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Exploratory Orientation, Business Model Innovation and New Venture Growth

Hao Zhang, Xinbo Sun, Chan Lyu
2017 Sustainability  
In view of this question, this paper deconstructs the growth mechanism of the present new Chinese ventures from the perspective of Internet entrepreneurship and points out that exploratory orientation  ...  innovation plays a mediated role between exploratory orientation and new business growth; (3) Internet embeddedness is found as a moderator in the relationship between exploratory orientation and the  ...  Acknowledgments: We would like to thank the Beijing Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Number: 9162003), and acknowledge the editors and reviewers for their language assistance and valuable comments  ... 
doi:10.3390/su10010056 fatcat:kazm5bx3onbuhgw3amgj4bypk4

A Review of Domestic Internal Control Literature in Recent Years

Yixin Yuan
2019 Modern Economy  
This paper demonstrates the research trends of domestic internal control topics in recent years through a brief exposition of the development process of internal control of enterprises and the combing  ...  of relevant internal control research literatures in recent years, so that readers can research the internal control of China in recent years.  ...  Whether it is the direction and topic at the beginning of the paper, or the structure and framework of the paper, the instructors have given guidance and advice on the revision of the paper from the overall  ... 
doi:10.4236/me.2019.104085 fatcat:26vyv35sl5gh5kfjlfah7qljdu

The Effects of the Emotion adjustment and School adaptation of the Children of the Families that Broke Away from North Korea

2021 Elementary Education Online  
A recent trend of North Korean defectors is that an increasing number of them defect from North Korea and come to Korea as a family unit.  ...  Among nonparametric statistical methods, the Mann-Whitney U Test and the Wilcoxon Singed-Rank Test were conducted by SPSS 20.0. The results of this study are summarized as follows.  ...  A recent trend of North Korean defectors is that an increasing number of them defect from North Korea and come to Korea as a family unit.  ... 
doi:10.17051/ilkonline.2021.03.77 fatcat:hd6rjtrgmvhuvi32yqaq2umkrq

An experimental comparison of reading techniques for defect detection in UML design documents

Oliver Laitenberger, Colin Atkinson, Maud Schlich, Khaled El Emam
2000 Journal of Systems and Software  
In this paper we describe and experimentally compare one scenariobased reading technique, namely perspective-based reading (PBR), for defect detection in objectoriented design documents using the notation  ...  Recent research efforts investigated the benefits of scenario-based reading techniques for defect detection in functional requirements and functional code documents.  ...  The recent publication of the Unified Modelling Language (UML) notation [7] accentuates this trend.  ... 
doi:10.1016/s0164-1212(00)00052-2 fatcat:jwiujyfjcrddxdeuh7tx4fw55i

A Comprehensive Analysis of Ensemble-based Fault Prediction Models Using Product, Process, and Object-Oriented Metrics in Software Engineering

Atul Pandey, Srujana Maddula, Gaddam Prathik Kumar, Sarthak Kumar Shailendra, Karan Mudaliar
2024 Zenodo  
This study contributes a comprehensive taxonomy to the discourse, offering a holistic perspective on the multifaceted landscape of object-oriented metrics in fault prediction within the broader context  ...  Keywords:- Software Fault Prediction; Object-Oriented Testing; Object-Oriented Coupling; Machine Learning, Ensemble Design, Product, and Process Metrics.  ...  Similarly, Zhou, Xu, and Leung [29] Recent trends in software fault prediction underscore the increasing popularity of machine learning algorithms.  ... 
doi:10.5281/zenodo.10464708 fatcat:mgqv3sg7jrdu5ek6tgcagvo5em

Motor Imagery in Asperger Syndrome: Testing Action Simulation by the Hand Laterality Task

Massimiliano Conson, Elisabetta Mazzarella, Alessandro Frolli, Dalila Esposito, Nicoletta Marino, Luigi Trojano, Angelo Massagli, Giovanna Gison, Nellantonio Aprea, Dario Grossi, Ramesh Balasubramaniam
2013 PLoS ONE  
Overall performance on both hand laterality and letter rotation tasks, instead, did not differ in the two groups. These findings demonstrated a specific alteration of motor imagery skills in AS.  ...  In recent years, it has been suggested that ASD is related to a dysfunction of action simulation processes, but studies employing imitation or action observation tasks provided mixed results.  ...  [33] found that children with ASD performed better than typical children on mental rotation of objects (but performed worse on a visual perspective taking task). More recently, Soulières et al.  ... 
doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0070734 pmid:23894683 pmcid:PMC3720915 fatcat:h7ry632rjzagpmgufhxyuxmqg4

Empirical study of software quality evolution in open source projects using agile practices [article]

Alessandro Murgia, Giulio Concas, Sandro Pinna, Roberto Tonelli, Ivana Turnu
2009 arXiv   pre-print
Our study is centered on quality analysis of the systems, measured as defects absence, and its relation with software metrics evolution.  ...  We propose a metrics suite for Java files based on Chidamber and Kemerer suite, and use it to study software evolution and its relationship with bug count.  ...  This work presents a study of software structure and bug dynamics matching recent advances on object-oriented source code analysis and representation using complex network theory reported in (Concas et  ... 
arXiv:0905.3287v1 fatcat:edteshjhuzelpptfm3rbrps4ge

