic learning  ...  Since 2006, we were implementing a numerous of educational projects on teaching Science - i.e experiments with low-cost materials, developing and using online scenarios, integrating embodied outdoor activities  ...  Science Theatre at Schools The scientific initiative and implementation of 'Learning Science Through Theatre' (LSTT, http://lstt.eu), by ScienceView, in the context of being motivated, being supporting  ... 
doi:10.12681/osj.24892 fatcat:banq23uq5nb6fjceyqeodjooeu

Home Appliances as Home Controllers: Concepts and Set-Top Box Implementation

Z. Jovanovic, N. Teslic, M. Z. Bjelica, Z. Marceta
2010 Telfor Journal  
Intelligence and awareness are achieved with a support for execution of recipes – preprepared scripts that define timely actions and respond to triggers obtained from sensors.  ...  In this paper we present a novel softwarebased home control platform suitable as an extension to digital home appliances that are equipped with a CPU (settop boxes, home theatre systems, TV sets, gaming  ...  CONCLUSION In this paper we presented concepts and a prototype system for home automation and ambient intelligence, that can fit into a home appliance, such as STB.  ... 
doaj:773063aa556f422da2d2efa19c127d4b fatcat:qw64h2say5fyboncuxcevhjcgq

SceneMaker: Intelligent Multimodal Visualisation of Natural Language Scripts [chapter]

Eva Hanser, Paul Mc Kevitt, Tom Lunney, Joan Condell
2010 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In conclusion, SceneMaker will reduce production time, save costs and enhance communication of ideas through the development of an intelligent, multimodal animation generation system providing quick previsualisations  ...  SceneMaker's architecture with a language and text analysis module, a reasoning and decision making module based on cognitive, emotional information and a multimedia module for multimodal visualisation  ...  The BDI model, readily implemented in robotics, is a software model for intelligent agents to reason about problems to solve and select plans from a plan library.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-17080-5_17 fatcat:w23elmcseja3lfycqehk5awdju

Mobile home automation: merging mobile value added services and home automation technologies

Goetz Botterweck, J. Felix Hampe, Stefan Stein, Andreas Rosendahl
2008 Information Systems and E-Business Management  
In a conceptual introduction we first illustrate the need for such applications by introducing a two-dimensional conceptual model of mobility.  ...  Subsequently we suggest an architecture and discuss different options of how a user might access a mobile home automation service and the controlled devices.  ...  In addition to the modules already implemented and presented above, one can think of many additional device modules, such as implementing an intelligent temperature control or the programming of a digital  ... 
doi:10.1007/s10257-008-0095-z fatcat:a5yroqatqjdmhlku3r3drfbv2y

Mobile Home Automation - Merging Mobile Value Added Services and Home Automation Technologies

Andreas Rosendahl, J. Felix Hampe, Goetz Botterweck
2007 International Conference on the Management of Mobile Business (ICMB 2007)  
In a conceptual introduction we first illustrate the need for such applications by introducing a two-dimensional conceptual model of mobility.  ...  Subsequently we suggest an architecture and discuss different options of how a user might access a mobile home automation service and the controlled devices.  ...  In addition to the modules already implemented and presented above, one can think of many additional device modules, such as implementing an intelligent temperature control or the programming of a digital  ... 
doi:10.1109/icmb.2007.47 dblp:conf/icmb/RosendahlHB07 fatcat:po3wt72ze5b4pe7tu36qumaj4e

Aestheticism in visual symbols: catalysts for theatre patronage in contemporary play production

Bernard Eze Orji
2020 EJOTMAS Ekpoma Journal of Theatre and Media Arts  
Theatre practice in Nigeria like the world over is in a state of constant flux due to the ever emerging new trends.  ...  New concepts, styles, forms are continuously on demand as a result of the insatiable human tastes in performance and coupled with a civilization in which technological advancement and human creativity  ...  The house lights dim, and we see a solitary actor standing in the centre of a bare stage.  ... 
doi:10.4314/ejotmas.v7i1-2.27 fatcat:ugvb2rxtjfalvi4ci7dymuuei4


