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Recovering Range Using Virtual Multicamera Stereo

David W. Murray
1995 Computer Vision and Image Understanding  
The recovery method can be regarded as either structure from known motion or as multi-camera stereo.  ...  Also described are the principles of a device comprising of a static camera and rotating plane mirror that enables the same method of range recovery, but with significant benefits in terms of mechanical  ...  [1] described an omni-directional stereo system which used a single camera rotating about an offset axis.  ... 
doi:10.1006/cviu.1995.1021 fatcat:ofedp4thwzh7xaieuij7dgflpy

Virtualized Reality: Perspectives on 4D Digitization of Dynamic Events

Takeo Kanade, P.J. Narayanan
2007 IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications  
Scene structure The Virtualized Reality system uses a multicamera stereo algorithm to recover the scene structure.  ...  Origins of the field The precursor to the Virtualized Reality project was the development of the multicamera, multibaseline video-rate stereo machine in the early 1990s.  ... 
doi:10.1109/mcg.2007.72 pmid:17523360 fatcat:twr5pcg3lfck7ckbqli6kgbdiu

Appearance-based virtual view generation from multicamera videos captured in the 3-d room

H. Saito, S. Baba, T. Kanade
2003 IEEE transactions on multimedia  
Our method of 3-D modeling from multiple images uses the Multiple Baseline Stereo method and the Shape from Silhouette method.  ...  The virtual view sequences are presented for demonstrating the performance of the virtual view generation in the 3-D Room.  ...  [35] , led to several robust approaches to recovering global 3-D geometry from range images from different view.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tmm.2003.813283 fatcat:gwk7bcqq5ze2nd4ql3sdqpgysa

Fusing Multiview and Photometric Stereo for 3D Reconstruction under Uncalibrated Illumination

Chenglei Wu, Yebin Liu, Qionghai Dai, Bennett Wilburn
2011 IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics  
Surface normals are initialized using a multi-illumination multiview stereo algorithm, then refined using a robust alternating optimization method based on the ' 1 metric.  ...  Based on recent results showing that for Lambertian objects, general illumination can be approximated well using low-order spherical harmonics, we develop a robust alternating approach to recover surface  ...  Photometric Stereo Photometric stereo recovers surface orientations using images from a single viewpoint taken under different illumination.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tvcg.2010.224 pmid:21659677 fatcat:lk3xsxdbajb3vkjpqpohp26taa

Fusing Monocular Information in Multicamera SLAM

J. Sola, A. Monin, M. Devy, T. Vidal-Calleja
2008 IEEE Transactions on robotics  
to a limited range).  ...  This paper explores the possibilities of using monocular simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) algorithms in systems with more than one camera.  ...  An iterative minimization algorithm, usually based on BA, is run to recover the stereo rig motion, which is then transformed into robot motion.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tro.2008.2004640 fatcat:lksdgrk3rbfzbkxcnws3a225du

Simulation Framework for Mobile Robots in Planetary-Like Environments [article]

Riccardo Giubilato and Andrea Masili and Sebastiano Chiodini and Marco Pertile and Stefano Debei
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The possibility of simulating arbitrary sensor setups comprising cameras, LiDARs (Light Detection and Ranging) and IMUs makes Gazebo an excellent resource for rapid prototyping.  ...  The stereo camera is implemented using the multicamera plugin which allows to simulate lens distortion and noise in the image.  ...  (a-d) Stereo camera output with left and right images (after intrinsic and extrinsic calibration) using the multicamera plugin, disparity map and generated pointcloud.  ... 
arXiv:2006.00057v2 fatcat:fzh2fwbelbhbzehhq6zswiklym

3-D Time-Varying Scene Capture Technologies—A Survey

Elena Stoykova, A. Ayd¿n Alatan, Philip Benzie, Nikos Grammalidis, Sotiris Malassiotis, Joern Ostermann, Sergej Piekh, Ventseslav Sainov, Christian Theobalt, Thangavel Thevar, Xenophon Zabulis
2007 IEEE transactions on circuits and systems for video technology (Print)  
The existing techniques for 3-D extraction from single-camera video sequences are especially useful for conversion of the already available vast mono-view content to the 3DTV systems.  ...  Sceneoriented single-camera methods such as human face reconstruction and facial motion analysis, body modeling and body motion tracking, and motion recognition solve efficiently a variety of tasks. 3-D multicamera  ...  Although the achieved visual quality is very high, the range of allowed virtual view points is very limited.  ... 
doi:10.1109/tcsvt.2007.909975 fatcat:fcawg5r2cbdynbufjedu2mda3a

FVV Live: A real-time free-viewpoint video system with consumer electronics hardware [article]

Pablo Carballeira, Carlos Carmona, César Díaz, Daniel Berjón, Daniel Corregidor, Julián Cabrera, Francisco Morán, Carmen Doblado, Sergio Arnaldo, María del Mar Martín, Narciso García
2020 arXiv   pre-print
The system has been designed to yield high-quality free-viewpoint video using consumer-grade cameras and hardware, which enables low deployment costs and easy installation for immersive event-broadcasting  ...  The design of FVV Live allows for an arbitrary number of cameras and capture servers, and the results presented in this paper correspond to an implementation with nine stereo-based depth cameras.  ...  The structure from motion (SfM) paradigm [55] , is used to recover the 3D structure of the BG from colour images from the set of calibrated cameras.  ... 
arXiv:2007.00558v1 fatcat:vbzuyolyrzao5gttfilmcvurjy

