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Optical recognition of handwritten Chinese characters by hierarchical radical matching method

An-Bang Wang, Kuo-Chin Fan
2001 Pattern Recognition  
In this paper, a radical-based OCR system for the recognition of handwritten Chinese characters is proposed.  ...  The average recognition time of our hierarchical radical matching scheme is 0.274 s. There are totally 4716 radicals in 1800 characters. In average, one character consists of 2.62 radicals.  ...  Introduction The recognition of optical handwritten Chinese character is an intricate problem.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0031-3203(99)00207-1 fatcat:x4l3k7ardjatjlnx5y52slr2bi

Abstracts of Current Computer Literature

1968 IEEE transactions on computers  
The method is based on the fact that Chinese characters are drawn as a definite sequence of a few types of strokes.  ...  Computer simulated experiments in character recognition are shown to illustrate the feasibility of this approach. 5751 On-Line Computer Classification of Handprinted Chinese Characters as a Translation  ... 
doi:10.1109/tc.1968.227432 fatcat:yjxmdy2fz5f6ph7qef6m72b6mq

JSE 30:4 Whole Issue PDF

Kathleen E. Erickson
2016 Journal of Scientific Exploration  
James Matlock, who read an earlier version of this paper and gave invaluable comments, and two anonymous reviewers of this journal for their helpful comments.  ...  The stroke of a sponge or cloth can be clearly seen. Figure 5 shows the third handprint that was made on the fume hood sash.  ...  Recognitions by subject of persons or objects with which the previous personality was familiar 6.  ... 
doaj:1f4df874efcd4ada9b15e0bc768657e5 fatcat:t43i44s6crfljaksgpvikbbpu4

Kanji no satori

Bruce David Russell
A translation of the title would read the "wisdom of Chinese-Japanese characters".  ...  For students with no prior experience with Chinese script the Chinese-Japanese characters, or kanji, can prove to be a barrier that limits progress in the written instruction and learning of Japanese.  ...  of strokes, equated with writing literacy wherever characters of Chinese origin are used.  ... 
doi:10.14288/1.0086936 fatcat:drcmtabdczdlznygm6gz4kqzfq

A shape analysis model with application to character and word recognition [article]

NA Nadeem Khan, WMG Wim Van Bokhoven, MPJ Mario Stevens, JA Hans Hegt
Acknowledgement We are thankful to the Industrial Vision Department of C.F.T, Philips, Eindhoven, The Netherlands for sponsoring this work.  ...  ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We would like to thank the Industrial Vision Department of Philips Centre for Manufacturing Technology, who sponsored this work.  ...  Pre-classification techniques have been widely investigated in case of handprinted Chinese character recognition and are considered to be the most promising ones.  ... 
doi:10.6100/ir533772 fatcat:lkkpqauvnjd25dvj6lf2ezcj5y

News Briefs

1995 Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology  
The experiment consisted of the private  ...  Fiber gratings are important components of a variety of new devices, such as fiber lasers, dispersion compensators, and strain sensors.  ...  HANDPRINT RECOGNITION RESEARCH ADVANCES NISTIR 5687, Method and Evaluation of Character Stroke Preservation on Handprint Recognition, describes a new technique for intelligent form removal and a new method  ... 
doi:10.6028/jres.100.055 fatcat:blxu22bwlrfsbpjk3hkcqqfgni

The Dictionary [chapter]

2014 An Encyclopedic Dictionary of Women in Early American Films  
Unable to attend the ceremony because of failing health, via satellite from New York the actor simply said, "You've made me very happy. Thank you very much."  ...  At one time she was called the "joy girl of the silent screen," in recognition of a role she played in The Joy Girl (1927) , one of her most popular movies.  ...  Theirs became a long-distance marriage and they collaborated on projects via letters and telegrams.  ... 
doi:10.4324/9781315785929-6 fatcat:rne2ux466jealaee7vf3wq3qha

Living auspiciousness : the resurgence of Mianzhu's new year picture (nianhua) industry

April Liu
Chinese nianhua, or "New Year Pictures," refers to a broad category of popular prints and paintings displayed during the Lunar New Year but also throughout the year to mark seasonal festivals, life cycle  ...  Despite the widespread circulation of nianhua today, the scholarly literature has largely characterized it as a thing of the past, as that which died out with the state circumscription of the woodblock  ...  , the Chinese language creates many homophonic words, each represented by a different character.  ... 
doi:10.14288/1.0072750 fatcat:yvuuo5jp6bdwdec2hwbpovzvuu

