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DF-RBAC: Dynamic and Fine-grained Role-Based Access Control Scheme with Smart Contract

Danyang Liu, Anming Dong, Biwei Yan, Jiguo Yu
2021 Procedia Computer Science  
Access control is a technology that can guarantee the security of information in network transmission, in which role-based access control is to separate the subject from the permission, and to assign the  ...  However, the traditional role-based access control scheme is generally centralized, the allocation of user's role lacks fine granularity, and there is static in the allocation of the role and permission  ...  This framework can realize the flexible allocation of user's roles by the resource owner.  ... 
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2021.04.074 fatcat:df2x6yo5dngwlh7lsalmhabvqi

Neutral N-donor ligand based flexible metal–organic frameworks

Biplab Manna, Aamod V. Desai, Sujit K. Ghosh
2016 Dalton Transactions  
reorganization of the frameworks.  ...  This short review focuses on the flexibility aspect of MOFs based on neutral N-donor ligands with representative examples concerning the structural aspects and the subsequent properties induced by the  ...  Kondo et al. reported a dual flexible MOF system which underwent structural alterations upon guest removal and later upon adsorption of gas molecules. 57 The authors synthesized a 3D MOF {[Cu(bpy)(BF  ... 
doi:10.1039/c5dt03443d pmid:26508411 fatcat:dzupsgijmngkfg2h2vpf2crcpe


Roman Duban, Sergei Neverov, Anna Duban
2018 Polonia University Scientific Journal  
Security settings are made with the new tools provided by the authorization framework. The peculiarities of setting up and implementing the benefits of this type of protection are considered.  ...  The article deals with the possibilities of protecting corporate applications that have been built on the K2 five platform. using new functions that provide an authorization package.  ...  issue in applications on K2 platform is facilitated by authorization framework provided in K2 Five.  ... 
doi:10.23856/3104 fatcat:wy3sydynxrgkbdnazfkzrvwmzu

SFINKS: Secure Focused Information, News, and Knowledge Sharing

Tatyana Ryutov, Tatiana Kichkaylo, Robert Neches, Michael Orosz
2008 2008 IEEE Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security  
While traditional hierarchical information sharing approaches ensure that only relevant information is delivered to authorized nodes, the resulting organizational overhead severely impedes timely sharing  ...  Nita-Rotaru and Li [8] presented a framework for role-based access control in group communication systems.  ...  Flexible user-level policy specification in the limited resource visibility situations requires expressive representations, which are hard to compute.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ths.2008.4534486 fatcat:kygsp5i6gfhxrkpyqtomc7v5f4

Blockchain Based Security Solution for Medical Data

Hyperledger fabric is a permissioned distributed ledger framework and provide high degrees of confidentiality, flexibility, and scalability.  ...  Hyperledger fabric framework based Blockchain technology is most desirable solution to prevent data manipulation and data theft .It also facilitates patient to have control over their data.  ...  The medical data sharing, appending, removing or any process in the network needed patient permission.  ... 
doi:10.35940/ijitee.i7197.0891020 fatcat:icxqpxdpebhf3ejingb7uj4ldy

A Delegation Framework for Access Control in WfMS Based on Tasks and Roles

Pu Jian, Hwai-jung Hsu, Feng-jian Wang
2008 2008 12th IEEE International Workshop on Future Trends of Distributed Computing Systems  
In this paper, we propose a new delegation framework to support the access control associated with the model.  ...  Access control is important for protecting the information integrities in WfMS's.  ...  Restricting the access rights of business objects on tasks helps permission management and reduces risks in inappropriate permission authority made by users.  ... 
doi:10.1109/ftdcs.2008.13 dblp:conf/ftdcs/JianHW08 fatcat:kjaryezax5bqhmvlipvos4tcvq

Secure Access to Grid Information Service Using Shibboleth and PERMIS

Wei Jie, Zhenghong Huang, Michael Daw, Rob Procter, Xiaorong Li, Lianggui Tang, Sheng Lu
2007 The 9th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and The 4th IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce and E-Services (CEC-EEE 2007)  
On the basis of our existing work on a GIS architecture, we further propose a security framework which leverages Shibboleth as the authentication infrastructure and combines PERMIS authorization technology  ...  As a result, this security framework integrates the advantages of both Shibboleth cross-domain identity federation and PERMIS policy driven role based access control, thus presenting a new security model  ...  Shibboleth provides a simple and flexible way to access the GIS, and PERMIS allows site administrators to define their own policies on the information access control and the authorization decisions are  ... 
doi:10.1109/cec-eee.2007.84 dblp:conf/wecwis/JieHDPLTL07 fatcat:kjcyvjxnpjbz5jldpp4pwbelt4

Pharmacy-Based Point-of-Care Testing: How a "Standard of Care" Approach Can Facilitate Sustainability