Rabia ., Naveed Ali, Shahzaib Ali, Ahthasham Sajid, Afia Zafar
Li-Fi is presented in this research paper. Wi-Fi is widely implemented in many major and minor fields of life and the capacity it is providing is accessed.  ...  Li-fi, on the end hand, is a means of an opportunity to further develop the efficiency and use of data and to provide resources that are required for the future needs.  ...  A major issue is the availability of radio waves. For example, Wi-Fi cannot be used in places like airplanes and hospitals operation theatres.  ... 
doi:10.26480/imcs.01.2020.01.09 fatcat:bscpzqx7tba3xlswmbxhtnm3qa

Analyzing the Adoption Challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Smart Cities in China

Ke Wang, Yafei Zhao, Rajan Kumar Gangadhari, Zhixing Li
2021 Sustainability  
The capabilities of the Internet of Things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI) can help to achieve some goals of smart cities, and there are proven examples from some cities like Singapore, Copenhagen  ...  The study's findings can help regulatory bodies, policymakers, and researchers to make better decisions to overcome the challenges for developing sustainable smart cities.  ...  Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/su131910983 fatcat:ihherjkbxzcylfmkhmlnwvybzu

Ambient Intelligence in the Living Room

Leonidis, Korozi, Kouroumalis, Poutouris, Stefanidi, Arampatzis, Sykianaki, Anyfantis, Kalligiannakis, Nicodemou, Stefanidi, Adamakis (+3 others)
2019 Sensors  
The emergence of the Ambient Intelligence (AmI) paradigm and the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices and services unveiled new potentials for the domain of domestic living, where the line  ...  activities by providing a rich suite of entertainment applications, (b) implements a home control middleware, (c) acts as an intervention host that is able to display appropriate content when the users  ...  Acknowledgments: This work has been supported by the FORTH-ICS internal RTD Programme 'Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments'.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s19225011 pmid:31744159 pmcid:PMC6891285 fatcat:ugbufsncirc3labryi4d7owrg4

Intelligent Object Shape and Position Identification for Needs of Dynamic Luminance Shaping in Object Floodlighting and Projection Mapping

Sebastian Słomiński, Magdalena Sobaszek
2020 Energies  
This paper presents the advantages and disadvantages of such solutions as well as a target system for dynamic identification and mapping of objects and the human body based on the analysis of data from  ...  Analyses of identification times, implementation of perspective transformations and 3D-to-2D transformations have been carried out in relation to a planar and cuboidal moving surface.  ...  Acknowledgments: Article Preparation Charge was covered by the Electrical Power Engineering Institute at the Warsaw University of Technology and Open Access Charge was covered by IDUB program at the Warsaw  ... 
doi:10.3390/en13236442 fatcat:e5caofvb6zhzdgjs5i6okw4bue

Intelligent Lighting Control using Wireless Sensor Networks for Media Production

Heemin Park
2009 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems  
We present the design and implementation of a unique sensing and actuation application --the Illuminator: a sensor network-based intelligent light control system for entertainment and media production.  ...  The Illuminator system is a toolset to characterize the illumination profile of a deployed set of fixed position lights, generate desired lighting effects for moving targets (actors, scenic elements, etc  ...  DMX Controller and Dimmer We used a Leprecon 6-channel dimmer [37] and ENTTEC DMXEtherGate MK2 [38] , as the DMX-controlled dimming system.  ... 
doi:10.3837/tiis.2009.05.001 fatcat:k4tv6iveljddvoel2fsemuveo4

Human factors in the design of sustainable built environments

Sergio Altomonte, Peter Rutherford, Robin Wilson
2014 Intelligent Buildings International  
To achieve an intelligent sustainable design of human habitats, advances in knowledge and the results of evidence-based research can clearly play a major role by making viable methods, systems, and technologies  ...  New pedagogical methods and a substantial revision of professional training and regulatory frameworks are hence needed to surmount existing barriers, and facilitate dialogue between scientific research  ... 
doi:10.1080/17508975.2014.970121 fatcat:cdos4zutwrh3jiqh5twpgsmbbi

Communities of practice, impression management, and great power status: Military observers in the Russo-Japanese War

Kiran Banerjee, Joseph MacKay
2020 European Journal of International Security  
The argument has implications for understanding both the military attaché system and communities of practice as such.  ...  of a new institutional role that might otherwise have been impossible.  ...  For host states, attachés were prospective audiences for a performance of statehood, at a symbolically laden nexus of security, diplomatic, and intelligence-gathering activities.  ... 
doi:10.1017/eis.2020.11 fatcat:nf4qbx23f5e6bjedhd3f7wy5s4
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