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Recursive Segmentation and Recognition Templates for 2D Parsing

Leo Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Yuan Lin, Chenxi Lin, Alan L. Yuille
2008 Neural Information Processing Systems  
This HIM is represented by recursive segmentation and recognition templates in multiple layers and has advantages for representation, inference, and learning.  ...  In this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Image Model (HIM) for 2D image parsing which outputs image segmentation and object recognition.  ...  Acknowledgments This research was supported by NSF grant 0413214 and the W.M. Keck foundation.  ... 
dblp:conf/nips/ZhuCLLY08 fatcat:lkb7jdcuonbqtbq2nzwwt4quhq

Recursive segmentation and recognition templates for image parsing

Long Zhu, Yuanhao Chen, Yuan Lin, Chenxi Lin, A. Yuille
2012 IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence  
This HIM is represented by recursive segmentation and recognition templates in multiple layers and has advantages for representation, inference, and learning.  ...  In this paper, we propose a Hierarchical Image Model (HIM) for 2D image parsing which outputs image segmentation and object recognition.  ...  Keck foundation, NSF grants 0413214 and 613563, and by the Air Force FA9550-08-1-0489.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tpami.2011.160 pmid:22193662 fatcat:wiwmngxcazb7fjgdhuobdmoggq

Learning 3D object templates by hierarchical quantization of geometry and appearance spaces

Wenze Hu
2012 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
This paper presents a method for learning 3D object templates from view labeled object images.  ...  Appearance of each part template is represented by Gabor filters, which are hierarchically grouped into line segments and geometric shapes.  ...  Acknowledgement This project is supported by NSF IIS 1018751, ONR MURI N00014-10-1-0933, DARPA MSEE grant FA8650-11-1-7149 and NSF DMS 1007889.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2012.6247945 dblp:conf/cvpr/Hu12 fatcat:rjdvvmzopzb4jekhlaim7aoz5a

Recognition of Tables and Forms [chapter]

Bertrand Coüasnon, Aurélie Lemaitre
2014 Handbook of Document Image Processing and Recognition  
It searches for the first level in a recursive table structure and in each cell looks for table in a recursive way.  ...  of perceptive vision and cooperation between knowledge at several points of view; and an associated parser, which allows modifying the parsed structure during parsing to deal with segmentation problems  ...  The reading of those different surveys will give good information for the readers to dig deeper in the problem and the challenges of table and form recognition.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-0-85729-859-1_20 fatcat:lxyn3pcn2zehvk4zw5ydoidewa

Learning deep representations for semantic image parsing: a comprehensive overview

Lili Huang, Jiefeng Peng, Ruimao Zhang, Guanbin Li, Liang Lin
2018 Frontiers of Computer Science  
In this paper, we summarize three aspects of the progress of research on semantic image parsing, i.e., category-level semantic segmentation, instance-level semantic segmentation, and beyond segmentation  ...  Specifically, we first review the general frameworks for each task and introduce the relevant variants. The advantages and limitations of each method are also discussed.  ...  Active template regression (ATR) [46] , which directly predicts and locates the structural masks for each label, was proposed for human parsing.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s11704-018-7195-8 fatcat:p5hvfwhl5rbork5vf4rpnx3h6u

The Problem of Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition Evaluation

Ahmad-Montaser Awal, Harold Mouchere, Christian Viard-Gaudin
2010 2010 12th International Conference on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition  
Data and tools used for the competition will be made publicly available. 2  ...  For the third CROHME, the training dataset was expanded to over 8000 expressions, and new tools were developed for evaluating performance at the level of strokes as well as expressions and symbols.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors thank the creators of the MathBrush, MfrDB and ExpressionMatch corpora for sharing their data with us.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icfhr.2010.106 dblp:conf/icfhr/AwalMV10a fatcat:dyargrh64nfbxa53w5ofyd6l6e

ICDAR 2013 CROHME: Third International Competition on Recognition of Online Handwritten Mathematical Expressions

Harold Mouchere, Christian Viard-Gaudin, Richard Zanibbi, Utpal Garain, Dae Hwan Kim, Jin Hyung Kim
2013 2013 12th International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition  
Data and tools used for the competition will be made publicly available.  ...  For the third CROHME, the training dataset was expanded to over 8000 expressions, and new tools were developed for evaluating performance at the level of strokes as well as expressions and symbols.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors thank the creators of the MathBrush, MfrDB and ExpressionMatch corpora for sharing their data with us.  ... 
doi:10.1109/icdar.2013.288 dblp:conf/icdar/MouchereVZGK13 fatcat:a7xowdirifcdjndtn3iipsudwe

Discriminative Hierarchical Part-Based Models for Human Parsing and Action Recognition [chapter]

Yang Wang, Duan Tran, Zicheng Liao, David Forsyth
2017 Gesture Recognition  
We consider the problem of parsing human poses and recognizing their actions in static images with part-based models.  ...  The pose information captured by this hierarchical model can also be used as a intermediate representation for other high-level tasks. We demonstrate it in action recognition from static images.  ...  Acknowledgments This work was supported in part by NSF under IIS-0803603 and IIS-1029035, and by ONR under N00014-01-1-0890 and N00014-10-1-0934 as part of the MURI program.  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-319-57021-1_9 fatcat:nu7xdrnpyvdkzfpydp24esyzvy