Guest editorial: fatigue design and material defects

F. Morel, Y. Nadot, J.-Y. Buffière, Y. Murakami, M. Brüne
2015 Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures  
is an open access repository that collects the work of Arts et Métiers ParisTech researchers and makes it freely available over the web where possible.  ...  This special topic on fatigue design and material defects is a selection of eight papers that present recent developments and trends covering most of these topics.  ...  process) and also from a design optimization perspective.  ... 
doi:10.1111/ffe.12332 fatcat:avqkczl7ojdkfovwcmt6ks3ai4

Defect Aware to Power Conscious Tests - The New DFT Landscape

Nilanjan Mukherjee, Janusz Rajski, Jerzy Tyszer
2009 2009 22nd International Conference on VLSI Design  
New fault models that are termed as "defect aware" are being proposed and there is a demand for test vectors targeting such defects.  ...  Each one of the fault models will be discussed and the current trends in the industry along with some preliminary silicon experiments will be presented.  ...  Recently, he received the prestigious 2006 IEEE Circuits and Systems Society Donald O.  ... 
doi:10.1109/vlsi.design.2009.111 dblp:conf/vlsid/MukherjeeRT09 fatcat:k5aporpwcvcvra7uaohgbmr6p4

SIAD: Self-supervised Image Anomaly Detection System [article]

Jiawei Li, Chenxi Lan, Xinyi Zhang, Bolin Jiang, Yuqiu Xie, Naiqi Li, Yan Liu, Yaowei Li, Enze Huo, Bin Chen
2023 arXiv   pre-print
Recent trends in AIGC effectively boosted the application of visual inspection.  ...  With user-friendly web-based interfaces, SsaA is very convenient to integrate and deploy both of the unsupervised and supervised algorithms.  ...  On the one hand, from the perspective of annotation, current supervised visual inspection relies on human expertise to make high-quality labels for the model training.  ... 
arXiv:2208.04173v2 fatcat:agcdshkdnjfqzotbzdvzy4zuqy

Extending software engineering research outside the digital box

Barry W. Boehm
2010 Proceedings of the FSE/SDP workshop on Future of software engineering research - FoSER '10  
This position paper addresses two perspectives on the future of software engineering when viewed in this broader context.  ...  Since software is developed to run on computers, there is a tendency to focus computer science and software engineering on how best to get software to run on computers.  ...  A valuable perspective on the mismatches between traditional hardware-oriented systems engineering architectural structures and modern software architectural structures has been provided in [Maier, 2006  ... 
doi:10.1145/1882362.1882371 dblp:conf/sigsoft/Boehm10 fatcat:dymnr2xyxnhovpyu3dujdgupim

Home Perspectives: JALT Journal Turns 30: A Retrospective Look at the First Three Decades Perspectives: JALT Journal Turns 30: A Retrospective Look at the First Three Decades

Paul Stapleton, Paul Collett
2010 JALT journal  
The primary research focus was language teaching pedagogy; however, other areas receiving attention in the first three decades were pragmatics, motivation, and test reliability, with these three appearing  ...  entered its fourth decade, this retrospective of the first 30 volumes surveys some aspects of papers published in the journal, including characteristics regarding research methodology, research focus, and  ...  As noted in the section on nationality of authors, the number of Japanese authors has been increasing in the past 15 years, and this trend combined with the findings above may point to an increase in the  ... 
doi:10.37546/jaltjj32.1-4 fatcat:2722jkdagbecppbzr42uaxizyy

Page 131 of Violence & Abuse Abstracts Vol. 5, Issue 2 [page]

1999 Violence & Abuse Abstracts  
Recently, street crime has increased eightfold, and this type of crime has been historically patterned, has often developed rapidly, and has a strong impact on African Americans.  ...  This article highlights the importance for criminology of theorizing about human beings and the environment in a way that recognizes different perspectives on this relationship.  ... 

Three-Dimensional Imaging of Individual Point Defects Using Selective Detection Angles in Annular Dark Field Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy [article]

Jared M. Johnson, Soohyun Im, Jinwoo Hwang
2016 arXiv   pre-print
The effect of sample thickness, crystal orientation, probe convergence angle, and experimental uncertainty will also be discussed.  ...  Using multislice STEM imaging and diffraction simulations of beta-Ga2O3 and SrTiO3, we show that selecting a small range of low scattering angles can make the contrast of the defect-containing atomic columns  ...  Acknowledgement The authors acknowledge the use of the computing facilities at the Ohio Supercomputer Center, which were used to carry out the STEM image and diffraction simulations.  ... 
arXiv:1607.02640v1 fatcat:own54jwknze4lcattvtsbdn5vi

Changing Brains, Changing Perspectives

Wouter van den Bos, Eric van Dijk, Michiel Westenberg, Serge A.R.B. Rombouts, Eveline A. Crone
2010 Psychological Science  
In contrast, young adolescents showed more activity in the anterior medial prefrontal cortex, a region previously associated with self-oriented processing and mentalizing.  ...  Adolescence is characterized by the emergence of advanced forms of social perspective taking and significant changes in social behavior.  ...  For the fMRI analyses, these contrasts were tested in the trust-versus-no-trust and defect-versusreciprocate comparisons.  ... 
doi:10.1177/0956797610391102 pmid:21164174 fatcat:zumjcvcp45gzjg7tha7zww6exu
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