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3,272 Hits in 4.8 sec

Reliable Implicit Surface Polygonization using Visibility Mapping [article]

Gokul Varadhan, Shankar Krishnan, Liangjun Zhang, Dinesh Manocha
2006 Symposium on geometry processing : [proceedings]. Symposium on Geometry Processing  
Our approach uses spatial subdivision techniques to decompose a manifold implicit surface into star-shaped patches and computes a visibilty map for each patch.  ...  Based on these maps, we compute a homeomorphic and watertight triangulation as well as a parameterization of the implicit surface.  ...  Visibility Mapping In this subsection, we introduce visibility mapping and use it to polygonize implicit surfaces. We first present the intuition behind our algorithm.  ... 
doi:10.2312/sgp/sgp06/211-221 fatcat:b2ytgvgsrzf4xfs56ok2hbsupa

Three-dimensional model reconstruction for treasures of jadeite material from uncalibrated image sequences

Chia-Ming Cheng, Shu-Fan Wang, Chin-Hung Teng, Po-Hao Huang, Yu-Chieh Chien, Shang-Hong Lai, J.-Angelo Beraldin, Sabry F. El-Hakim, Armin Gruen, James S. Walton
2005 Videometrics VIII  
An implicit surface representation is used in this work to reconstruct smooth, continuous surface from noisy range data.  ...  Note that the active polygon is the polygon visible in the current image but have not been assigned to any other views. The initialization step is to set all polygons active and all views available.  ... 
doi:10.1117/12.587450 fatcat:zchltg7nuzarrnl4u42rmko3uu

Point Splatting Based on Translucent Shadow Mapping and Hierarchical Bucket Sorting

Zorig Gunjee, Tadahiro Fujimoto, Norishige Chiba
2007 The Journal of the Society for Art and Science  
Our Translucent Shadow Mapping Algorithm uses a spherical coordinate system and solves the distancebased sorting, transparency calculation, shadow mapping, omni-directional mapping and light intensity  ...  We also propose a novel algorithm for visibility sorting of unstructured point data using the Hierarchical Bucket Sorting approach.  ...  We generated simple volume and surface models of grass, tree and basin using the implicit functions.  ... 
doi:10.3756/artsci.6.21 fatcat:73iipoip7jcppccdwsmsprj6qy

Practical and Robust MLS-based Integration of Scanned Data [article]

Valentino Fiorin, Paolo Cignoni, Roberto Scopigno
2008 Smart Tools and Applications in Graphics  
The paper proposes a set of techniques for improving the quality of MLS surfaces reconstructed from point clouds that are composed by the union of many scanned range maps.  ...  ; on this purpose a set of per-range-map weighting schemes are proposed.  ...  Through this signed distance function we are now able to define the scalar field that, together with a polygonalization algorithm, allows us to extract a polygonal model from the implicit representation  ... 
doi:10.2312/localchapterevents/italchap/italianchapconf2008/057-064 dblp:conf/egItaly/FiorinCS08 fatcat:au6siqwmnnbvxkouqfsc3jzv34

Computer-generated pen-and-ink illustration

Georges Winkenbach, David H. Salesin
1994 Proceedings of the 21st annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH '94  
The planar map is used during the rendering phase to outline the visible surfaces.  ...  In addition, if the stroke is used for rendering a shadow, is visible only if the 3D polygon is a shadow polygon.  ...  Notably, it is now possible to use traditional image-based texture mapping techniques to control the tone of  ... 
doi:10.1145/192161.192184 dblp:conf/siggraph/WinkenbachS94 fatcat:7bzddzafsvg3bddiumffbgmaju

Animated Impostors for Real-Time Display of Numerous Virtual Humans [chapter]

Amaury Aubel, Ronan Boulic, Daniel Thalmann
1998 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
We first review the acceleration techniques traditionally in use in computer graphics and highlight their suitability to articulated characters.  ...  Then we show how impostors can be used to render virtual humans. Finally we introduce concrete case studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.  ...  The set of primitives then defines an implicit surface that approximates the real human skin. Sampling this implicit surface results in a polygonal mesh, which can be directly used for rendering.  ... 
doi:10.1007/3-540-68686-x_2 fatcat:mu4s4k2ip5fghk73lqvxcdsuxe

Probabilistic Range Image Integration for DSM and True-Orthophoto Generation [chapter]

Markus Rumpler, Andreas Wendel, Horst Bischof
2013 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
consistent 2.5D surface model.  ...  Typical photogrammetric processing pipelines for digital surface model (DSM) generation perform aerial triangulation, dense image matching and a fusion step to integrate multiple depth estimates into a  ...  Turk and Levoy [16] describe an explicit polygonal approach for merging several depth maps by zippering together adjacent meshes into a single continuous surface.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-38886-6_50 fatcat:uub4wgxrhrfqvgwlzlbtotslwi

