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Compact and Optimal Deep Learning with Recurrent Parameter Generators [article]

Jiayun Wang, Yubei Chen, Stella X. Yu, Brian Cheung, Yann LeCun
2022 arXiv   pre-print
Specifically, we create a recurrent parameter generator (RPG), which repeatedly fetches parameters from a ring and unpacks them onto a large model with random permutation and sign flipping to promote parameter  ...  We propose a drastically different approach to compact and optimal deep learning: We decouple the Degrees of freedom (DoF) and the actual number of parameters of a model, optimize a small DoF with predefined  ...  While the model performance generally scales with the number of parameters [29] , with parameters outnumbering training data, the model is significantly over-parameterized.  ... 
arXiv:2107.07110v3 fatcat:wrj5l37psradjlzkgnkqdxg244

A simple proof of the generalized strong recurrence for any non-zero parameter [article]

Takashi Nakamura
2010 arXiv   pre-print
The strong recurrence is equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis. In the present paper, we give a simple proof of the generalized strong recurrence for all non-zero parameters.  ...  In this paper, we give a simple proof of the following generalized strong recurrence (we abbreviate this to GSR) for all non-zero parameters.  ...  This property is called strong recurrence (see [10, Theorem 8.3] ). Theorem B. (see [1, Theorem 3.7] ).  ... 
arXiv:1006.3184v4 fatcat:lhlpjyuttzcljjlxh73vdhdy3i

Joint universality and generalized strong recurrence with rational parameter [article]

Łukasz Pańkowski
2015 arXiv   pre-print
He also observed that the generalized strong recurrence property holds for almost all real parameters d. His result was improved by the author in [13] to all irrational parameter d.  ...  The crucial step in the proof of the generalized strong recurrence property with parameter d is to show that the following set (3) {log p : p is prime} ∪ {d log p : p is prime} is linearly independent  ... 
arXiv:1503.06931v1 fatcat:agl3y2fsvfbbtjqwjdtlpozqju

The generalized strong recurrence for non-zero rational parameters [article]

Takashi Nakamura
2010 arXiv   pre-print
The strong recurrence is equivalent to the Riemann hypothesis. On the other hand, the generalized strong recurrence holds for any irrational number.  ...  In this paper, we show the generalized strong recurrence for all non-zero rational numbers.  ...  The author also proved the generalized strong recurrence for every algebraic irrational number in [7, Corollary 1.2] .  ... 
arXiv:1006.1778v1 fatcat:er6ws5vaunfdtexyjekihc3hte

Erratum to: The generalized strong recurrence for non-zero rational parameters

Takashi Nakamura, Łukasz Pańkowski
2012 Archiv der Mathematik  
Moreover, we partially filled a gap existing in "The strong recurrence for non-zero rational parameters" and prove self-approximation of ζ(s) for 0 = d = a/b with |a − b| = 1 and gcd(a, b) = 1.  ... 
doi:10.1007/s00013-012-0392-0 fatcat:wyvw3geljrfbhdzfdry674563u

Corrigendum for "The generalized strong recurrence for non-zero rational parameters" Archiv der Mathematik 95 (2010), 549-555 [article]

Takashi Nakamura, Łukasz Pańkowski
2012 arXiv   pre-print
Moreover, we partially filled a gap existing in "The strong recurrence for non-zero rational parameters" and prove self-approximation of ζ(s) for 0 d=a/b with |a-b| 1 and (a,b)=1.  ... 
arXiv:1203.1393v1 fatcat:l6snzrmxkre47orb5eepfrug2m

Estimation of the unextendable dead time random duration parameter in a recurrent generalized asynchronous flow of physical events
Оценивание параметра непродлевающегося мёртвого времени случайной длительности в рекуррентном обобщённом асинхронном потоке физических событий

L.A. Nezhel'skaya, Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russian Federation), A.A. Pershina, Tomsk State University (Tomsk, Russian Federation)
2020 Izvestiya Vysshikh Uchebnykh Zavedenii. Fizika  
Рассматривается рекуррентный обобщенный асинхронный поток событий (обобщённый MMPP-поток), являющийся распространённой математической моделью потока элементарных частиц, информационных потоков заявок, функционирующих в телекоммуникационных и информационно-вычислительных сетях связи, и относящийся к классу дважды стохастических потоков событий. Функционирование потока рассматривается в условиях случайного непродлевающегося мертвого времени, распределённого по равномерному закону на отрезке [0, T
more » ... * ]. Производится оценивание параметра T * мёртвого времени методом моментов. Приводятся результаты статистических экспериментов. Ключевые слова: рекуррентный обобщенный асинхронный поток событий, непродлевающееся случайное мёртвое время, оценка параметра, метод моментов.
doi:10.17223/00213411/63/1/88 fatcat:vvyzh5mo3jhnrodwdccqjuklcq

Estimation of the uniform distribution parameter of unextendable dead time duration in a generalized recurrent asynchronous flow of events by the maximum likelihood method
Оценивание методом максимального правдоподобия параметра распределения случайного мертвого времени в рекуррентном обобщенном асинхронном потоке событий