Project AutoVision: Localization and 3D Scene Perception for an Autonomous Vehicle with a Multi-Camera System [article]

Lionel Heng, Benjamin Choi, Zhaopeng Cui, Marcel Geppert, Sixing Hu, Benson Kuan, Peidong Liu, Rang Nguyen, Ye Chuan Yeo, Andreas Geiger, Gim Hee Lee, Marc Pollefeys, Torsten Sattler
2019 arXiv   pre-print
The sensor suite employs many cameras for both 360-degree coverage and accurate multi-view stereo; the use of low-cost cameras keeps the cost of this sensor suite to a minimum.  ...  We exploit the mostly longitudinal movement of the vehicle by simulating a multi-baseline stereo system on each side of the vehicle and which consists of 2 actual NIR cameras and at least 1 virtual NIR  ...  The front side of the vehicle has the highest number of NIR cameras; these 5 NIR cameras facilitate widebaseline stereo, and in turn, long-range perception which is critical for autonomous vehicles moving  ... 
arXiv:1809.05477v2 fatcat:psxp34p4hbfzdjvxtnrvj26ysy

Handheld pose tracking using vision-inertial sensors with occlusion handling

Juan Li, Maarten Slembrouck, Francis Deboeverie, Ana M. Bernardos, Juan A. Besada, Peter Veelaert, Hamid Aghajan, José R. Casar, Wilfried Philips
2016 Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI)  
pose tracking using vision-inertial sensors with occlusion handling," Abstract.  ...  Three data fusion methods have been proposed, including the triangulation-based stereo-vision system, constraint-based stereo-vision system with occlusion handling, and triangulation-based multivision  ...  a multicamera network.  ... 
doi:10.1117/1.jei.25.4.041012 fatcat:xoik3lptnfgt3bgg33b5mkxupy

Literature Survey on Multi-Camera System and Its Application

Adeshina Sirajdin Olagoke, Haidi Ibrahim, Soo Siang Teoh
2020 IEEE Access  
The acquired dataset was carried out with a multicamera consist of a Microsoft Kinect v2 ToF sensor, an Intel RealSense R200 active stereo sensor and a Stereolabs ZED passive stereo camera.  ...  The final depth map was recomputed at each segment using pairwise stereo matching using a cost function.  ... 
doi:10.1109/access.2020.3024568 fatcat:j4lupf5ftzflbhvubbv7ppvdh4

iModel: Interactive Co-segmentation for Object of Interest 3D Modeling [chapter]

Adarsh Kowdle, Dhruv Batra, Wen-Chao Chen, Tsuhan Chen
2012 Lecture Notes in Computer Science  
In this paper, we use successful ideas from the object cut-out literature, and develop an interactive-cosegmentation-based algorithm that uses scribbles from the user indicating foreground (object to be  ...  Using these silhouettes, and the camera parameters obtained from structure-from-motion, in conjunction with a shape-from-silhouette algorithm we generate a texture-mapped 3D model of the object of interest  ...  They also propose an approach of using a structured lighting to perform spacetime stereo by matching a pair of video streams which can help recover the shape of even dynamic objects [18] .  ... 
doi:10.1007/978-3-642-35740-4_17 fatcat:hta2eltixjbr3m6373lhmbywxu

Three-Dimensional Motion Estimation via Matrix Completion

Kun Li, Qionghai Dai, Wenli Xu, Jingyu Yang, Jianmin Jiang
2012 IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics Part B (Cybernetics)  
The most accurate motion estimation for each vertex in the recovered matrix is further selected by three spatiotemporal criteria.  ...  Liu for their useful suggestions and helpful discussions.  ...  Initial depth maps are first calculated by a new hierarchical rule-based stereo matching method, and then, different available constraints under a multicamera setup are integrated and utilized for 3-D  ... 
doi:10.1109/tsmcb.2011.2168953 pmid:22010156 fatcat:uypvpawihzecrie5ey42fzdf7u

Stereo Algorithms and Representations for Image-based Rendering

R. Szeliski
1999 Procedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 1999  
This paper reviews a number of recently developed stereo matching algorithms and representations.  ...  The paper begins by reviewing some recent approaches to the classic problem of recovering a depth map from two or more images.  ...  Figure 1 shows the results of applying three different matching algorithms on a multicamera stereo data set provided by the University of Tsukuba.  ... 
doi:10.5244/c.13.32 dblp:conf/bmvc/Szeliski99 fatcat:4eylo7ml5jb3rdmmpynioevxpy

Template Matching for Wide-Baseline Panoramic Images from a Vehicle-Borne Multi-Camera Rig

Shunping Ji, Dawen Yu, Yong Hong, Meng Lu
2018 ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information  
A low-cost laser scanner is optionally used to constrain the depth of an object.  ...  Third, the corresponding features in adjacent stereo pairs are used to recover the scale shift between them. Every 3D feature could vote a scale and the median value is used.  ...  Third, the corresponding features in adjacent stereo pairs are used to recover the scale shift between them. Every 3D feature could vote a scale and the median value is used.  ... 
doi:10.3390/ijgi7070236 fatcat:3uafgpmhivhnxaplxwdcglv624
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