Gait Recognition and Understanding Based on Hierarchical Temporal Memory Using 3D Gait Semantic Folding

Jian Luo, Tardi Tjahjadi
2020 Sensors  
First, an accurate 2-dimensional (2D) to 3D human body pose and shape semantic parameters estimation method is proposed, which exploits the advantages of an instance-level body parsing model and a virtual  ...  Gait recognition and understanding systems have shown a wide-ranging application prospect.  ...  The funders had no role in the design of the study, in the curation, collection, and analyses of data, in formal analysis, and in the writing, revising, and publishing the paper.  ... 
doi:10.3390/s20061646 pmid:32188067 pmcid:PMC7146167 fatcat:asvte7dstvb7jhf772tyhnj3de

Hierarchy Denoising Recursive Autoencoders for 3D Scene Layout Prediction

Yifei Shi, Angel X. Chang, Zhelun Wu, Manolis Savva, Kai Xu
2019 2019 IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)  
and top-down decoding for propagation.  ...  We present a variational denoising recursive autoencoder (VDRAE) that generates and iteratively refines a hierarchical representation of 3D object layouts, interleaving bottom-up encoding for context aggregation  ...  Acknowledgements We are grateful to Thomas Funkhouser and Shuran Song for the valuable discussion.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2019.00187 dblp:conf/cvpr/ShiCWS019 fatcat:t4f7rkbsyzfmrdoyc76kcn4pcu

Grounding spatial relations for human-robot interaction

Sergio Guadarrama, Lorenzo Riano, Dave Golland, Daniel Gouhring, Yangqing Jia, Dan Klein, Pieter Abbeel, Trevor Darrell
2013 2013 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems  
We propose a system for human-robot interaction that learns both models for spatial prepositions and for object recognition.  ...  Our system correctly parses 94% of the 210 online test sentences, correctly interprets 91% of the correctly parsed sentences, and correctly executes 89% of the correctly interpreted sentences. 1 We will  ...  Currently, the language interpretation module works in a feed-forward, pipelined approach: first templates are used for coarse language matching, next text spans are parsed and projected into a small semantic  ... 
doi:10.1109/iros.2013.6696569 dblp:conf/iros/GuadarramaRGGJKAD13 fatcat:hy5osztimna7rbpomp3ohowswe

Author Index

2010 2010 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition  
for Object Detection Part and Appearance Sharing: Recursive Compositional Models for Multi-View Multi-Object Detection Freifeld, Oren Contour People: A Parameterized Model of 2D Articulated Human  ...  Detecting and Parsing Architecture at City Scale from Range Data Adaptive Pose Priors for Pictorial Structures Talking Pictures: Temporal Grouping and Dialog-Supervised Person Recognition Workshop  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2010.5539913 fatcat:y6m5knstrzfyfin6jzusc42p54

A Stochastic Grammar of Images

Song-Chun Zhu, David Mumford
2006 Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision  
This representation supports recursive topdown/bottom-up procedures for image parsing and make it convenient to scale up in complexity.  ...  This representation supports recursive top-down/bottom-up procedures for image parsing under the Bayesian framework and make it convenient to scale up in complexity.  ...  Stuart Geman, Yingnian Wu, Harry Shum, Alan Yuille, and Joachim Buhmann for their extensive discussions and helpful comments. The first author also thanks many students at UCLA  ... 
doi:10.1561/0600000018 fatcat:4gicslrfufabratzlxeiz275nm

A generative vision model that trains with high data efficiency and breaks text-based CAPTCHAs

Dileep George, Wolfgang Lehrach, Ken Kansky, Miguel Lázaro-Gredilla, Christopher Laan, Bhaskara Marthi, Xinghua Lou, Zhaoshi Meng, Yi Liu, Huayan Wang, Alex Lavin, D. Scott Phoenix
2017 Science  
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the anonymous reviewers for their careful review and helpful suggestions that greatly improved the manuscript. We thank B. Olshausen, T. Dean, B. Lake, and B.  ...  Jaros for suggesting improvements after reading early versions of this manuscript. We are grateful to A. Yuille and F.-F. Li for insightful discussions leading to this work.  ...  By handling recognition and segmentation in a unified way, our model fundamentally breaks the defense of text-based CAPTCHAs. Shown are the parses by our model for a variety of CAPTCHAs.  ... 
doi:10.1126/science.aag2612 pmid:29074582 fatcat:opnazwoxvnettckk5u6vpggnsa

Shape grammar parsing via Reinforcement Learning

Olivier Teboul, Iasonas Kokkinos, Loic Simon, Panagiotis Koutsourakis, Nikos Paragios
2011 CVPR 2011  
We address shape grammar parsing for facade segmentation using Reinforcement Learning (RL).  ...  We demonstrate that the method can also be applied to interactive segmentation, and to a broad variety of architectural styles 1 .  ...  Each basic shape consists of a template, a symbol for its type (e.g.  ... 
doi:10.1109/cvpr.2011.5995319 dblp:conf/cvpr/TeboulKSKP11 fatcat:2ccykpz625gotmkw5ovyat22ta
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