Lyudmila A. Nezhel'skaya, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Anna A. Pershina
2021 Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Upravlenie vychislitel naya tekhnika i informatika  
Оценивание методом максимального правдоподобия параметра распределения случайного мертвого времени 53 ВЕСТНИК ТОМСКОГО ГОСУДАРСТВЕННОГО УНИВЕРСИТЕТА 2021 Управление, вычислительная техника и информатика № 55 УДК 519.21 Изучается рекуррентный обобщенный асинхронный поток событий, являющийся распространенной математической моделью информационных потоков сообщений, функционирующих в телекоммуникационных сетях, и относящийся к классу дважды стохастических потоков событий. Функционирование потока
more » ... сматривается в стационарном режиме и в условиях непродлевающегося случайного мертвого времени, распределенного по равномерному закону на отрезке [0, T * ]. Рассматриваются общий и особый случаи задания параметров рекуррентного обобщенного асинхронного потока событий. Приводятся численные результаты (в общем и особом случаях) по оцениванию параметра T * методом максимального правдоподобия. Ключевые слова: рекуррентный обобщенный асинхронный поток; непродлевающееся случайное мертвое время; оценка параметра; метод максимального правдоподобия. NEZHEL'SKAYA Lyudmila Alekseevna (Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of Applied
doi:10.17223/19988605/55/7 fatcat:2qiknjy2nffe7bmro4522rekka

Estimation procedure of the uniform distribution parameter of unextendable dead time duration in a generalized recurrent asynchronous flow of events in special case
Процедура оценивания параметра равномерного распределения длительности непродлевающегося случайного мертвого времени в рекуррентном обобщенном асинхронном потоке событий в особом случае

Lyudmila A. Nezhel'skaya, Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Anna A. Pershina
2021 Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta Upravlenie vychislitel naya tekhnika i informatika  
doi:10.17223/19988605/54/8 fatcat:7h3ayjg4w5gwlkpiy6cqh4ob6y

Could there be a relationship between type of anesthesia and oncological parameters after transurethral resection of bladder cancer?

Konstantinos Dimitropoulos, Vassilios Tzortzis
2018 Translational Andrology and Urology  
Interestingly, while patients who were offered general anesthesia were younger and with less comorbidities [based on American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) classification], their recurrence parameters  ...  act as potential confounders that could influence recurrence parameters.  ... 
doi:10.21037/tau.2018.03.12 pmid:29733085 pmcid:PMC5911533 fatcat:yzokrwoiqzcd7ochvdtxag4w5i

Short term flood forecasting using General Recurrent neural network modeling a comparative study

Rahul P. Deshmukh, A. A. Ghatol
2010 International Journal of Computer Applications  
General Terms:-Prediction, Radial basis function neural network, Time lagged recurrent neural network.  ...  for general recurrent neural network and can be considered as an alternate and practical tool for predicting short term flood flow.  ...  In the Table- VI the parameters and the best performances for general recurrent neural network are listed.  ... 
doi:10.5120/1259-1777 fatcat:fjwlbgmpuvf75hcetxk2jqgmka

Expansions of the Solutions of the General Heun Equation Governed by Two-Term Recurrence Relations for Coefficients

T. A. Ishkhanyan, T. A. Shahverdyan, A. M. Ishkhanyan
2018 Advances in High Energy Physics  
In general, the coefficients of the expansions obey three-term recurrence relations. However, there exist certain choices of the parameters for which the recurrence relations become two-term.  ...  a single generalized hypergeometric function.  ...  ] : (0) = 3 2 ( , , + 1; , ; ) , (33) where the parameter is given as = − . (34) Note that using this parameter the solution of (32) is parameterized as [41] = 1 + , = ( − + 1) ( − ) ( − ) . (35) We  ... 
doi:10.1155/2018/4263678 fatcat:amm6dyjnw5b7pdvq5djtgpwyqa

Football Match Dynamics Explored by Recurrence Analysis

Martin Lames, Sebastian Hermann, René Prüßner, Hendrik Meth
2021 Frontiers in Psychology  
With a recurrence threshold of rt = 9 m and a minimum line length of lmin = 3 s, general recurrence parameters were calculated to characterize the individual recurrence behaviors of each match.  ...  Three football-specific recurrence parameters were defined to represent recurrence properties of open play.  ...  General Recurrence Parameters Marwan et al. ( 2007 ) suggested the use of general recurrence parameters to quantify certain aspects of recurrence.  ... 
doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.747058 pmid:34630256 pmcid:PMC8498199 fatcat:rdsfzvilcrh7rbmgs6dcjfmzvy

The Type I Generalized Half-Logistic Distribution Based on Upper Record Values

Devendra Kumar, Neetu Jain, Shivani Gupta
2015 Journal of Probability and Statistics  
We consider the type I generalized half-logistic distribution and derive some new explicit expressions and recurrence relations for marginal and joint moment generating functions of upper record values  ...  Also, we compute the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters of upper record values and their confidence intervals.  ...  Setting = 1 in (15) , we deduce the recurrence relation for marginal moment generating function of upper record values from the type I generalized half-logistic distribution.  ... 
doi:10.1155/2015/393608 fatcat:xlwssg6t5nd7fkjiicgqsu2iu4

Recurrence-based detection of the hyperchaos-chaos transition in an electronic circuit

E. J. Ngamga, A. Buscarino, M. Frasca, G. Sciuto, J. Kurths, L. Fortuna
2010 Chaos  
Dynamical systems show a wide range of complex behavior depending on certain order parameters.  ...  ., "Using recurrences to characterize the hyperchaos-chaos transition," Phys. Rev. E 78, 066206 ͑2008͔͒.  ...  CONCLUSIONS In this paper, the four recurrence-based measures introduced in Ref. 2 have been used in combination with a statistical method based on twin surrogates generated from recurrence properties  ... 
doi:10.1063/1.3498731 pmid:21198085 fatcat:u7xar5abdbe3jhppawvoyw55zi
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