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Reconciling Enumerative and Symbolic Search in Syntax-Guided Synthesis [article]

Kangjing Huang and Xiaokang Qiu and Qi Tian and Yanjun Wang
2018 arXiv   pre-print
For syntax-guided synthesis there are two main search strategies: concrete search, which systematically or stochastically enumerates all possible solutions, and symbolic search, which interacts with a  ...  For each fixed height, the framework symbolically searches a solution through the counterexample-guided inductive synthesis approach.  ...  In this paper, we present a concolic SyGuS synthesis framework that breaks the dichotomy and reconciles the concrete and symbolic search strategies.  ... 
arXiv:1802.04428v1 fatcat:cpjjwgfez5burdyvjwrz2m3kfe

Absynthe: Abstract Interpretation-Guided Synthesis [article]

Sankha Narayan Guria, Jeffrey S. Foster, David Van Horn
2023 arXiv   pre-print
We evaluated Absynthe on SyGuS strings benchmark and found it competitive with other enumerative search solvers.  ...  In this paper, we propose Absynthe, an alternative approach based on user-defined abstract semantics that aims to be both lightweight and language agnostic, yet effective in guiding the search for programs  ...  DryadSynth [Huang et al. 2020 ] explores a reconciling deductive and enumerative synthesis in Sy-GuS problems limited to the conditional linear integer arithmetic background theory.  ... 
arXiv:2302.13145v1 fatcat:xiwgzn4wjbcc7goyrijz6r23p4

Type-driven Neural Programming by Example [article]

Kiara Grouwstra
2020 arXiv   pre-print
We introduce the Typed Neuro-Symbolic Program Synthesis (TNSPS) method based on this idea, and test it in the functional programming context to empirically verify type information may help improve generalization  ...  As a result of this split, programming types had yet to be used in neural program synthesis techniques.  ...  Neural-guided search Neural-guided search is an another approach to hybrid neural synthesis, and like Parisotto et al.  ... 
arXiv:2008.12613v5 fatcat:ejaoo63f7rfzbetmlxg4w4q63a

Concepts and Terms in the Faceted Classification: the Case of UDC

Vanda Broughton
2010 Knowledge organization  
theory and design of classifications and thesauri.  ...  A member of the Classification Research Group from the 1970s, she has also been a member of the IFLA Committee on Classification and Indexing and is the author of a number of books and articles on the  ...  on the search and interaction options that may be presented at the user interface .  ... 
doi:10.5771/0943-7444-2010-4-270 fatcat:ammrgp2pn5ectnq32zccrvixfe

A DSL Approach to Reconcile Equivalent Divergent Program Executions

Luís Pina, Daniel Grumberg, Anastasios Andronidis, Cristian Cadar
2017 USENIX Annual Technical Conference  
the same program, and (3) deploying dynamic analyses in parallel with the native execution.  ...  In this paper, we propose a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to reconcile expected divergences between different program versions deployed through MVE.  ...  Acknowledgments We thank our shepherd Gilles Muller, the anonymous reviewers, and Andrea Mattavelli and for their useful feedback on the paper.  ... 
dblp:conf/usenix/PinaGAC17 fatcat:576wnuchnrbrbdpnkkjlidweou

Bottom-up Synthesis of Recursive Functional Programs using Angelic Execution [article]

Anders Miltner and Adrian Trejo Nuñez and Ana Brendel and Swarat Chaudhuri and Isil Dillig
2021 arXiv   pre-print
We have implemented this approach in a prototype called Burst and evaluate it on synthesis problems from prior work.  ...  this analysis to strengthen the specification, and finally reattempts synthesis with the strengthened specification.  ...  Reconciling Enumerative and Deductive Program Synthesis. In Proceedings of the 41st ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (London, UK) (PLDI 2020).  ... 
arXiv:2107.06253v2 fatcat:36h2qvwupbecrpyy7w3cys4pjy

Aeneas: Rust verification by functional translation

Son Ho, Jonathan Protzenko
2022 Proceedings of the ACM on Programming Languages (PACMPL)  
We implement our toolchain in a mixture of Rust and OCaml; our chief case study is a low-level, resizing hash table, for which we prove functional correctness, the first such result in Rust.  ...  This paper therefore establishes a new point in the design space of Rust verification toolchains, one that aims to verify Rust programs simply, and at scale.  ...  We warmly thank Xavier Denis and Jacques-Henri Jourdan for insightful discussions and useful advice throughout the design of Aeneas.  ... 
doi:10.1145/3547647 fatcat:xpok6ld3d5gsvaioe45ezj47ti

Aeneas: Rust Verification by Functional Translation [article]

