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High-Definition Map Representation Techniques for Automated Vehicles

Babak Ebrahimi Soorchaei, Mahdi Razzaghpour, Rodolfo Valiente, Arash Raftari, Yaser Pourmohammadi Fallah
2022 Electronics  
In an urban traffic system, the road model is at least a map with sets of roads, lanes, and lane markers.  ...  The current state of autonomous vehicle (AV) mapping is encouraging, the field has matured to a point where detailed maps of complex environments are built in real time and have been proved useful.  ...  In [57] , the authors showed that a multilayer perceptron (MLP) could be used as the only scene representation in a real-time SLAM system using a hand-held RGB-D camera.  ... 
doi:10.3390/electronics11203374 fatcat:fbduqv2r35by5kpoxru6xqq5di