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Investigating Shift-Variance of Convolutional Neural Networks in Ultrasound Image Segmentation [article]

Mostafa Sharifzadeh, Habib Benali, Hassan Rivaz
2022 arXiv   pre-print
., in the lateral direction by one pixel, the output segmentation may drastically change.  ...  Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have attracted rapidly growing interest in automatic ultrasound image segmentation recently.  ...  They also developed the Refining U-Net (RU-Net) and a multi-task Localization U-Net (LU-Net) to refine and improve the robustness of segmentation [19] , [20] , [21] . Abraham et al.  ... 
arXiv:2107.10431v2 fatcat:v65bh4eeibhvzhyi2nyybtarda