Alex J. Adams, Donald G. Klepser, Michael E. Klepser, Jennifer L. Adams
2021 INNOVATIONS in Pharmacy  
This growth was aided, in part, by federal guidance that removed state-level regulatory uncertainty surrounding the ability of pharmacists to administer, interpret, and act on the results of tests.  ...  To ensure the sustainability of POCT services over time, states should consider adopting a standard of care approach to regulation, allowing a flexible framework for practice innovation and expansion over  ...  the plain text of state laws and the results reported by the regulatory agencies surveyed. 23 Thus, the need to itemize permission for each and every activity to remove uncertainty could become overwhelming  ... 
doi:10.24926/iip.v12i4.4290 pmid:36033116 pmcid:PMC9401373 fatcat:4cfutwxn2reohlz73x6zogqb3q

A Review on Breathing Behaviors of Metal-Organic-Frameworks (MOFs) for Gas Adsorption

Mays Alhamami, Huu Doan, Chil-Hung Cheng
2014 Materials  
This article is developed in the following order: first to introduce the definition of MOFs and the observation of their framework flexibility.  ...  Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) are a new class of microporous materials that possess framework flexibility, large surface areas, "tailor-made" framework functionalities, and tunable pore sizes.  ...  Acknowledgments The authors are grateful for the financial support from the Department of Chemical Engineering at Ryerson University, Faculty of Engineering and Architectural Science (FEAS) at Ryerson  ... 
doi:10.3390/ma7043198 pmid:28788614 pmcid:PMC5453333 fatcat:b7zhnlrkbbeuzimhsud6gdewme

A Flexible Approach to Introductory Programming

Neil Gordon, Mike Brayshaw, Simon Grey
2019 Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Computing Education Practice - CEP '19  
We have provided a framework for supporting students in this transition, along with some proposals for providing a flexible structure to enable students to learn at their own pace and in a style, which  ...  Figure 1 : 1 Framework for teaching programming 19 , January 9, 2019, Durham, United Kingdom © 2019 Copyright is held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3294016.3294025 dblp:conf/cep/GordonBG19 fatcat:ufftehattvfsffayrdhkqs6mvi

Recent Advances in Access Control Models [chapter]

Sushil Jajodia, Duminda Wijesekera
2002 Database and Application Security XV  
We also discuss the recent work on policy algebras and subject identity issues in secure federations.  ...  Advances in application areas bring new dimensions to access control needs.  ...  Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under the grant CCR-0113515.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-387-35587-0_1 fatcat:n5pfsdcm5zggjogelntkqxdkuu

Effective use of flexible low-dimensional colloidal particles and colloidal crystals for the control of hierarchically porous materials

Yoshiyuki KURODA
2015 Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan  
In this review, preparation of hierarchically porous materials by templating methods is summarized from the viewpoint of flexibilities of colloidal particles and colloidal assemblies as building blocks  ...  Recently, the use of colloidal crystals as flexible templates is reported and attracts much attention.  ...  The author also acknowledges the contributions of all of the co-workers whose names appear in the references.  ... 
doi:10.2109/jcersj2.123.853 fatcat:u3bnsxvqyrdcrk5tlfm4scxhau

Recent Advances in Access Control Models [chapter]

Sushil Jajodia
2003 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We also discuss the recent work on policy algebras and subject identity issues in secure federations.  ...  Advances in application areas bring new dimensions to access control needs.  ...  Acknowledgement This work was partially supported by the National Science Foundation under the grant CCR-0113515.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-540-45160-0_1 fatcat:t2shtdvjzzavlcwwqnpnyca3i4

Recent Progress on Graphene/Polyaniline Composites for High-performance Supercapacitors

Xiaodong Hong, Jiawei Fu, Yue Liu, Shanggong Li, Xiaoliang Wang, Wei Dong, Shaobin Yang
2019 Materials  
In this work, we summarize the recent advance on the synthesis of PANI and graphene/PANI composites, and their application in supercapacitors.  ...  composites, graphene framework based composites, and printable graphene/PANI composites.  ...  Acknowledgments: Thanks for the technical support from Rui Wang (LTU). Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.  ... 
doi:10.3390/ma12091451 pmid:31060284 pmcid:PMC6540261 fatcat:5tizgiopazeo5pksq32v6hcshe

Chemistry and application of flexible porous coordination polymers

Sareeya Bureekaew, Satoru Shimomura, Susumu Kitagawa
2008 Science and Technology of Advanced Materials  
In this review, the chemistry and application of flexible crystalline PCPs are summarized and discussed.  ...  Moreover, in recent years, flexible PCPs, which are structurally transformable depending upon external stimuli, have been attractive because they provide unique properties, dissimilar to those of zeolites  ...  After water molecules were removed, the stable open-framework [Cu(IN)] n is obtained.  ... 
doi:10.1088/1468-6996/9/1/014108 pmid:27877934 pmcid:PMC5099803 fatcat:hu4efbnyanhzhf3crvhysk3kfe
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