X international scientific conference. Dortmund. Germany. 07-08.12.2023 [article]

World of Conferences
2023 Zenodo  
Development of science in the XXI century Proceedings of the X International Scientific and Practical Conference 07-08 December 2023 Dortmund, Germany  ...  There are emotional, volitional and intellectual character traits of a lawyer.  ...  After these needs are satisfied, the demands such as support, recognition and usefulness arise in a person.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10365740 fatcat:bd6whz4embefjb632squ63unym

Speech-understanding systems : final report of a study group

Allen Newell
He has worked on speech recognition and automatic recognition of handprinted characters utilizing contextual constraints. A1.2 Dr. D. R.  ...  In the case of unvoiced sounds the vocal cords are relaxed and partially open.  ...  Whether or not substantial involvement of a significant number of longexperienced speech researchers is made a fundamental tenet of management of the project.  ... 
doi:10.1184/r1/6609830 fatcat:kl63jjxembd5ve5p5medwdlyjm

The Terms of Our Connection: Affiliation and Difference in the Post-1960 North American Novel

Jennifer M. James
of affiliation.  ...  These novels of affiliation, I argue, represent the creation of lateral bonds of attachment among individuals of different races, ethnicities, genders, sexualities and classes.  ...  Her long fingers stroked his back, and he began, slowly, with a horrible, strangling sound, to weep, for she was stroking his innocence out of him. 174 The passage's emphasis on vision symbolizes the couple's  ... 
doi:10.7916/d81j97tx fatcat:qntup2loe5h3jpwr347enu6h7u

Setting up Camp: Identifying Camp through Theme and Structure [article]

(:Unkn) Unknown, University, My, Cornelius B. Pratt
So, I ask the question, can we define camp via its structure, theme and character types?  ...  In addition to demonstrating something which no critic has done previously, namely, that we can, indeed, identify camp via structure, character and particularly theme, this investigation results in several  ...  Find a way to relax." And, she does find a way to relax: she takes a teenage lover, the couple"s gardener, John Rowland (Jesse Metcalfe).  ... 
doi:10.34944/dspace/2314 fatcat:7c6d7qj7efd7jmyoy7ouhrszwi

Making a Difference: Creative Visions of Tracey Moffatt and Rachel Perkins

Charon Ann Freebody
Submission note: A thesis submitted in total fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Commerce, School of Humanities and Social  ...  forced removals of children from Indigenous mothers and families, loss of language and cultural roots; 3. advance various forms of healing and hope, including the reconnection of severed links between  ...  Acknowledgements Big things, I believe, are always the product of a collective energy moving in the same direction, sometimes at a glacial pace and so with this in mind . . .  ... 
doi:10.26181/21859017 fatcat:ybfibcnb5rcq5gbc77qq6j22lm

Muslim Modernities: Interdisciplinary Insights Across Time and Space1

Charles Kurzman, Bruce B. Lawrence
2015 The Muslim world  
strokes with ethnographic and historical particularities.  ...  of Chinese gentlemen of "advanced views" according to a British official Maurice Freedman, "Chinese Family Law in Singapore," in Family Law in Asia and Africa, ed.  ...  African Traditional Religions free of the dead-weight of a theological bureaucracy are free to assess the present in the light of immediate needs.  ... 
doi:10.1111/muwo.12105 fatcat:ou3hwufltbgkxb7m45olialouu

Blom_tc.columbia_0055E_11069.pdf [article]

Instead of vibrant spectrums of graffiti spray-painted in 10-foot murals, the expression of Juan's understanding was rendered only in the gray of No. 2 pencils and bounded by bubbles.  ...  Over the next decade, as I incorporated more work with aesthetic engagement in my classrooms, my understanding of the benefits and challenges of creative forms of criticism grew and evolved.  ...  As they painted, they observed the image that was unfolding in front of their eyes as a result of their brush strokes (or finger strokes in some cases).  ... 
doi:10.7916/d8-2r39-xv76 fatcat:ll4pvqexjjbavcdpqcdgrjh5pe
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