Illustrating smooth surfaces

Aaron Hertzmann, Denis Zorin
2000 Proceedings of the 27th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques - SIGGRAPH '00  
parts with constant visibility (Section 4.2). • An algorithm for computing smooth direction fields on surfaces, suitable for use in hatching (Section 5).  ...  An important feature of our approach is that any polygonal mesh can serve as input; the smooth surface that we render is inferred from the mesh.  ...  Acknowledgments Our special thanks go to Jianbo Peng who implemented the dual surface silhouette detection algorithm. We are grateful to Pat Hanrahan, who suggested this research topic to us.  ... 
doi:10.1145/344779.345074 dblp:conf/siggraph/HertzmannZ00 fatcat:ruzzekxgm5hunl75ewaaq6qvxe

Shape from Depth Discontinuities [chapter]

Gabriel Taubin, Daniel Crispell, Douglas Lanman, Peter Sibley, Yong Zhao
2009 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
Only part of this surface, which includes silhouettes, is visible and measurable from the camera.  ...  We use a single multi-flash camera and turntable for the data acquisition and represent the scanned objects as point clouds, with each point being described by a 3-D location, a surface normal, and a Phong  ...  Each model is represented by approximately 1, 000, 000 points and was processed using a polygonal implicit surface with about 250, 000 faces.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-00826-9_9 fatcat:vkvar6lwordbzgim366p2hdosm

Geometric fusion for a hand-held 3D sensor

Adrian Hilton, John Illingworth
2000 Machine Vision and Applications  
The new geometric fusion algorithm is based on the normal-volume representation of a triangle which enables incremental transformation of an arbitrary mesh into an implicit volumetric field function.This  ...  This article presents a geometric fusion algorithm developed for the reconstruction of 3D surface models from hand-held sensor data.  ...  Implicit surface polygonization is performed using the Marching Cubes algorithm to generate a fused mesh model of the object surface.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s001380050123 fatcat:m3n23yauhngtri6bn45u4j74sq

Reconstructing Compact Building Models from Point Clouds Using Deep Implicit Fields [article]

Zhaiyu Chen, Hugo Ledoux, Seyran Khademi, Liangliang Nan
2022 arXiv   pre-print
In this paper, we present a novel framework for reconstructing compact, watertight, polygonal building models from point clouds.  ...  a deep neural network that facilitates building occupancy estimation; (c) a Markov random field is formulated to extract the outer surface of a building via combinatorial optimization.  ...  An implicit field can be directly learned from the input point cloud and used to extract a smooth surface model of the object.  ... 
arXiv:2112.13142v3 fatcat:zy4q4tcfbffwjnbn3kxdrf2rau

High-Performance Multi-View Reconstruction

Christopher Zach, Mario Sormann, Konrad Karner
2006 Third International Symposium on 3D Data Processing, Visualization, and Transmission (3DPVT'06)  
The subsequent volumetric fusion step combines these depth maps into an impicit surface representation of the final model, which can be directly displayed using GPUbased raycasting methods.  ...  The complete pipeline from depth map generation over depth image integration to the final 3D model visualization is performed on programmable graphics processing units (GPUs).  ...  Instead of using an implicit representation of the surfaces induced by the depth images, one can merge a set of polygonal models directly [10] .  ... 
doi:10.1109/3dpvt.2006.74 dblp:conf/3dpvt/ZachSK06 fatcat:z2akv7464bdrdcxc5ibd3ty4em

Enabling Topological Planning with Monocular Vision

Gregory J. Stein, Christopher Bradley, Victoria Preston, Nicholas Roy
2020 2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)  
We show that our mapping technique can be used on real data and is sufficient for planning and exploration in simulated multiagent search and learned subgoal planning applications.  ...  We propose a robust sparse map representation that can be built with monocular vision and overcomes these shortcomings.  ...  Upon completion, our procedure yields a polygonal map which is sufficient for optimal navigation via computation of a visibility graph.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icra40945.2020.9197484 fatcat:4qnp6mzntzbuxdookdra43ua6i

Enabling Topological Planning with Monocular Vision [article]

Gregory J. Stein, Christopher Bradley, Victoria Preston, Nicholas Roy
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We show that our mapping technique can be used on real data and is sufficient for planning and exploration in simulated multi-agent search and learned subgoal planning applications.  ...  We propose a robust sparse map representation that can be built with monocular vision and overcomes these shortcomings.  ...  Upon completion, our procedure yields a polygonal map which is sufficient for optimal navigation via computation of a visibility graph.  ... 
arXiv:2003.14368v1 fatcat:h4jkphlcevatdmraui7ro7bqgi

Image-based rendering of complex scenes from a multi-camera rig

J.-F. Evers-Senne, R. Koch
2005 IEE Proceedings - Vision Image and Signal Processing  
The real camera viewpoints are calibrated from the image data and dense depth maps are estimated for each real view.  ...  For less reliable depth maps, VDG can give a far better quality then MLM because of its implicit interpolation.  ...  Using the values from the depth maps, we can back-project 2D image points into 3D points using equation (3) . Using a multi-view stereo approach dense and reliable depth maps are computed [10] .  ... 
doi:10.1049/ip-vis:20045104 fatcat:h564xf4hsnc67el6wtopie7hwy
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