Son Ho, Jonathan Protzenko
2022 arXiv   pre-print
This in turn allows us to perform the translation using a new technical device called backward functions. We implement our toolchain in a mixture of Rust and OCaml.  ...  Our first contribution is a new approach to borrows and controlled aliasing.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Aymeric Fromherz who bravely proofread this paper repeatedly, and gave many useful remarks and feedback.  ... 
arXiv:2206.07185v1 fatcat:b5igomiipjc7jiffgwmrkr6xry

Changing Perspectives on Classification as a Knowledge-Representation Process

Barbara H. Kwaśnik
2019 Knowledge organization  
No matter how immutable a classification may seem, it is, after all, an artifact of the human imagination and functions in a particular place and time.  ...  ; 2) In what ways might we develop classifications that enhance our ability to discover meaningful information in the information stores that form a part of our scholarly as well as our everyday lives?  ...  and then also the syntax of any given classification .  ... 
doi:10.5771/0943-7444-2019-8-656 fatcat:wojlrvv2yffkrmkjn4n43g3rwi

Model-Driven Software Engineering in Practice: Second Edition

Marco Brambilla, Jordi Cabot, Manuel Wimmer
2017 Synthesis Lectures on Software Engineering  
e Synthesis Lectures on Software Engineering series publishes short books (75-125 pages) on conceiving, specifying, architecting, designing, implementing, managing, measuring, analyzing, validating, and  ...  MDSE adoption in the software industry is foreseen to grow exponentially in the near future, e.g., due to the convergence of software development and business analysis.  ...  and the symbols used in sWML.  ... 
doi:10.2200/s00751ed2v01y201701swe004 fatcat:u5mnfbdrkrhw5lrerbbewxbc7e

2. Knowledge, Language and Reason [chapter]

David Ingram
2023 Health Care in the Information Society  
It follows the librarian's dilemma over the ages—discovering how best to position books and documents within collections and search them in pursuit of learning.  ...  Finally, the chapter moves to a discussion of some pioneering computer-based systems for capturing, storing and reasoning with medical knowledge, such as for guiding the prescription of antimicrobial drugs  ...  The machine learner surveys all manner of recorded appearances in its circumscribed problem domain, or 'world', and searches out more, learning to make its own connections and adapting its learning, guided  ... 
doi:10.11647/obp.0335.02 fatcat:rxmjrv3ghjhf5ekiroiscpljoy

Improved Abstractions and Turnaround Time for FPGA Design Validation and Debug

Yousef S. Iskander, Cameron D. Patterson, Stephen D. Craven
2011 2011 21st International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications  
Designs are typically first modeled using a high-level language then later rewritten in a hardware description language, first for simulation and then later modified for synthesis.  ...  Design validation is the most time-consuming task in the FPGA design cycle.  ...  Identify combines traditional integrated software development environment features such as syntax highlighting and context pop-ups for symbolic register values with hardware debugging.  ... 
doi:10.1109/fpl.2011.102 dblp:conf/fpl/IskanderPC11 fatcat:3m3crbq42remvh6d7oz6ftpexu

Using an induction prover for verifying arithmetic circuits

Deepak Kapur, Mahadevan Subramaniam
2000 International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)  
A theorem prover implementing: (i) a decision procedure for quantifier-free Presburger arithmetic with uninterpreted function symbols; (ii) conditional rewriting; and (iii) heuristics for carefully selecting  ...  multipliers and division circuits.  ...  To minimize human intervention in guiding proof search, it thus becomes CE o extremely important to develop heuristics for speculating intermediate conjectures that can help in discovering proofs.  ... 
doi:10.1007/pl00010808 fatcat:prlrlo2serb2tcn3qiwnz5s5pq

Grammatical Evolution of Technical Processes

Tino Stanković, Kristina Shea, Mario Štorga, Dorian Marjanović
2009 Volume 8: 14th Design for Manufacturing and the Life Cycle Conference; 6th Symposium on International Design and Design Education; 21st International Conference on Design Theory and Methodology, Parts A and B   unpublished
Based on the results of the analysis and assignment of rank to individual solutions the feedback is provided to the synthesis system enabling it to guide search further in the direction of improvement  ...  Guided by the previous work of Post and others, Chomsky seeks out transformational model for language syntax as a mean for producing the sentences of the language under analysis [19] .  ... 
doi:10.1115/detc2009-87042 fatcat:f7ta7lv6d5a3diz6e7a6bpggsi

Unification of Compile-Time and Runtime Metaprogramming in Scala

Eugene Burmako
In this dissertation, we present an exploration of the idea of unifying compile-time and runtime metaprogramming in Scala.  ...  First, guided by the motivation to consolidate disparate metaprogramming techniques available in earlier versions of Scala, we introduce scala.reflect, a unified metaprogramming framework that uses a language  ...  Acknowledgements I would like to heartily thank my advisor Martin Odersky for believing in my vision and trusting me with the autonomy to explore its avenues.  ... 
doi:10.5075/epfl-thesis-7159 fatcat:e4greyvss5ewjolwwoe6mq4xqm
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